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Jun 21, 2011 13:18

[ The vine unravels, and when it does, the mirror shows a woman. She doesn't seem to be any older than her early to mid twenties, her frame clad in a maid's uniform. She certainly looks friendly, her saturated brown eyes even seem to show how cheerful she is, regardless of this situation.]

[ She lets out a low hum, before crossing her arms, and ( Read more... )

*video, santana lopez, kuja (final fantasy ix), sebastienne michaelis, loly aivirrne, ciel phantomhive, grell sutcliffe

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Comments 95

text esoteric_rose June 21 2011, 20:33:00 UTC

Grell just stares at the video, disbelieving. The Queen would bring her instead of anyone else that perhaps she would want there? Him as a her was beginning to be accepted, but she couldn't help but feel the same stirrings from their fight she had forgotten a while ago. Finally, she manages to take the pen to scroll and write-as if she would risk unveiling herself to her.]

The sentiment is returned, Miss Michaelis, though I wonder why you choose to classify the current circumstances as "unfortunate".


text demonicwiles June 21 2011, 20:47:09 UTC
[ there is a slight lull of time, where Sebastienne wonders how anyone, ever, could find this anything but tedious. to be pulled from what one must to do-- this is the epitome of uselessness. still, this isn't the time to be rolling her eyes and ignoring someone. she responds, her own writing loopy and elegant: ]

Many of us have duties to attend to. My work is never done, you see, and so I cannot help but find these 'circumstances' rather unfortunate. Do you yourself not have business to attend to back where you came from?


text esoteric_rose June 21 2011, 20:57:57 UTC
Some business, yes, but it is nothing immediately pressing. Besides, if there is a force that can lift people out of their realm and into another, it would seem a more sensible goal to attempt to discover this force in order to reverse the effects, rather than bemoaning this supposed kidnapping and duties left behind. There's much to see, much that can be done here, and so perhaps a little rearranging of priorities needs to happen to all that show up.


text demonicwiles June 21 2011, 21:04:47 UTC
Ah, but that is accepting the pull of the force, however 'sensible' that may be. Accepting the pull of that force and allowing it to suck you in, instead of rejecting it, is that not what the force wants? To sink deeper into its web, a bear going for the bait, thinking it can escape the trap the hunter has laid. A trap is still a trap, no matter how you approach it, is it not?


[video] 99soulstokeep June 22 2011, 00:10:32 UTC
It is good to see polite conversation is not dead in this strange place.


[video] demonicwiles June 22 2011, 04:03:53 UTC
A servant musn't forget her manners, of course.


[video] 99soulstokeep June 22 2011, 16:30:20 UTC
A servant? If you do not mind me asking are you of English decent?


[video] demonicwiles June 23 2011, 01:59:22 UTC
I am so, Miss, my Lady and I hail from London.


[video] existwithoutme June 22 2011, 00:13:19 UTC
Your guess is correct. You have been kidnapped, and this garden is a prison. The so-called queen who owns this preserve is set on gathering various women to form a "collection" of sorts. An absurd endeavor, on the surface, but the queen's true face is hidden in shadow, as she shows herself but rarely.

[She studies Sebastienne thoughtfully. This one seems well-behaved.] You may have lost your way, but you have not forgotten your manners. You must be an excellent servant.

I am Kuja. [She gives a bow of her own.] I am a poet. I have had other titles, but for now that one is enough.


[video] demonicwiles June 22 2011, 04:09:05 UTC
It is only natural that I keep my manners, Miss, for a maid who cannot keep her wits about herself isn't worth her salt. [ she pauses, tilting her head and pressing a single finger to her lips. ] The Queen, is it? I see... She must be a formidable person to do this much. I do thank you for supplying me with so much information.

It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ms. Kuja. [ Once more, the maid bows. ]


[video] existwithoutme June 22 2011, 05:36:00 UTC
For all that that is true, some servants yet are not as polished as they should be, especially when thrust into an unfamiliar situation such as this. Your mistress is fortunate in her choice of domestics. What manner of person is she?

I have but recently arrived myself, but what I have learned, I share unstintingly. [Kuja is pleased with herself for being helpful, but she cannot yet bring herself to state that she is pleased to make the acquaintance of others.]


[video] demonicwiles June 22 2011, 05:52:32 UTC
Countess Ciel Phantomhive is an intriguing woman, full of surprises. It is my only wish to serve her until the very end.

You're too gracious, Ms. Kuja. Your help is most appreciated.


video 1/2 toys_with June 22 2011, 02:02:19 UTC
Se- Sebastienne!?

[When Ciel finally appears, her face is incredulous and shocked. She had almost given up the idea (and small hope) that her maid would come after her. It's possible this is a fake, but as if anyone could fake such a casual distaste for humanity and yet still be so charming as the demon.]


video toys_with June 22 2011, 02:02:56 UTC
[Her first instinct is to be indignant- and it shows on her face for an instant before she gets it under control. It smooths into something between a scowl and a pout.]

You're late.


video (1/2) demonicwiles June 22 2011, 04:14:47 UTC
...I offer my most humble apologies, My Lady. [ quick and swift is her response -- she could say I've only just arrived, My Lady, but where would that get her? instead, she inclines her head once more, a deep, respectful bow. ] I shall make up for it immediately. [ you do still have a sweet tooth, don't you? still -- now she's curious: ]

For how long have I been late, if it isn't too brazen of me to ask...?


video toys_with June 22 2011, 04:24:04 UTC
The sixth month anniversary of my arrival was just two days ago, Sebastienne.

[She crosses her arms, fists clenching. The frustration of being trapped for an entire half-year rolls off her in waves.

Her interest becomes even stronger at the idea of sweets, though-- it's been just as long without the best ones in the world at her beck and call, and she does miss it.]

Hardly suitable of a Maid of the Phantomhives, is it?


heretolookhot June 22 2011, 03:34:34 UTC
So that makes you...Fetish Fuel's underling?


demonicwiles June 22 2011, 04:15:47 UTC
I... apologize, but I must beg your pardon?


heretolookhot June 22 2011, 04:35:24 UTC
Oh yeah, everyone here calls her that. Ciel? It's a pet name.


demonicwiles June 22 2011, 05:22:31 UTC
[ she cannot imagine Ciel likes this pet name.

Sebastienne approves of it. even if it's really, really vulgar. ]

I see. I suppose you would be correct in that instance.


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