i have the best ideas when i'm sleep-deprived

Jan 26, 2012 17:25

Guys, all these Lit classes I'm taking are making me wish so hard that there was a Fanfiction-as-Literature class.

We'd read fandom classics all semester and talk about our favorite passages and common themes/kinks.

Anyone who judged for started wank would recieve an immediate F.

Part of the assigned homework would be to read a pairing you don't ship and then defend it with a powerpoint presentation.

But every other kind of homework would be like "Write a song or poem about your OTP using household items and/or a collage."

The final research paper would instead be a fanfic of your own between 1 and 10k in length.

Everything would be meta and fabulous and I would ace the fuck out of that class, you guys.

do want do want

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