I Could Be Your Um [...PG] Jared/Jensen

Oct 08, 2010 15:07

Title: I Could Be Your Um
Author: queenklu 
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Ugh, oh so PG
A/N: jolietjones  is an absolute JOY and bought me ICONS! I don't even. ASLAKDALSK. And umbrellas seem to be the prompt of the day! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT BB!

Once upon a time, Jared had cool. He had suave and debonair and even cheeky cuteness, and if he could only step back into that skin maybe, just maybe, he could make eye-contact with the cute guy at his bus stop without stammering out something stupid.

The first time, it’d been, “It’s not raining.” ...There hadn't been a second time. You don’t really recover from something like that.

Bus Stop Guy’s eyes widened a little as he paused putting in his earbuds, and then his eyebrows dipped with the half-smirk caught on his lips. “How about that?”

Yeah, it hadn’t even looked like rain for the past week.

Jared turned beet red and pretended to get a phone call that lasted until Bus Stop Guy stepped onto the N3 towards downtown. He pretended he didn’t see the little sarcastic wave BSG threw him either, for self preservation.

Where the hell was his cool?


Predictably-and because the universe liked a laugh at his expense-the next day it was pouring. Buh-kets. An ugly wind pushed at him all the way to the bus stop, forcing his umbrella down and strapped shut at his side. The only warm thought he could cling to was a rom-com kind of fantasy that, well, maybe he could offer to share the umbrella with Bus Stop Guy. They’d have to huddle close and shiver for warmth, close enough Jared could count Bus Stop Guy’s freckles and stare at the raindrops sticking those endless eyelashes together while the cold plumped up his lips.

And why not? Confined so close together Jared would definitely be able to work his magic, get the guy warmed up with a blush or two while Jared wrangled a date. It was a fantastic plan.

Bus Stop Guy had his own umbrella. He flinched a little when he saw Jared, probably waiting for another obvious weather update, and Jared stared miserably down at the umbrella in his hand. He couldn’t even pretend to have forgotten his, couldn’t even stand there looking pitiful until BSG was forced to offer some shelter of his own.

Today sucked.


The next day sucked worse. Not only was it raining harder, but Jared’s new plan of not bringing his umbrella backfired spectacularly. Bus Stop Guy had forgotten his, too, looked like, and looked so cold and miserable Jared wanted to scoop him up and take him back home for Snuggies and hot cocoa.

Jared tucked his shame-flushed face into the collar of his raincoat and tried not to drown on dry land.


Thursday Jared glared at the sun the whole walk to the bus stop. The clouds gathering earlier in the morning were already scattering rain-free across the sky, leaving him the douche-bag with an unnecessary and hindering umbrella for the rest of the day.

“Hey,” Bus Stop Guy said, snapping him out of it. Jared did not stare at him like a deer in the headlights, he did not. “Um,” the man said, one hand caught self-consciously at the nape of his neck, “It’s not raining.”

Jared looked down at his umbrella and blushed, a smile stealing across his face before he could think better of it. “A guy can always hope.”

He lifted his lashes in a completely-well, unsubtle fashion, but Bus Stop Guy just grinned. “Very smooth.”

“Yeah?” Jared said, every genuine hope bright and real across his face just as the first few sprinkling drops came down.

“No,” the man said, snagging Jared’s umbrella to open it over them both, “But I like awkward.”


jared padalecki makes me happy, j2, myfics, rpsfics, writing: i does it, jensen ackles makes me swoon

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