Breccan+Egan Fic - A Lovely Time

Mar 18, 2013 18:32

This is fanfic version of things that might happen later in the canon. It's also a sequel to He Belongs to Me. Trigger warning for [click to reveal]rape.


“It’s a lovely day out, isn’t it?” I murmur as I look at dear Breccan.

He doesn’t say anything, just looks at me with those pretty gray eyes of his. The boy still seems so very sad because Finbar dumped him when he found out about us. What did Breccan expect, though? His relationship just couldn’t last -- it wasn’t true love, after all, since he fell prey to my godly seduction powers. I was only helping move things along.

Besides, now I have Breccan all to myself, as it should be. I glance up at the clear blue sky, wondering how much longer it is until we get to our destination. While I know my little lover said he has work to do, there is time for a bit of fun beforehand. There is always time for fun, even when Breccan tries to object. It’s so cute when he does that, because I know what a delicious lie it is.

“Where -- where are you taking me?” he asks, looking up at me.

I smirk. “Oh, you’ll see soon enough -- it’s a surprise. Don’t you like surprises?” I say.

He says nothing to that. In a few more moments, we arrive at our destination -- an old, abandoned merry-go-round in a little-visited park. The place isn’t very well-maintained, so I don’t think there’s too much risk of anybody finding us. I gesture at the dust-covered, broken ride, while never letting go of Breccan’s hand. While I don’t think he’ll try to run away, I don’t want to chance it. “We’re here,” I announce proudly. “I’ve always wanted to ride a merry-go-round. Haven’t you?”

Breccan’s eyes widen. “It’s -- it’s abandoned. Un-unsafe,” he stammers.

“No need to worry about that,” I say. I wave my free hand at the structure and concentrate my power. Slowly, the ride cleans itself off and repairs itself, dust disappearing and broken bits reassembling themselves into something like new. Parts fly everywhere in a blur of color. My power is quite a sight to behold. Breccan is clearly entranced, his eyes widen more and his jaw drops.

My, that was more tiring than I expected. I even yawn, but I never, ever let go of Breccan. If I take the seduction powers off him for too long, I’m afraid he might get silly ideas into head and try to run away.

“Why don’t we take a seat on one of those lovely cushioned booths?” I suggest, gesturing at a likely place where I can rest -- as well as do other things.

Breccan nods. I smile at him and we walk to a cushioned booth that’s more than wide enough for the both of us. It’s quite comfortable, though my lover doesn’t look too comfortable. This time, he’s not saying how he “doesn’t want it” or some other such silliness. After we rest for a bit, I pull him towards me and kiss him. He lets out a little sigh, utterly delighting me -- he makes the cutest noises.

Even better, he kisses me back with such enthusiasm I can’t help but shiver a bit. My seduction powers are definitely working when Breccan deepens the kiss and wraps his arms around me. I push him down onto the cushion and continue to kiss him, enjoying the feel of those soft lips. Now, they’re all mine -- no more stupid Finbar to hold his loyalties.

Things progress so nicely when he slips a hand under my shirt -- my, he’s quite enthusiastic today. Getting rid of his pesky boyfriend did wonders, I think. I respond to his advances, wasting no time in removing his shirt. That seems to make him hesitate just a bit, unfortunately.

“We’re -- in public. Someone might see us,” Breccan murmurs, looking up at me in worry.

I just smile at him. “You’re worth the risk,” I say before kissing him again.

That seems to comfort him well enough, so I start to kiss his neck and prepare to have some real fun with him.

* * *

Well, that was most refreshing -- I feel better than I have in days. And Breccan needn’t have worried -- nobody saw us. I magically put my clothes back on and admire my still-naked lover. He looks a bit -- stunned. My powers are rather impressive, after all.

He doesn’t make any move to get dressed, which is fine by me, as I do enjoy looking at him. Smiling, I kiss him lightly on the lips and stroke his cheek. “I had a lovely time,” I murmur. “Didn’t you?”

Breccan says nothing to do, just remains silent. He doesn’t need to speak for me to know he had a lovely time, though. How could he not? I am a god.

“What the hell are you doing?” The voice cuts across the park, making my breath catch in my throat, though I don’t even need to breathe. For a moment, I don’t believe it --

Nico’s here.

I get up from the cushioned booth and bring myself to my full height -- luckily for me, I’m a bit taller than Nico, who is rather short for a god. Now, I’m trembling with anger -- what is he even doing here? Breccan looks like he’s trying to hide, both burying his face in his hands and scrambling for his clothes. He’s bright red, poor dear.

Striding away from the merry-go-round, I approach NIco. “Why are you here?” I hiss.

His pale purple eyes flash. “Looking for you -- I assume you’ve got Breccan in your clutches,” he mutters.

I glare at him. “Of course I do -- he’s mine,” I say, investing my voice with all the authority I can.

“You don’t deserve him,” he spits, trembling with anger.

Don’t deserve him? What kind of nonsense is this? I raise an eyebrow. “And you do? You’re no different, and you know it,” I say.

“I am capable of actual feeling,” he mutters, glaring back at me.

I can’t help laughing -- actual feeling? What is wrong with Nico? “What’s gotten into you?” I ask.

He doesn’t have a chance to answer before I spot movement out of the corner of my eye -- Breccan is trying to escape me. I can’t allow that. Within moments, I am by his side, my hand around his wrist. He seems to deflate at that, his whole body sagging as if he truly wants to be away from me.

Nico looks horrified at what I’ve done, which I don’t understand. “Let him go,” he hisses.

“P-please,” Breccan whimpers.

“Now why would I let you go?” I murmur, looking at him and feeling most confused.

“Because it would be the right thing to do,” Nico mutters. His eyes flash again, as if in warning, and he’s shaking like he might try something. He wouldn’t dare, though.

“Now, what good reason would I have for letting my lover go?” I wonder “Nico, I think you’re just jealous I got to him first -- you wished to take a bite, but you can’t because he’s mine.”

Nico -- he starts glowing, like he really is going to try something. “Let. Him. Go,” he growls, his voice unnaturally deep in his anger. “Or I will hurt you.”

Going into such a mode of power -- it’s unheard of for a god to do so unless the circumstances are truly dire. Nico -- he’s really going to attack, isn’t he? I can’t allow this impudence. Does he actually believe he cares for Breccan the way a mortal would? I’ll cure him of that.

Reluctantly, I let Breccan go. He doesn’t move -- I think he’s frozen in fear. I feel myself start to glow.

Nico shoots a bolt of white light at me. I barely dodge it. “I let him go. Why don’t you stop?” I cry.

“Because you must be stopped,” he says, shooting another bolt at me. That one comes even closer to hitting me. Breccan is cowering in a little ball by my feet.

I shoot a bolt at Nico. It goes wide. He laughs, his glow getting brighter. “You’re not very good at this, are you, Egan?” he mutters.

I’ll show him. I shoot another bolt at the same time he does. They hit each other, resulting in a blinding explosion. I blink, unable to get my bearings, and I stop glowing. While I’m incapacitated, Nico shoots again. He hits me.

He hits me.

I fall to the ground, shaking with anger and pain. How dare he? I get up and start glowing again, and I shoot once more. That bolt goes wider than my first one. Nico shoots at me -- and gets another hit. I collapse and scream, unable to hold it in.

“Stop -- please,” Breccan cries. “You’re scaring me.”

Ignoring him, I try to power up again. I glow for a moment -- and then it fades. How can that be? I must have exhausted myself earlier with the merry-go-round stunt, for I should be able to take Nico easily. What am I supposed to do now?

Nico laughs, his glowing eyes flashing with power. Then, he appears to take notice of Breccan, who looks at the two of us, fear plain on his face. If Nico weren’t behaving so oddly, there would be no need for my lover to cower like that.

“You’re not worth it, Egan,” Nico mutters. “I’ll stop for today -- if you let Breccan go and don’t bother him again.” He looks at me, as if daring me to defy him.

Oh, how I would like to defy him. He has gone far out of bounds today, but I don’t think I have a choice. I stand up and try to power up again, and I can’t, my glow flickering like a mortal light that’s about to lose power.

“Alright, I’ll let Breccan go,” I sigh. I turn to my lover and say, “You may leave, if you really care to. We aren’t going to fight any more.”

When Nico powers down, Breccan makes a run for it. If the boy had more sense, he would stay with me.

“If I so much as see you near him, I will destroy you,” Nico growls, his eyes flashing yet again. As if he could destroy me.

I raise an eyebrow. “You are really going to be that possessive?” I ask.

“I’m stronger than you, Egan. And I won’t hesitate to act if you cross me and hurt him again,” he says, the threat clear in his voice.

“I’ve never hurt him,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “Don’t be silly.”

Nico laughs, a barking, bitter sound. “You have no idea, do you?”

“No idea about what?” I wonder, feeling decidedly confused.

He just laughs again. I don’t have time for this. I turn around and start walking away. Looking over my shoulder, I say, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Nico, but I don’t like it. I’ll see you later.”

“Remember my warning,” he mutters. “Or you’ll regret it.”

Ha, as if I need to take him seriously. Breccan is mine.

What can Nico really do about it, anyway?

character: egan, member: alien_writings, trigger: rape, character: nico, character: breccan, rating: r, pairing: breccan/egan, trigger: violence

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