01 [action]

Dec 10, 2010 17:53

[ Amaterasu, still wearing the shift she woke up in, is sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Garden. The cat's scrolls are stacked next to her, and she's holding her clothes in her lap, looking over them curiously. It's not every day one wakes up as a human rather than a wolf ( Read more... )

alice margatroid, kanaya maryam, hina kagiyama, *action, amaterasu (okami), utsuho reiuji, yukari yakumo

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Comments 101

border_phantasm December 10 2010, 23:00:18 UTC
[She happens upon the woman while walking holding a parasol. Something about the way she looked...]

Ahh...are you new here?


worthpraise December 10 2010, 23:15:19 UTC
[ Amaterasu looks up with a start when she's addressed, then glances around the area again, as if wondering if it's changed since the last time she looked.

Nope. Still stuck in wherever-this-is.

She looks up at the other woman and nods once, firmly. Amaterasu is most definitely new here. But! She picks up one of the scrolls and holds it up - she's read them, so she knows at least a little about what's going on. She lets the scroll drop back onto the others; it's not like there was so much information that she'd have to reread them. ]


border_phantasm December 10 2010, 23:33:38 UTC
Yes, they are maddeningly vague. Let's just say our dear captor is less than sane.

May I have your name, please?


worthpraise December 11 2010, 00:02:45 UTC
[ Less than sane? That's an interesting way to put it. Amaterasu files it away in the back of her mind for when she meets this...captor. The word puts her on edge, and she frowns again before shaking it off. There was nothing that she could do about that right now. Later she would have to take a look around, see what she could discover for herself.

As for the question, she smiles slightly as she answers. At least she can introduce herself now. ] Amaterasu.

[ Her own voice surprises her slightly, her eyes flicking away and then back again as she resettles. Seems there's more than just the new place that she'll have to get used to. ]


ophiuchushadow December 10 2010, 23:05:36 UTC
[This shadow-element girl calls to the new woman from a low tree branch she's managed to climb.]

Ah~. You're another new one, right? There's so many now...


worthpraise December 10 2010, 23:21:30 UTC
[ Amaterasu's head jerks over in Lulu's direction, eyes searching for a second before she thinks to look up into the tree. She tilts her head curiously, wondering about this girl who climbs in trees and her comments about "so many" new people. That's pretty interesting, actually. According to the scroll, they were being gathered for a purpose - perhaps there's some urgency behind their mission if they truly are arriving so quickly.

In which case...Amaterasu shuffles through the scrolls quickly, until she gets to the one she had originally found. She unrolls it and points to the message, then spreads her arms out, indicating the whole area. Just why are they here? This message was frustratingly vague - that much is clear from her expression. ]


ophiuchushadow December 11 2010, 00:03:00 UTC
[She tilts her head curiously, trying to figure out what Amaterasu wants from her motions.]

Are you asking why we're here? That's what everyone Lulu has talked to asked first!


worthpraise December 11 2010, 00:21:04 UTC
[ She lets the scroll roll back up and replaces it on the pile as she nods. She assumes the girl's name is Lulu - and it doesn't surprise her at all that the question is at the front of everyone's minds. Though the implication in her answer is worrying - that everyone here has been spirited away from somewhere else, and that no one is native to this place.

That, however, can wait. Amaterasu drops her elbows onto her knees and leans forward, waiting to hear what Lulu might know. ]


misfortunewheel December 10 2010, 23:35:06 UTC
-A girl appears near her. She keeps a distance of five paces, and her head lowered. It would seem this one might have an idea of who the goddess is...-


worthpraise December 11 2010, 00:09:07 UTC
[ Amaterasu's not exactly sure what makes her look up - perhaps something she heard - but she spots the girl quickly, watching her in return.

It's hard to tell exactly what's going on - there are a few reasons that she can think of, but the "why" of the matter isn't important now. She could sit here and think about it, or she could act. Which is an easy choice.

Amaterasu stands, allowing the robes to drop from her lap and abandoning the scrolls, covering those five paces quickly and reaching out to gently touch her on her upper arm. ]


misfortunewheel December 11 2010, 01:09:07 UTC
-Slowly... she raises her head, a soft smile on her face.-

You are her... aren't you?


worthpraise December 11 2010, 01:36:57 UTC
[ Amaterasu looks...confused by this statement. Her? Maybe? Yes? She certainly is a "her", but most people don't recognize who she is.

Then again, circumstances have changed. It's entirely possible that she has been recognized. But instead of nodding, she simply places a hand against her chest and introduces herself. ] Amaterasu.


[action] grimauspistice December 11 2010, 00:08:34 UTC
[ Your name is KANAYA MARYAM, and you have been in these gardens for quite some time now. Almost fourteen of these planet's days, in fact, if the rising and falling of the sun is any indicator. Which it is, of course, and to think otherwise would be silly ( ... )


worthpraise December 11 2010, 00:26:39 UTC
[ Amaterasu looks up at the sound of her voice, and - quite frankly - stares for a moment. Kanaya looks nothing like the humans Amaterasu has known, but she doesn't feel like an imp.

Would she even be able to tell, Amaterasu wonders, considering that some of her powers seem to be working while others are not.

Oh yes, powers. The question. Amaterasu looks at her hand, then back to Kanaya then back at her hand. A part of her wants to shrug - how do you breathe? - but while explaining the brush itself would be near impossible, the brushstroke used is easy. So she holds up her right hand, index finger extended, and carefully draws a circle in the air.

Between them, more flowers grow. ]


uraniumtea December 11 2010, 00:15:56 UTC
[Utsuho, still relatively new and not yet acquainted with many of the places within the Gardens, happens upon the sun goddess while exploring. Or, more accurately, aimlessly wandering. She's not nearly observant enough to realize just who Amaterasu is, but she can at least tell that she's found someone important.]

Oh, who are you?


worthpraise December 11 2010, 00:32:13 UTC
[ Amaterasu is starting to notice a pattern in the people she meets: every person so far has been female. That's a pretty big coincidence, if indeed it is. She glances at the scrolls, but she doesn't remember reading anything about that... Amaterasu has met several queens, so that didn't make her think anything unusual - after all, each had had male guards.

Utsuho's question, at least, is much easier to answer. Amaterasu's voice is still a bit rusty, as if from disuse, but her tone is matter of fact: ] Amaterasu.


uraniumtea December 11 2010, 00:52:10 UTC
Sounds familiar... [Oh well.] I'm Utsuho, but most people I know call me Okuu.

[As someone who's eaten a god of the sun, Utsuho of all people should recognize the name. But, her little bird brain only has room to remember so much (in fact, she hasn't even noticed the female-only pattern yet). Hearing the name "Amaterasu" brings Yatagarasu to mind, but she has no idea why.]

You just got here? You're still wearing that plain outfit.


worthpraise December 11 2010, 01:16:14 UTC
[ Amaterasu is happily unaware of Utsuho's past, and perhaps it's better that it stays that way. Else she would not shrug and nod so easily in response to the question, nor hold up the robes in one hand to show them off to her.

She uses her free hand to gesture at Utsuho's clothes, then indicates the robes again. Did she also find clothes nearby? Is it just something, like the scrolls, that they are given upon arrival? It seems a bit silly to Amaterasu to dress her in one thing only to give her something else to wear. ]


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