
Jan 25, 2012 20:34

I'm sorry, you're probbly getting really sick of me complaining about being sleep deprived, but I am just going to say this one little thing, and I will even put it under a cut so you don't have to read it--

I've slept badly...this entire week. I don't know what the fuck it is, but without fail (or with a lot of fail) I've woken up at 4 in the morning, and had trouble getting back to sleep--this is after having trouble falling asleep in the first place. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. I'M SO. TIRED. And I'm refusing to nap at all so my body will get on a sleeping-at-night-schedule (WHEN DID I EVER GO OFF??) but I've been not-napping ALL WEEK hoping for solid sleep results and NATHING.

Yesterday was my brother's birthday so we went out for dinner and I had a drink that should have, by all rights, knocked me on my ass. And I still didn't fall asleep until 1AM, and back wide awake at 4. AAAAAAUGH.

Alright I'm back. Still a little growly but hopefully less whiny. rrrrgh

Soooooooo. In the world of Truck Door Girl (TDG), this seem to be going...not as bad as they could be. She has a friend in the class who(m?) she likes better than me, so I don't have to sit next to her. :D There isn't much else to tell that isn't whining and it's really not bad (no really, if there was big shit to whine about you know I'd let you in on the joke, but it's just not bad enough to complain and also it takes energy which I am seriously lacking (You know what isn't lacking though? (My (over)use of parenthesis))).

blurrrrgh this was originally going to be a worthwhile post, but I honest to god don't think a single thought in my head is worthwhile at the moment. UMMMM. Oh, hey, do you want a rec? How bout:

When Come Back Bring Pie by liviapenn: an adorable Hardison/Eliot/Parker fic involving one of my favorite things which is Eliot cooking food mmmyes.

And another one, just cause: Tremolo by what_alchemy, possibly my favoritest explanation of surviving Reichenbach. Ever.

Because you should enjoy having time to read fun stuff, even if I don't. *snuggles*

leverage, truck door girl, bitch bitch bitch, sherlock & watson play cops & robbers, ficrecs, college tag: wtf, sleep deprived r us

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