♘ duel the tenth. (!wildcard! vine. video. action.)

Oct 03, 2011 10:30

[Utena's basketball court is a familiar sight, as are the shadows playing along the walls, but there is something new about it today. It has expanded into a more elaborate sports field, an outdoor gym of sorts. There is a tennis and badminton court, an outdoor pool, and basically a lot of scenery porn the area around the grounds is surrounded by rose bushes. Mixed among the standard red and pale yellow roses are more fantastical colors: orange and blue, pale green. White and pink rose bushes are here, but they are rare.

But where is the owner of this place? The shadows seem to know, climbing and scattering among the mirrors and greenery to stop near a peaceful looking field a little ways away from the court. The rose bushes here are denser, and seem wilder. Unkempt. It may have something to do with their Bride being absent, or perhaps the magic contained by the dirt was concentrated here.

Utena is sitting in the middle of this field, surrounded by the bushes. She has been pricked, here and there, by the thorns, but the uniform she is wearing remains pristine, untattered and unstained by blood or dirt. This uniform belonged to someone else, once, but it has been tailored to fit her, it seems. Her hair has been tied back by a white ribbon and she is looking so dashing, and she is holding a gloved hand to her head. There is a sword, by her side, but it is little more than a prop. Of course, she doesn't know that. Not yet.]

Mm...what happened? [She stands up, a little shakily, and dusts off her slacks.] Is anyone here?

[ooc: Jesus, I talk too much.

So here's the deal: Utena has expanded her basketball court into a full outdoor court -- pool and all! She's also recreated her dormitory.

The only thing is, she and the area have been wildcarded pretty epically, so she believes she is a Prince -- like, legit, and whoever responds to her will be defaulted as a Princess. And Utena is all for saving all the Princesses. All of them. She'll be seeing all kinds of hallucinations from fairy tale archetypes, so if you don't think you need to be saved? Oh. She will think so. Anyone who walks into the court will get their very own pimpin' dress, in a color of their choice! And will believe they are a Princess. Or Bride. Whichever you prefer. Otherwise, you and your character can just marvel over how bizarre this is over the Vine. This wildcard will hold up for about a week, so I apologize in advance for all of the gallantry Utena will inflict on everyone. I MIGHT DO A LOG, WE'LL SEE.

Innn the event your lady isn't down for being a Princess, there's a gamut of stuff you can choose from! Except not really because I'm not that creative. Choices include:
- Dragon! So Utena can find you and hit you over and over again with her toy sword.
- Evil Queen! Ditto.
- A giant? idk I haven't figured this out.
- A helpful fairy godmother or something.
- Your choice!! Pick something else and I'll work with you. Rival, bitter younger sibling. Witch (do it!) Or poor confused bystander. That works too.

Just tell me which option you want to go with in the subject line, and I will play it out with you. If you have any questions, you can hit me up via PM or plurk or...AIM! Anywhere. Sorry for the length of this.]

juri arisugawa, mami tomoe, reno (final fantasy vii), parsee mizuhashi, xion (kingdom hearts), madoka kaname, *vine, *video, *action, utena tenjou, latooni subota, azula (avatar: the last airbender), larry vincent, homura akemi

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