MY NEW LAPTOP IS HEEER. OH, he's just LOVELY. And so perfectly BASIC--i feel so dumb when people talk at me about hertz and gigs and wtfever, but i'm pretty sure he is PERFECTLY PERFECT and also? 500gb storage. HELLS TO THE YES.
So everyone meet Sherlock (i may upload pictures later, i feel like i've got a new puppy/kid/boyfriend). And i realize it's not particularly original, in fact i may be stealing the idea from someone on my flist, HOWEVER, when he goes wrong i want the express opporunity to shake a finger at his monitor and snap, "No shit, Sherlock."
(As in, don't give me any.)
LALALALA TODAY IS AWESOME. I might buy myself more icons to celebrate if i can convince myself to spend the money. OH SHERLOCK *SMIGGLES HIS FACE*
(only downside: the transition between Scottish keyboard and American. I WAS JUST GETTING USED TO THE BUTTONS D:)