♘ duel the tenth. (!wildcard! vine. video. action.)

Oct 03, 2011 10:30

[Utena's basketball court is a familiar sight, as are the shadows playing along the walls, but there is something new about it today. It has expanded into a more elaborate sports field, an outdoor gym of sorts. There is a tennis and badminton court, an outdoor pool, and basically a lot of scenery porn the area around the grounds is surrounded by ( Read more... )

juri arisugawa, mami tomoe, reno (final fantasy vii), parsee mizuhashi, xion (kingdom hearts), madoka kaname, *vine, *video, *action, utena tenjou, latooni subota, azula (avatar: the last airbender), larry vincent, homura akemi

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Comments 107

helpful fairy godmother envelopment October 3 2011, 16:13:43 UTC
[ Autumn here feels different―it looks all entirely the same: trees fading to yellow, leaves flittering to the ground, washed away by the wind―it leaves a lingering feeling in her. One she cannot fully explain, but one that tugs her in a way she does not like. Skepticism, perhaps, for she is still not accustomed to this place, but she doesn't she that as a first liable option ( ... )


ofnobility October 5 2011, 17:21:50 UTC
[Fairy godmothers are the sort of guides that show up to assist damsels, and Utena is certainly not one of those. She is (or at least for now, believes) she is a prince in both bearing and bloodline, and is at first confused to see the woman. But the fae do not show up to just anyone, she imagines, and so there must be something she needs.

She is far from her home, of course, but there was something she'd been traveling for. If she could only remember it...

The magic of the Garden helps her along, and implants a false memory. It is not unlike Ohtori, in this respect. A prince without an entourage must be on a quest of great import, and the only thing that could be was to free a Princess from a curse, cast by an envious Witch. The princess had been subjected to an eternal sleep, and so the Prince would have to make her way through the Witch's domain. But without the help of magic, it would be nearly impossible.]

Hello. [And she bows her head slightly, as is respectful.] Fairy godmother, I need your help. A Princess has fallen victim ( ... )


envelopment October 5 2011, 17:54:19 UTC
[ The fairy godmother gives a nod of acknowledgment to the prince. The request for help is not a strange one-for all prince's need their princesses'-as shown by the almost seemingly bored movement of brushing the stray rose petals from her dress.

Ignoring the hushed whispers of the shadows-(a sword, a sword! ask for a sword!) (you dummy, he already has a sword!) (oh... right. a dragon, a dragon! ask for a dragon!)-her lips curl into only the slightest of smiles, barely there, but apparent. ]

I heard your calling for my assistance, even from far, far away. What shall you wish for, dear Prince?


Princess Reno~ tasercopter October 3 2011, 21:11:57 UTC
[Reno's messing around as usual, randomly tasering stuff (roses, in this case), pondering what to do about Kadaj, when suddenly her faithful rumpled Turk uniform changes.

Into a dress.

A bubblegum pink dress. With ruffles and a huge skirt. Her Electro-Mag Rod is now a sceptre. She doesn't like this at all.]

What the fuck?


this will be beautiful ofnobility October 4 2011, 11:28:55 UTC
[The language is perhaps a little coarser than the Prince is accustomed to, but she smiles politely at this newcomer -- a Princess -- and bows at the waist. It's all very gallant.]

Princess, are you in need of any help? [It's a little scripted, these words. But she's been doing this whole saving princesses thing for a while. It's good to have a standard phrase to say.]


she's the loveliest princess~ tasercopter October 7 2011, 05:53:46 UTC
[If her Electro-Mag Rod was still intact, she would be tasering that ugly dress right now (unwisely). As it is, she tries to pull the ruffles off.

She turns toward this weird pink haired girl, narrowing her eyes. Did she just bow? Well, Reno's not too surprised--seems like something the idiots here would do.] Huh?

I ain't a princess. You could help me get this damn thing off. And find me my actual clothes.


ofnobility October 9 2011, 14:18:47 UTC
[Well, that's weird. The Prince is certain she's never encountered this kind of behavior before. She frowns, befuddled, and then decides on a solution.]

Well, you must be a princess. All girls are. ...Maybe you've been enchanted to think you aren't.


Princess, because Prussia's life sucks like that beerjugs October 3 2011, 22:53:16 UTC
Is it me, or is it getting drafty in here? [It takes her a while to notice the difference, but she does note her arms are now bare, at which she rubs with some discomfort.]


ofnobility October 4 2011, 12:42:32 UTC
[Of course, Utena notices a Princess in need! And thinking...thinking. Cold, hm. She looks down at her jacket, debates this, and eventually decides to unclasp the cape from her shoulders to hand to the woman.] It wouldn't do at all, for a beautiful maiden like yourself to be cold. Here, take this.


beerjugs October 4 2011, 23:18:06 UTC
[She's at a loss for a moment at the unprompted act of chivalry, before she flips her hair over her shoulder.] Can't disagree with the beautiful part! You really do have good taste, don't you?


ofnobility October 5 2011, 16:20:03 UTC
[She grins, a bit embarrassed, and rubs the back of her neck. Even in this state, there's enough of her original self there to feel sheepish.] Ah, I'm only telling the truth. [A beat, wherein she readjust the sword against her side.] But we should be getting you home, shouldn't we?

[To a castle, of course! ...Wherever that castle may be. But the Shadows playing along the rose bushes seem to have a warning: they pantomime the shape of a massive black dragon.]


One tsun-princess reporting >.> beneiden October 4 2011, 02:05:15 UTC
Of course I'm here. [ There is one green-eyed young girl standing nearby, her flowing teal dress more than a little wrinkled, with the colors near the collar and on her head (is that a tiara?) bringing out her eyes. Her blond hair is longer than usual. Much, much longer, in fact. It seems to cascade all the way down her back, pool briefly near her bare feet and then disappear down some side path through the flower bushes.

She is standing there, arms crossed under her chest, thoroughly unimpressed. ] Don't tell me you brought me here and then forgot all about me that easily. I told you I'd be fine in that tower!


yaaay ofnobility October 4 2011, 11:33:45 UTC
[There's a moment, where Utena looks visibly confused, but then a memory comes to her in a sudden rush, and she shakes her head vehemently.] No, no, of course I didn't forget about you.

[Sometimes, Princesses have to be handled with caution. She has saved enough of them to know this is the case.] Really, a girl doesn't belong in a tower. [She tries for her most charming of smiles.] Isn't it better to be out in the open world?


beneiden October 4 2011, 17:22:53 UTC
[ Her perception is warped; Parsee's no stranger to crafting illusions or manipulating feelings, but this is on a whole other level than what she can do. The false reality latches onto every part of her that's true and warps it all, nudging it in line with what it wants from her. ]

It was dark and no one bothered me. It was high up and had a nice view. [ At least some things never changed. ] Don't go thinking you know what's best for me!


ofnobility October 5 2011, 04:01:04 UTC
I would never assume anything like that, honest! [Her bright grin stays firmly in place.] But weren't you lonely at all? It's just that I think I would be, if I were in a place like that all the time.


Vine latooni11 October 4 2011, 11:28:17 UTC
Miss, are you all right? Do you need someone to come with some hedge clippers?


ofnobility October 5 2011, 03:57:07 UTC
[She's still rubbing her head, but she glances up at the voice, and looks startled at the sight of the Vine.] Ah, no...I'm fine. I'm just not sure where this place is.

[It doesn't seem to bother her much though, because she follows up a second later with:] Do you need any help?


latooni11 October 5 2011, 10:09:40 UTC
No... But you're the one who looks cut up. I could bring a first aid kit or some hedge clippers if you think you need them.


ofnobility October 5 2011, 16:23:08 UTC
[She presses a gloved hand to one of the scratches on her cheek, and nods slowly. A first-aid kit...surely that must mean something like healing, right?]

I think I might need some help. But please be careful, milady. Enchanted forests like this can be dangerous.

[...Nevermind the fact that she isn't in a forest.]


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