it's all a dream

Aug 12, 2011 19:01

Characters: Anyone who wants to participate!
Date: Mid-event.
Summary: All of these individual dreams have combined into one mass dream that the characters have found themselves wandering around in. And it's less than pleasant.
Warnings: Possible violence.

I don't want to know what Freud has to say about this )

sephiroth, utena tenjou, souji seta, kyoko sakura, hikari horaki, homura akemi, *open, mami tomoe, kuja

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Comments 202

ELEANOR cagemyhappiness August 13 2011, 03:03:02 UTC
[Suddenly, there is the warm heat of something living under your fingertips and the sensation of a gentle, undulating movement- up, down, upagain, smooth and subtle and coming in rolling, dreamy crests. Open your eyes and there is only red. Miles of it. Acres of red feathers, you'll realize soon enough, rippling in the breeze.

The sky is a bright blue above, utterly cloudless; but if you look behind, there are stormheads in the distance. Growing smaller, being abandoned. You're on a massive bird flying toward the sun, as eventually becomes apparent when the tips of the enormous wings breach your line of sight in a distant, curving arc. There's the feeling, faint but there, of leaving unhappiness behind- all sadness, all pain. Now, on this ride, there's only peace.

Eleanor is nearby. Sprawled out on her back, eyes half-closed, a tiny dark-haired child dressed only in a white shift. Her birdcage is gone, and there's a small smile on her face.]


fallenfreelancr August 13 2011, 13:44:02 UTC
[Well this is new. Maine's not sure what's more perplexing, the fact that she's a giant bird or the feeling of peace (the feeling altogether alien to her).]

[She feels the small, slight weight of her passenger and cranes her head back to eye the girl with a glinting gold eye, giving a shrill, curious caw.]


cagemyhappiness August 14 2011, 23:14:25 UTC
[She sits up, feeling both the gaze and the shift in movement, meeting the birdy stare with the same small smile.]

Isn't this better?....nothing hurts anymore.


fallenfreelancr August 14 2011, 23:33:04 UTC
[Maine seems to consider this, turning her feathered head back forwards so she can see where she's going. It's true, it doesn't hurt, there's no feelings of crushing hopelessness, no gaping void that the AIs left behind when they shattered her mind. Just peace.]

[She almost doesn't know what to do with it.]

[Then, she gives another, more pleasant whirr, and tucks her great wings in for a dive. Better hold on, Eleanor! Maine's curious to see what she can do!]


KUJA existwithoutme August 13 2011, 03:27:47 UTC
[She never used to dream. Her mind wasn't refined enough, supposedly. Her mind. Who could be more refined than she is? She'd always believed herself superior--if she had no dreams, no emotions, why should she need them?

She can dream now, though she wishes she couldn't. It's always the same dream. Fire.

Reason falls away as fire flickers at her fingertips, then explodes into blinding light, flames of violet and scarlet. Her body, too, has turned scarlet, radiant with feathers, her long, furred tail the same color, coiling as she moves through space, her feet far above the ground. The earth does not bind her, but her rage does. So many ways to destroy the world, but Kuja favors fire. She won't stop, she can't stop, not till everything is charred, lifeless, and dark.]


a_good_daughter August 15 2011, 04:39:27 UTC
[There is fire, but it doesn't touch her. Nothing of any warmth ever can. Light and heat flee from Kadaj like birds from an oncoming storm.

The red-feathered being isn't a bird, it is the one called Kuja. Kadaj watches, suspended in a void of her own making, a chill black mist coiling around her, her bright eyes reflecting the fire falling all around. Kadaj seldom thinks of anything as being beautiful. It is a human idea what only just touches on the perfection of reunion-- but, this fire, it is something like the beauty if the end that precedes the beginning.]

This is your poetry then, Kuja.

[It isn't a question.]


existwithoutme August 15 2011, 05:11:14 UTC
[She's not used to having her flames withstood, not so easily, and the oddity makes her hesitate. She looks down at Kadaj with eyes that, in her current state, hold an expression similar to Kadaj's own: cold, mad, remorseless.

Here is someone who understands. No one else names her poetry what it is, identifies it so immediately and neatly. She smiles]

That's correct. No other poet can write so well or with such dazzling finality! A poem to end all poems, to wipe the world clean of everything that is not my verse.


a_good_daughter August 15 2011, 20:37:06 UTC
[Kadaj tilts her head, expressing neither agreement nor disagreement, pleasure or displeasure.]

And when all things are ended, poet? What then?


GAL hopelessdreamer August 13 2011, 05:20:46 UTC
[it's a beautiful city, all white and blue stone with elegant arches and water flowing underneath them. But the edges of the waterfalls drop off into darkness, nothingness.]

[most of the people are just imprints, vague human-shaped shadows that can't be looked at too closely, but there's one that's clear. She's lying in the shade of a tree in a small grassy park, surrounded by several odd-looking animals.]

[she doesn't seem to notice that the sky is growing darker, or that there's a figure in blue approaching with a measured gait, boots clicking on the cobblestones.]


gentlecuteside August 17 2011, 05:49:30 UTC
[Amamiya has been wandering this city for what seems like an eternity, in the compressed dreamtime. The shadows of people who should be there disturbed her, and she gave them a wide berth.]

[She was excited when she saw Gal sitting beneath the tree. She made her way over to her at a quick walking pace, obkivious to the third figure walking towards them.]

You! You're real, aren't you?


hopelessdreamer August 17 2011, 18:57:42 UTC
[she blinks and sits up, looking the girl over.]

Real? I'd hope so. You're not from around here, are you?

[she doesn't have the pale hair and tanned skin of a Grand Chokmah native, at least.]


gentlecuteside August 19 2011, 03:47:04 UTC
[She closes the distance quickly, standing over her.]

No, I'm not. I have no idea where 'here' is, for that matter.


The Meta fallenfreelancr August 13 2011, 13:34:06 UTC
[You're in space, specifically in the long, military grey corridors of the Mother of Invention. There's commotion all around you -- agents are coming and going on missions nearly around the clock here, prepping in armor processing or receiving a debrief on the lower bridge and awating the ranking outcomes, busy, faceless behind the visors, everyone's in full armor.]

[Maine's around, her armor slightly different; the pauldrons are done, leaving her broad curving shoulders blanketed only with the black undersuit, and the brown accents seems to be replaced with a burnished gold. She's looking for you, growling with anticipation -- you're going on a mission together, and your destination, the world below, seems to be building up a storm specifically for your arrival.]


soapscent August 17 2011, 06:48:25 UTC
[Jolyne felt constricted in the metal suit, like she was suffocating in the iron shell. She knows, somehow, that this is what she's supposed to be wearing, the standard uniform for the mission they're being sent on...but she still feels like she's suffocating.]


sistagonist August 13 2011, 16:41:17 UTC
Souji's not sure when she left her own rather silly dream, but she senses a path opening and follows it. It's instinctive, a connection pulling her toward more connections.

She glimpses peoples' dreams out of the corner of her eye - finds herself in a few for a few slivers of non-existant time - but her feet continue carrying her down the center path, imposing her own boundaries as she refuses to turn. Just like before, on those floating stones in that sea of fog, the mystery of it draws her onward. She can't help but want to see what's at the end.

Screams or not.

The images draw, swirl, and merge together into something unlike any of their parts. Souji can feel it instinctively - The World, or this World at least. What was in front of her was clear, if not explicable in human terms. The people and the place...

...she senses all this, but doesn't understand. Seeking an answer, she pushes ahead into the light of the Tree, simply walking forward until she finds an answer, becoming a symbol herself - The Fool, the quester, ( ... )


adelicateflame August 15 2011, 16:52:28 UTC
The Lamia is a creature half-woman and half-serpent, beautiful and loathsome all at once. She has sharp nails to tear flesh and sharp teeth to bite.

And she is usually a devourer of children, but perhaps this dreamer, this wanderer will do. Bloodthirsty and ravenous, she slithers within reach of the girl, slashes out with cruel talons.


sistagonist August 15 2011, 17:02:50 UTC
Dream claws are met with a dreamt sword. Just like before, only there was no fog here, only abstraction.

"Take me to someone who will talk to me," Souji says in her dream-logic state, deflecting the snake-woman's claws but not slashing at her yet. If the Lamia listens, great. If not, she's certain she can best a single monster.


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