I'm sorry, you're probbly getting really sick of me complaining about being sleep deprived, but I am just going to say this one little thing, and I will even put it under a cut so you don't have to read it--
I have the same problem. It's awful, especially when it happens a few days in a row... so not fair, that you should be so tired and STILL not sleeping!
While I'm sure that everybody's different, going back to the gym helped me a lot. Didn't stop me from waking up at 4 (or 3, or 2...) but it made it so I fell asleep again afterwards. The other thing that helped was stopping the multi-vitamins, oddly enough. I was cracked out enough to take random advice I found on internet forums (heh, heh...) and someone said something about liver chi, and that multi-vitamins are too hard to break down...? yeah, I don't know, but that helped with the not waking up part.
You just moved, right? It could be settling in anxiety popping up at the back of your mind, in which case it'll hopefully be gone soon :).
Hrrrmmm. I don't take multi-vitamins (even though I lie and tell my doctor that I do because if I didn't she might keel over from horror) but I could try the gym thing. Luckily I've just got one more night and then I'm back home for the weekend, but if it starts up again before Nashville I will punch someone. rrrrgh.
It could be that. I'm more inclined to believe that the matress is awful and the pad I bought for it is pretty insufficient. blargh
Okay, bb, I'm just gonna tell you what I tell everyone when they complain of having trouble sleeping -Melatonin. It's all-natural, you can find it in the vitamin aisle, non-addictive and it doesn't make you groggy come morning. It helps both with falling asleep faster and not waking up in the middle of the night. It was reccommended to me by my doctor. I still have bad nights occassionally (last night for example) but lots more sleeping is going on.
Leverage OT3!!! Awwwww, that was an awesome story rec. Hardison is the cutest thing ever. <3
Oooooo! I'll check it out this weekend when I actually have access to a vitamin aisle (the grocery store here is not exactly well equipt, and you have to fill out paperwork promising not to kill yourself if you buy asprin).
I NEED MORE LEVERAGE OT3 IN MY LIFE. Glad you liked it bb! :DD
Comments 11
While I'm sure that everybody's different, going back to the gym helped me a lot. Didn't stop me from waking up at 4 (or 3, or 2...) but it made it so I fell asleep again afterwards. The other thing that helped was stopping the multi-vitamins, oddly enough. I was cracked out enough to take random advice I found on internet forums (heh, heh...) and someone said something about liver chi, and that multi-vitamins are too hard to break down...? yeah, I don't know, but that helped with the not waking up part.
You just moved, right? It could be settling in anxiety popping up at the back of your mind, in which case it'll hopefully be gone soon :).
It could be that. I'm more inclined to believe that the matress is awful and the pad I bought for it is pretty insufficient. blargh
Except you'll be asleep.
LOLOL I'm so mean, sorry bb but I'm ded jelz. :D
I am kind of really glad that I'm getting there a day before the con starts so I can get over fucking jeglag
Leverage OT3!!! Awwwww, that was an awesome story rec. Hardison is the cutest thing ever. <3
Good luck with the sleeping!
I NEED MORE LEVERAGE OT3 IN MY LIFE. Glad you liked it bb! :DD
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