fourth bullet :: video

Jun 07, 2011 17:37

[The feed clicks on. Mami's sitting against a tree on the outskirts of the Gardens, knees tucked against her chest and arms loosely wrapped around them. The camera angle is awkward, showing as it does only her back and a partial view of her side; still, it's enough to see the corners of those gold eyes and how red they are from crying ( Read more... )

mami tomoe, jackie bledsoe-follet, hikari horaki, marisa kirisame, gabrielle monsigny, oerba dia vanille, *vine, *video, vivio takamachi, homura akemi

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[video] heartovertime June 8 2011, 06:19:18 UTC
[Even with the poor angle, it's impossible not to pick out that voice, even carrying such unusual tones. Homura freezes in place, listening in to the one-sided conversation before cautiously calling forth a mirror to send her own video.]



[video] headedforhope June 8 2011, 19:46:52 UTC
[A soft, sharp hiss from Mami after a few moments. Really, of all the people to see this....

Desperately, Mami tries to shield herself emotionally in any way possible, hiding behind the remains of old bitterness and a now pointless grudge- hiding how she can't physically get up and walk away. Not with her mother there, ready to cut her back down to ribbons until she's on her knees.]

Please go away, Akemi-san.


[video] heartovertime June 8 2011, 22:21:31 UTC
[The request cuts into Homura, her eyes going wide briefly before lowering from the mirror.

She almost makes the gesture to do so, to close the mirror, as requested. But she can't just give up without trying to help one who had helped her so much in the past.]

...There's someone there, isn't there? Is someone trying to do something to you? Where are you?


[video] headedforhope June 8 2011, 22:36:00 UTC
[it comes out in a quiet and cold and trembling snarl:]

If you know what's good for you, you'll kindly keep your nose out of this.

I'm- perfectly fine.


[video] heartovertime June 8 2011, 23:34:19 UTC
[Homura pauses in silence, the hurt look frozen on her face.

The distance between her and this Mami is something she's dealt with before...but she had hoped that things were better than this, that things between them had begun to repair.

But maybe they could never be that way again. Maybe it was pointless to have ever hoped for that.]

Sorry, I...


[She makes the motion to dismiss her mirror, ready for tears herself.]


[video] headedforhope June 8 2011, 23:44:29 UTC
[She meets the hurt look with a bright glare of cold anger and feels a stab of guilt. It takes an effort, more than she ever expected, to keep talking.]

You're no better than the Akemi-san I've always known if you fail to understand how another feels. Why would I want your help? You can't do anything. No one can. This is...

[The expression trembles, and she bites down hard on her lower lip.]

...this is all I deserve.


[video] heartovertime June 9 2011, 00:34:27 UTC
[Her hand stops, just shy of the Vine, letting the barbs of Mami's words piercing her wavering heart.

You can't do anything.

It's like that day again, when she felt that way herself, when the witch nearly took her life.

It hurts to hear that, but she could move on and accept those words. It would be easy to do that...

But that last statement is not something she can accept from Mami.]

T-That's not right!! could you deserve to be told things like that?!

You're not saved saved a lot of people...


[video] headedforhope June 10 2011, 01:01:27 UTC
[harsh, sharp, breaking:]

I killed my parents, Akemi-san! Nothing- nothing can make up for that! I could save a thousand people and it wouldn't be enough! How could it be enough?

I'm...I'm no one to admire. I never was.


[video] heartovertime June 10 2011, 02:23:57 UTC
[It hurt to be told those things just a moment earlier, but this is even worse. Homura's stomach turns at seeing Mami like this, her mentor so broken and afraid. It's all she can do to stem the stream of tears already coming from her eyes.

Homura always knew there was some sorrow there, hidden well beneath the smile and confidence that Mami wore so well, but just how deep the melancholy went was never really clear. Until now.

If even the great may fall like this, prey to their own inner demons, who might one look up to?

But this is not a world abandoned to despair, not one in which lies and fears could overwhelm the truth.]

It's not true!

It's a lie, Tomoe-san....please, don't believe know it's not true!


[video] headedforhope June 10 2011, 03:06:07 UTC
[she curls up tighter, more angry hums filling her ears.]

No, Akemi-san, I...If I had wished to save them instead of to survive, they wouldn't be dead. It wouldn't be my fault. That's not something I can turn my back on.


[video] heartovertime June 10 2011, 03:58:07 UTC
This isn't how they would have wanted you to feel...

They wouldn't blame you. You didn't even have a chance to think about it. They wouldn't want you to suffer...

Please, Tomoe-san...whoever that is, it can't be your parents...don't listen to them!


[video] headedforhope June 10 2011, 04:26:39 UTC
Why not? It's only reasonable- no one can-

[a choking noise]

-no one can love a murderer.


[video] heartovertime June 10 2011, 04:49:56 UTC
Tomoe-san... Your parents...I'm sure they would still love you. [So says the girl with no parents of her own, with only faint memories and stories of the past.]

And have friends here who care for you...Miki-san...Kaname-san... [She pauses, only adding the last with uncertainty.] me...


[video] 1/??? headedforhope June 10 2011, 04:53:17 UTC
My mother is here and she hates me. [each accented word is tight with pain]


[video] 2/?? headedforhope June 10 2011, 04:54:14 UTC
The rest...they all see what I want them to see. I'm no one cool. You shouldn't admire me, want to be like me.

I'm- I'm so unspeakably selfish.


[video] headedforhope June 10 2011, 04:56:43 UTC
When are you going to understand that, Akemi-san?!


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