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Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 2 2010, 00:28:22 UTC
Dean pulls back to study Cas’ face. He looks hopeful now, eyes bright with nervous anticipation just like they’d been the first time they’d kissed and opened up this whole new world for them. Whatever fears Dean had had feel stupid and inconsequential with the way Cas is smiling at him now.

“Words are important to you guys, right?” Dean asks.

Cas nods.

After taking a deep breath, Dean smiles and says, “Yes.”

Apparently, that’s enough, because the world moves. Just because it’s a fucking cliché doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen; that’s the only way Dean can think of to describe how reality suddenly shifts and he’s looking at Cas - the real Cas, pale grey eyes on an androgynous face that would be completely alien if Dean weren’t already intimately acquainted with that expression of exhilarated pleasure - and he's feeling Cas - or something unearthly and powerful humming all the way through Dean’s body like Cas is pressing into him for kiss that’s deeper than anything Dean’s ever known - before the rush slowly fades away and it's just ( ... )


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:06:49 UTC
Yay, I'm glad you enjoyed it! /work-is-done


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) mulder200 June 3 2010, 04:12:19 UTC
LOL! I love how Dean finally gets it in the end and the revelation was well worth it.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:19:23 UTC
Thank you! In a roundabout way, they're both doing the proposing here, which tickled me all by my lonesome while writing. XD


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) veggie17 June 3 2010, 16:09:57 UTC
Oh God, I love how you handled this. I love how Sam got a traditional marriage, and how Dean and Cas didn't, but are just as committed.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) devilyouwere June 4 2010, 03:29:15 UTC
I never knew I wanted Dean/Castiel wedding fic until now. I am just a mess of incoherent noises and happy sighs. This is perfect because your voices are dead-on, basically saying their commitment to each other is just as big as marriage is something I've always believed and omg, yes, I love this and I love you and I hope they do get married now ♥

Cas finally looks at Dean, but there’s a wariness in his gaze that harks back to when they barely understood each other and couldn’t talk without either or both walking away from the conversation pissed off.
You make them perfectly imperfect, gah ♥


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) blue_fjords June 4 2010, 04:14:02 UTC
That was a schmoopy delight. A bit of angst, a bit of tenderness, a bit of Sam, and so much loving goodness. I really liked the non-ceremony of their wedding, with the earth moving. Awesome.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) colazitron June 7 2010, 17:52:43 UTC
I can only make sighing, gurgling, happy noises right now, but they're meant to tell you how much I adore this!


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) cheeky_duckie April 29 2011, 23:46:22 UTC
There are no words for the sheer amount of WONDERFUL that I am feeling. <3<3<3

... Nope, not enough hearts yet.


...I'll let you know what the appropriate number of hearts is when I find out.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla April 30 2011, 08:29:36 UTC
LOLOL, thank you! Weddingfic schmoop is a bit of SQUEE in a bottle, isn't it? XD Glad you like!


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