first: video

Jun 21, 2011 13:18

[ The vine unravels, and when it does, the mirror shows a woman. She doesn't seem to be any older than her early to mid twenties, her frame clad in a maid's uniform. She certainly looks friendly, her saturated brown eyes even seem to show how cheerful she is, regardless of this situation.]

[ She lets out a low hum, before crossing her arms, and resting her head in her hand. Her index finger taps the side of her head, and her smile curls upward more. ]

Well, this isn't a normal situation, is it? Kidnapping, I'd say. ... Hm, but as the Maid of the Phantomhive Estate, that isn't my true concern. Rather, I should be introducing myself, should I not? It looks as though no one has found a way home. [ She continues to smile, looking ever so friendly, a vision of a nice lady who only wants to help. Sebastienne, however, isn't herself without at least one light jab towards humans in her words. ]

My name is Sebastienne Michealis, and I am Countess Ciel Phantomhive's maidservant. We've seem to have found ourselves in a similar happening, have we not? Despite the circumstances, for they truly are unfortunate, it is a pleasure to meet you. [ She does not curtesy, she bows, clasping her hands before her, and her head inclined in a show of respect. Do titles still matter here? She certainly hasn't gone mad, though perhaps this place is mad. Can a place be mad? Hm. ]

My Lady, [ she says as she straightens herself, addressing Ciel and only Ciel. her smile seems to melt into a confident smirk. ] I do hope I have not kept you waiting.

[ She can smell Ciel -- and many, many, many other women, curiously, -- and she knows the girl is here. She will find her momentarily. ]

*video, santana lopez, kuja (final fantasy ix), sebastienne michaelis, loly aivirrne, ciel phantomhive, grell sutcliffe

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