
Jun 21, 2009 21:02

So, wank. Most of the time I try to steer clear of it, because I'm not great with confrontations and most of what I want to say gets said by smarter, more articulate people. Speaking of which, if you haven't read this post (warning: very explicit discussion of sexual assault and the nature, anatomy, cause & effect of triggers. Is itself triggery by ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

runthegamut June 22 2009, 03:02:44 UTC
If something you write might make someone feel like they're reliving what is probably the most horrible, traumatic time in their life, is it really worth risking that so you can proclaim your artistic integrity is intact? If it is, I don't really want to know you.

Amen. And ♥


swagneto June 22 2009, 03:24:44 UTC
If something you write might make someone feel like they're reliving what is probably the most horrible, traumatic time in their life, is it really worth risking that so you can proclaim your artistic integrity is intact? If it is, I don't really want to know you.

This is essentially at the root of it all, I think. Fuck your artistic integrity, you're hurting people. It's fucking common sense, really. You hurt someone, you stop, and you rectify the fucking problem. This whole thing is making me so angry. I can't believe that ANYBODY was told to just "get over it" when it was something that had a deep root in them, and especially not when the issue at hand here is abuse and triggering.

I did all my posting/ranting/raging about this yesterday, and sleeping on it hasn't helped. I am still infuriated that people have the capability to be such assholes.


cool_rain_kiss June 22 2009, 03:31:52 UTC
*hugs you hard*

It made a ton of sense, and you are awesome, bb. ♥♥♥


momebie June 22 2009, 03:53:54 UTC
For a long time seeing a turquoise Pontiac Sunfire would make me shake, make it hard to breathe. I find it hilarious now that one of my best friends in the world drives one, but then, I didn't meet her until it had been some time since my contact with the original bastard I knew who drove one. I'm stronger now, I'm not as stupid, and the space between those times that I remember is farther and farther apart. I don't fall to pieces anymore, but I would never, ever insinuate that a person who had been through something that they deemed traumatic (ANYTHING, sexual or not) should 'man up' about it. Everyone is different. That's the best thing about this world. And we should never assume that the best way to live is our way.

I don't know the fic that has caused all of this issue amongst my flist, but I don't think I want to. It sounds like a case of ignorance that will only upset me in the long run.


jezrana June 22 2009, 04:16:44 UTC
If something you write might make someone feel like they're reliving what is probably the most horrible, traumatic time in their life, is it really worth risking that so you can proclaim your artistic integrity is intact? If it is, I don't really want to know you.

Yes, this. I don't even get triggered by dubcon or noncon in fics, but still, I'm just at the point of shunning anyone who I know is on the anti-warnings side of this. If I thought anyone was actually making progress in convincing them why they're wrong, I might stick around and try to be part of the discussion, but at this point I think it's best for my blood pressure if I cut my losses and try to cut them out of my fannish experience as much as I can.


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