Didn't sleep much last night--was too busy gluing my brain back together after my MIND WAS BLOWN AWAY by Lost. Anyone want to talk about what it all means? I suppose I'd better put in a cut for those that haven't seen the crazy finale yet...
And kids, THAT right there was a FINALE! )
Comments 14
*Sends some happy thoughts and cuddles back to you*
Thanks, sweetie...
I still have so many questions though. Like. Walt? And my sister wants to know why Aaron is a baby in the in between, when he would have grown up and died later in life. But my feeling is that that's what he looked like when they were all together, so that's what he looks like now.
Anyway, I thought it was an amazing show. I will miss it!
I don't know about Walt. Maybe he hasn't died yet? And who knows about Aaron. For that matter, why is Sun preggers instead of a mother with her little girl? Weird. But I'm actually glad we didn't get all the answers. I like going out with a little lingering mystery :)
I never really come on here anymore (as you can tell by the date of my last LJ posting), but I wanted to say hello. Spend most of my time at Facebook these days, but I get nostalgic for LJ every now and then.
And yes, the Lost finale was frickin' amazing!!! I think you nailed what happened exactly on the head. I was doing ok, for the most part, until Vincent came out of the jungle and laid down next to Jack. After that, I cannot vouch for my eyes not being teary.
Just popped on to check on some friend's LJ accounts, and I wanted to say hello. Just because. I hope you are doing well, hon. *HUG*
I'm not on Facebook, sorry. I stick to my LJ, heh ;) Take care!
Oh! Or if you would like, you can email me! Hmm...I don't want to put my real address on here, since I have been doing a good job of keeping it spam-free. Email me at kurtkqma@gmail.com if you would like! That's my junk-mail account, but then I will reply from my real account! Sounds good, no? :)
I cried a few times. Charlie reuniting with Claire started that for me.
yeah, Charlie and Claire got me, and so did Sawyer and Juliet. Awww. GOD those were all amazing characters. I'm truly going to miss them.
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