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blue_fjords June 2 2010, 03:33:27 UTC
Misha's never been one to count his lines. Sometimes Castiel is the exposition fairy, sometimes his lines consist of "Dean" in half a dozen inflections. But he's been hearing rumors of Season Six (okay, Jerry, the night janitor, told Marcus, the security guard, told Janice, the woman who straightens their clothes between takes - what? sometimes they tussle!, told Maggie, the barista at the chai & coffee place, who makes this chai - it is literally Heaven on Earth, anyhow, she told Misha that Castiel may only be in three episodes).

This calls for drastic measures. This calls for, dare he say it? Yes he does. This calls for a Dastardly Plan. Because working on Supernatural is both lucrative and fun! And he gets to travel the world on someone else's dime. You can't beat that with a crowbar ( ... )


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel click_panda June 3 2010, 19:10:42 UTC
I agree please make more! >w< This is so amazing!


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel colazitron June 7 2010, 19:02:04 UTC
Oh God xD Hilarious! Your Misha is a work of art. Giggle-inducing, ingenious art!


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel floatxxaway June 9 2010, 01:47:54 UTC


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel the_lady_revan June 24 2010, 04:03:52 UTC
Omg that was epic!

*joins in with her own fangirl cries for more plz*


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel kielamyis October 24 2010, 19:11:34 UTC
ASDFGHJKL -MOAR!!! This is hi-la-ri-o-us! xDD Seriously, someone should send Misha this, he needs to see what greatness he can manage with a fake twitter account... (especially of the Dean/Cas kind... xDDD )


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel sucksucksmile April 1 2011, 07:00:14 UTC

this entire verse just makes me flail.
there is never enough twitter!misha.


Re: Continuing Adventures of joanieangel spikeslayedlove July 30 2011, 05:17:49 UTC
Is there more of this?? PLEASE tell me there's more! :D LOVE it!


zanyrainey June 3 2010, 06:42:44 UTC
but then there was Sangria. A lot of things slip through the cracks around Sangria.)
*Ain't that the fuckin truth!*

This is so terrific! I LOVE that it's Minion-centric! It sounds like him, feels like him.



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