❝all i see and get❞ ❖ open

May 31, 2011 10:26

Characters: Gabrielle Monsigny and OPEN
Date: Backdated to the evening of Sunday, May 29th.
Summary: The Monsigny Apartments open house.
Warnings: Reno's dirty mouth, obviously.

all i see is me everywhere )

sephiroth, jules grumley, reno, gabrielle monsigny, jackie bledsoe-follet, *open, rude, claire bennett

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Comments 124

tasercopter May 31 2011, 19:28:16 UTC
Yo, Gabe. [Reno points a finger gun at her, because she's classy like that. She already has a glass of champagne in hand, as the drinks were her first destination.]

Hey, I'd appreciate it if you didn't let anybody know where Rude and me are located. Or that we live here.

Food looks good. [Reno snatches up something that catches her eye and takes a bite out of it.]


aureation May 31 2011, 20:09:18 UTC
Are you hiding from someone? [She takes a moment to make sure everything is in the right place. Moving dishes and plates just a centimeter to the left, or making sure all the glasses are in an even order.] Knowing you, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody considered you their enemy.

I think so too. [She gives a smile and a quick, pleasant sigh before she steps back from the table to properly face Reno.] Miss Leijon really took her time with it.


tasercopter May 31 2011, 22:56:26 UTC
Nah, we just like to maintain a certain level of security. That's a general policy. [She picks up more things to eat, indifferent to plate placement and crumb dispersion.] There are some people here with shitty senses of humor. [She gives a short laugh.] But mostly I'm real popular.

[Reno glances toward the door, seemingly casual, preparing herself for the task of looking nonchalant in case Sephiroth shows up. She has her Electro-Mag rod tucked under one arm. Then she grins suddenly at Gabrielle.] Yeah. And you look like you'd be even better to eat. [Gotta compliment the hostess. Reno remembers her manners.]


aureation June 1 2011, 01:11:30 UTC
Mn. [She watches Reno eating the food, raising her eyebrow at the other woman's eating manners. She wasn't surprised to say the least, but as long as she wasn't completely demolishing the entire set-up, she's fine with it.] I'm sure.

[She can't help but laugh at the flirtation. It would be a lie if she said she didn't enjoy it.] That just may be the most flattering thing you've said to me yet! But I'd rather you stick to the food here for now. [She leans in just a bit, her voice lowered.] Wouldn't want to make a scene.


restlessdevil May 31 2011, 20:30:49 UTC
((I'm pushing Zenobia's wildcard event after this because she'd be really sad to miss the party. Also, does Mingling = thread jumping? :D ))

Oh, this looks lovely. [Zenobia enters, wearing a red dress and a wide smile.] It's been so long since I've been to a party!


aureation May 31 2011, 20:43:56 UTC
[ of course! at least, thread jumping to an extent where it doesn't seem too out of place. ]

Zenobia. [With a champagne glass in hand, she smiles at the girl.] I'm glad you could come!


restlessdevil May 31 2011, 20:47:49 UTC
((Just thought I'd check because I haven't seen it done often ^_^ Thanks.))

Me too! This was such a good idea! [She's obviously very excited.] This dress isn't too much, is it? I rarely ever wore dresses at home, especially not fancy ones.


aureation May 31 2011, 20:54:08 UTC
[She gently laughs.] You look great. Red certainly suits you!

[With her free hand, she beckons Zenobia to follow her.] Come here, I have something to show you.


alwaysricochets May 31 2011, 23:07:14 UTC
Rico wasn't usually one for parties. She was the type to go to a bar to get drunk, or to pick up a one-night stand, not mingle over finger-foods. But if she was going to stay at an apartment, she might as well make an appearance. Anyway, she was going to be stuck with these ladies for a long time, it seemed. It'd pay to get to know them.

That didn't stop her, of course, from picking up an alcoholic drink and a surly expression. Welcoming, she is not.


noneedforheroic May 31 2011, 23:33:06 UTC
[[I am a little ill, forgive me if I am a bit slow/typotastic -determined to this party.-]]

Rude can handle a party, knows how to stand around and look mean while she keeps an eye on her brat prince. Rufus isn't here though, and there's no point trying to keep Reno out of trouble. If she's going to find it, she's going to find it, and there's nothing Rude can do about it.

So she gets herself a drink and surveys the crowd instead, and you, Rico, have won the jackpot.

"That's quite an arm."

Not the biggest or the baddest she's ever seen, but it might be the only one she's seen in the Garden.


alwaysricochets May 31 2011, 23:44:14 UTC
[Hey, no prob. I understand.]

Rico is slow to respond, just shrugging lazily at the comment. She lifts her arm and flexes her fingers, watching the metal shine under the light. She's had it for so long now that sometimes she has to remind herself there's something different about it.

"Does it's job," is her final assessment.

Then she turns, assessing the woman who's approached. Big, is her first thought. And not too bubbly, which is good. She's not drunk enough to handle bubbly. "Rico."


noneedforheroic June 1 2011, 01:40:29 UTC
[[Thank ye kindly.]

Rude spares a moment to wonder, if the lady isn't bothered by the comment, if she may have had the thing put on voluntarily. It's an idle curiosity that she doesn't feel the need to dog after too hard, maybe it'll come up, who knew.

"Name's Rude." Gotta phrase it that way sometimes if she doesn't want folks getting confused. "Looks like you're having fun over here, Rico."


thesamename May 31 2011, 23:29:08 UTC
[...She is not very sociable, but she is, passingly, curious to know who might be her new 'neighbors.' Maybe she won't stay long, but she at least... shows her face.]


aureation June 1 2011, 01:16:31 UTC
[Gabrielle understands that parties aren't for everyone (even getting Aya to go to a company get-together was hard for her), so she knows not to push those who seem uncomfortable to them. With a warm smile, she greets one of her newest tenants.]

I don't think we've properly met. [The woman extends her free hand.] Gabrielle Monsigny.


thesamename June 1 2011, 01:36:36 UTC
[Jackie accepts her hand, is used to politely meeting and greetings others. She accompanied her husband to those kinds of dinner parties, if he was persistent enough in asking her. Jackie definitely comes across as a bit cold, but there's no reason to be overtly offensive at the moment.]

Jackie. It was Dominique who came to look at the apartments a few weeks ago, you may have met her instead.

[That is the easiest way to make it known they live together, without going into that whole... lesbian business, irregardless of whether Gabrielle has actually met Dom or not.]


aureation June 1 2011, 03:37:53 UTC
Mn, I did- [She nods. Gabrielle obviously has no qualms about two women living together herself. Her lips curl into a gentle smile.] It's a pleasure to meet you, Jackie. I hope the both of you found the apartment to your liking!

Certainly feel free to have some champagne, or even something to eat. [She motions to the table with the food and glasses.] There's more than enough for everyone.


urbanwonderland June 1 2011, 00:19:48 UTC
Reeve arrives, taking in the interior while making her way to the hostess. She's enjoyed her exchanges with Gabrielle and is looking forward to monopolizing the hostess just a bit. It's possible the idea of a casual sort of party after her pleasant days at the beach has gotten to Reeve-- though she is still in her usual white, collared shirt, she's tan and seems relaxed. Remarkably enough, she's wearing a knee-length skirt-- and her hair down. Unaccompanied (for the moment, at least) she finds a glass of something wet and makes her way over to Gabrielle, smiling brightly.]

Hello, there. Congratulations [She makes Gabrielle a toast with her glass.] Everything looks wonderful-- present company especially, of course.


aureation June 1 2011, 01:43:55 UTC
[Upon seeing Reeve, Gabrielle immediately smiles. It's rare she finds someone who shares a lot of the same interests as her, especially when they seem to differ than her usual talk of work (even if she does miss her sniper rifle). She gently laughs, lowering her face a bit bashfully at the toast.]

Thank you, Reeve. [She recovers quickly though, tilting her chin up a bit.] I could say the same for you, though. You look absolutely beautiful, and that tan certainly works wonders on you. [She presses her lips into a smile.]


urbanwonderland June 1 2011, 02:54:39 UTC
[Reeve chuckles, surprised and flattered-- and returns Gabrielle's smile.]

Oh, this old thing-- no, really, thank you. You're too kind, but I'm happy to accept the compliment, considering the source.

[It goes beyond her admiration of blondes, really-- she does like Gabrielle quite a lot. It's so nice to spend time with such an intelligent, down-to-earth, yet cosmopolitan woman-- especially one who appreciates (or tolerates) her sense of humor. Gabrielle has a lovely smile.]

So glad you have a nice turn-out for your party. Your interior is quite nice, by the way. Not to invite myself over, but is it possible that sometime when you aren't hosting, you'd consider giving me a guided your?


aureation June 3 2011, 00:30:35 UTC
I'd more than love to. After all, who better to tour my apartment complex other than the Secretary of Urban Development herself? It'll be like a visit from a diplomat. [She gently laughs.]


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