Oct 19, 2009 00:01
- 10:09 Dear winter I hate you and I really don't want to deal with you the next few months. #
- 18:02 RT @HautTotes: ☆Win this purse!☆ Black skulls & pink ❤s tinyurl.com/yzctuak 611th RT wins 1RT/hr #
- 18:04 I give up ..time to hide. #
- 18:53 Spent mmost of the day reading Hetalia scanslations. So funny! #
- 21:40 When I read my friends fbstatus about
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Oct 18, 2009 00:00
- 18:26 Green olives and feta cheese nom nom nom! #
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Oct 17, 2009 00:00
- 22:39 Now I really can't wait to see where the wild things are since they actually used puppets. I'm sick of full cgi movies. #
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Oct 16, 2009 00:01
- 11:59 It is sooo cold today. brrrr.. #
- 16:28 cuteness RT @cupofsea Just 2 orders away from 100 orders on my Etsy shop - free gift for whoever buys the 100th item! cupofsea.co.uk #
- 16:35 watching monsters vs aliens with a cuddly 2 year old is happiness. #
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Oct 15, 2009 00:02
- 13:25 :( I need a craft room. I am bored. #
- 15:47 Dear kids who want my money. I would love to donate to your cause but my limited french and your no english just leaves us in an awkward plc #
- 19:16 I has a Hello Kitty mouse and it glows purple too :D #
- 20:49 According to CNN tweeters are more affluent then myspace and facebook users tr.im/BN8E #
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Oct 09, 2009 23:05
- 11:19 Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho #
- 16:15 Just tried out my elliptical man I am out of shape. Although after the first few minutes the muscles stop burning yay. #
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Oct 08, 2009 23:05
- 13:25 meh it seems like ertain facebook games only work every 3 days for me. Now how can I waste some time. #
- 15:11 Guacamole is love in the form of green goo. #
- 23:25 I have one word to say: MOIST! #
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Oct 06, 2009 23:03
- 17:06 No need to ask my name to figure out how cool I am #
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Oct 05, 2009 23:03
- 12:10 going to prep the ingredients for dinner since me and Isabella slept in again. #
- 14:29 Yummmy chicken quesadillas. #
- 16:10 Stinkerbella is now less stinky yay. #
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Oct 04, 2009 23:01
- 12:47 I love websites that have the crush feature. I always pick the person I find the least interesting and they always are the right one. #
- 13:01 Car , plane, auto garage in myspeak this means gas station. #
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