Breccan+Egan+Finbar Fic - He Belongs to Me

Mar 20, 2013 10:39

I accidentally deleted this post, so I am reposting it. Trigger warnings for reference to rape.


I had an absolutely lovely time yesterday. Breccan just squirms so delightfully -- it’s too much fun to watch him do it when he’s under my power. It’s funny -- I don’t often bother to go after the same boy more than a couple times at most, but there’s something about the little redhead. Maybe it’s the fact that he has a long distance boyfriend he insists he’s supposed to be with, no matter how many times I take him. I chuckle to myself -- if that were the case, Breccan wouldn’t succumb to my godly seduction powers.

After all, true love means a target cannot feel them, and he most certainly can feel them. Breccan’s lack of true love for his “dear” boyfriend makes me smile as I enter SynthBrew, the local coffee shop favored by students of Great Plains High School. As a god, I don’t really need to go to school, but where else am I going to find so many pretty boys ripe for the picking?

When I notice the boy working behind the counter, I feel myself scowl -- it’s Savin, the senior who proved most difficult as a target. I saunter up to him and lean on the counter. “It’s so nice to see you, Savin,” I drawl. There’s no need to let him know how annoyed I am that I couldn’t take him whenever I wanted.

He doesn’t look happy to see me. “What do you want, Egan?” he mutters.

I make a show of looking at the menu, written in a “futuristic and digital” font, apparently designed to simulate what the “future of coffee” will look like. The whole place looks like something out of a science fiction movie -- a lot of colored plastic, shiny metal and vaguely crystalline surfaces. The mortals seem to enjoy it, anyway.

“I can’t just say hello?” I wonder as I keep pretending to look at the menu.

“If you’re going to order something, just do it, okay?” he mutters, sounding most annoyed.

I smile at him. If he had any sense, he would be charmed by me. “Oh, Savin, it’s your job to be nice to the customers, isn’t it?” I say.

He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose -- I can tell I’ve gotten to him. Excellent. I murmur, “I’ll have a soy chai latte with a shot of espresso and extra foam. Don’t forget the extra foam.”

As he goes to make my drink, my thoughts can’t help drifting to my recent troubles with Nico -- he had the audacity to interfere with my seduction of Breccan at that football game. I tremble just recalling that -- what was my fellow god thinking? He had never had a problem with my seductions before, as it should be. After all, he did it, too. And all of a sudden he decided it was “wrong” to take Breccan if I felt like it? Nico didn’t even seem to understand his own actions. To make matters worse, he’s not really talking to me -- I don’t like it. At least Nico can’t be around all the time, so I have plenty of opportunity to play with the redheaded boy when I want to.

When Savin hands me my drink, I hardly pay attention. As a god, I shouldn’t have to pay for my drink, but I do. I don’t even get that annoyed, because a most interesting sight just walked through the door -- it’s Breccan and what must be his little boyfriend, Finbar. I didn’t know he was in town.

They’re holding hands. I feel a grin spread across my face as I watch them. The pair hasn’t spotted me yet, so I take a table and observe as they order. Breccan pays for both his and Finbar’s drinks. I wonder if that’s because he feels guilty for what he’s been doing with me. His boyfriend’s brown eyes show no signs of anger or betrayal -- he even kisses Breccan lightly on the lips. Those lips belong to me, Finbar.

After they settle into their table, I watch for a few more moments, waiting for the perfect time to approach. They’re leaning so close to one another, but I can tell Breccan is uneasy. His posture is stiff and awkward -- it’s a wonder Finbar doesn’t notice. I take a sip of my chai latte -- Savin didn’t give me enough foam. He must have done that on purpose.

I wonder why Breccan is even bothering to keep up the pretense of being with Finbar. All his talk of “faithfulness” and “caring about someone” is a mess of hot air. I’m a much better partner -- Finbar can’t compete. Take a look at his hair, for example. It’s a bit above shoulder length and blond -- and nothing compared to my long blond hair. The rest of me outshines him, too. That’s not even mentioning the seduction powers Finbar obviously lacks.

Other patrons keep stealing glances at me. It’s so much fun, how the mortals can’t help admiring my godly good looks. Breccan and Finbar, on the other hand? They notice only each other. Smiling, I decide to approach the little lovebirds now. I grab my chai latte and slide over to them. At first, they don’t even notice. Then, Breccan’s eyes go wide and he knocks over his coffee. It spills all across the table and he frantically tries to clean it up.

With a wave of my hand, the spill vanishes. “Hello, Breccan. And how are you today?” I say.

My lover seems unable to say anything. He just sits there, as if frozen.

Finbar’s eyes dart between the vanished spill and me. It seems he can’t comprehend what he’s seeing. “You’re a -- you’re a god,” he breathes.

I nod, smiling.

He looks at Breccan, incredulous, and asks, “You know him?”

The poor boy’s beautiful face is as pale as anything. He’s so cute when he’s frightened. Breccan nods. “I -- know him,” he manages, voice cracking.

“My name’s Egan, if you’re curious,” I murmur. “Breccan and I are very close. He never told you about me?” I can practically feel my eyes sparkle as I plan to break apart their farce of a relationship.

Finbar turns to his soon-to-be-ex boyfriend. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew one of the gods?” he breathes.

I shrug my shoulders carefully. “I don’t know why he hasn’t. It is strange, though,” I say. I put a hand on Breccan’s shoulder and give it a squeeze. I can feel him shiver at my touch. “So, Breccan dear, why didn’t you say anything?”

“Dear?” Finbar asks. “Why is he calling you dear?” His brow furrows in confusion.

“I --” Breccan is unable to say anything else. He looks so distressed, but I’m only trying to help him break free of a relationship that’s obviously wrong for him.

“That’s because he is my ‘dear.’” I look Finbar directly in the eye. “I’m afraid your boyfriend hasn’t exactly been faithful to you,” I murmur. My hand never leaves Breccan’s shoulder.

I smirk as I watch the horror dawning on Finbar’s plain face. “Is this -- is this true?” he breathes.

Tears shine in Breccan’s eyes. I know what will get rid of those later.

“I -- didn’t want to. He seduced me. With his powers,” he whimpers.

I snort derisively. Of course he wanted it, even if he objected at first. “He succumbed so easily to my wiles. Multiple times,” I say. “I’m so sorry, but he obviously doesn’t love you. He belongs to me.”

Breccan stares at the ground. “I’m sorry, Finbar,” he whispers.

“You betrayed me,” he hisses. “I knew this would happen when we decided to do long distance. I knew it. It’s over, Breccan.” He gathers his things and gets up from his seat, trembling. His eyes fill with tears -- I can see how much he’s hurting and can’t help smiling at it.

Finbar storms off, not even looking at his now-ex, and Breccan makes no move to follow him. The boy can’t -- I have him trapped with my seduction powers. I lift my hand from his shoulder and slide into the vacated seat. I slip my arm around around his shoulders and pull him close to me as I put down my latte. He doesn’t object, though I feel him shake with sobs. Those should stop soon enough.

“Oh, honey, I’m terribly sorry about all that, but Finbar just wasn’t right for you,” I murmur.

I can’t help smiling because things went so very well today. I got rid of that pesky Finbar and now Breccan truly belongs to me, as it should be.

rating: pg-13, character: egan, pairing: breccan/finbar, trigger: rape, character: breccan, character: finbar, trigger: sexual assault, pairing: breccan/egan, character: savin

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