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Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 2 2010, 00:28:22 UTC
Dean pulls back to study Cas’ face. He looks hopeful now, eyes bright with nervous anticipation just like they’d been the first time they’d kissed and opened up this whole new world for them. Whatever fears Dean had had feel stupid and inconsequential with the way Cas is smiling at him now.

“Words are important to you guys, right?” Dean asks.

Cas nods.

After taking a deep breath, Dean smiles and says, “Yes.”

Apparently, that’s enough, because the world moves. Just because it’s a fucking cliché doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen; that’s the only way Dean can think of to describe how reality suddenly shifts and he’s looking at Cas - the real Cas, pale grey eyes on an androgynous face that would be completely alien if Dean weren’t already intimately acquainted with that expression of exhilarated pleasure - and he's feeling Cas - or something unearthly and powerful humming all the way through Dean’s body like Cas is pressing into him for kiss that’s deeper than anything Dean’s ever known - before the rush slowly fades away and it's just the two of them, lying in bed, staring at each other.

“Wow,” Cas says.

“Yeah.” Dean wonders if he looks half as shelf-shocked as Cas. “Huh.”

“There is no precedent for this,” Cas says. “But I need to... I feel like I have to...”

Dean rolls his eyes. “I think you can tell me anything at this point.”

“I need to fly,” Cas says firmly. “In celebration. It’s too… I feel like I cannot be contained.”

“Okay.” Dean nods, certain of this one thing. “Take me with you.”

He does.



Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) angelic_x_demon June 2 2010, 01:13:54 UTC

I'm the biggest puddle of goo ever. EVER, I TELL YOU.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 2 2010, 06:14:19 UTC
Schmoop has been achieved! \o/


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) ginfairy June 2 2010, 05:57:33 UTC
There is a stupid look on my face now. No, no, not the normal 'I'm not all there' stupid look I usually sport, I mean stupid, daft happy.

Thank you that was lovely.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 2 2010, 06:13:28 UTC
Yay, thank you! I probably had the same daft look on my face while I was writing this. XD


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) timey_wimey_kid June 2 2010, 07:19:56 UTC
These two need to get married stat. <3


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:13:02 UTC
There would be so much shenanigans I wouldn't even know where to start.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:13:15 UTC
Thank you!


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) horusporus June 2 2010, 08:22:04 UTC
i love cas; i love dean; AND I LOVE UUUUUUU


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:18:36 UTC


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 11:07:17 UTC
kjdsadjsadhjakshdjksad *keymashes* you turned me into a melting puddle of squee or something. This was just so precious, I loved it so much. And God, I loved that there was no ritual and that all it took was saying yes, AWWWWWW *melts again* This was so good and so perfectly schmoopy, A+++++++. ;)


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:17:27 UTC
Yay, thank you! I think having an elaborate obscure ritual would be a fascinating way to go about it, too, but that'd need more space than a commenfic.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) heavenlyxbodies June 2 2010, 15:49:20 UTC
Awwwwww, adorable. *sighs sappily* and I don't even have a marriage kink, lol.


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) dachinchilla June 3 2010, 13:18:23 UTC
I don't have a marriage kink either, which made it doubly fun to try writing for this prompt. XD


Re: Dean/Castiel, wedding (5/5) moonlettuce June 2 2010, 20:22:10 UTC
This is perfect! ::smishes you for writing this::


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