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5.04-verse, dean/future!cas devilsduplicity June 1 2010, 10:14:10 UTC
Dean/future!Cas -- Dean wakes up in Castiel's bed, with Cas clinging to him like a lifeline.


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 1/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 00:54:47 UTC
This totally blew out of proportions. Sorry. I should know better than taking prompts saying future!Cas.

Dean has this idea that he might have sort of involuntarily crashed Cas' orgy, without technically crushing it. Which doesn't make sense, told like this, but well, apparently the dick aka himself thinks that it'd be wiser to wait another day before going after Lucifer (he doesn't want to mention Sam in this whole mess), and so he needed a place to sleep. And he wasn't going to bunk with himself because the idea of being around himself that long (or this version of himself) makes homicidal instincts surface, and he doesn't really want to end up killing himself. Or... whatever. He can't get headaches over this ( ... )


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 1/3 the_lady_revan June 5 2010, 13:47:29 UTC
I can't wait to read part 2! Will it be posted here still?


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 1/3 janie_tangerine June 5 2010, 13:51:56 UTC
Whooops, apparently the link just goes to part I. I already posted the whole thing. :)


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 2/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 00:57:15 UTC
"Oh, shut it. I got it," Dean says, because he isn't an idiot and he fucking did get it, and then he drags Cas forward by the wrist trying not to pull too hard on it and as he brings an arm around Cas' waist and one around his shoulders he wonders if maybe he should have done this a long time ago. Maybe even before he ended up in this clusterfuck of a future. Well, he has a list for when he gets back, if he does. (Until now, it just had two points, #1: kick Zach's ass, #2 call Sam as soon as #1 is done; now it also has: #3, give the damn angel a hug once in a while even if it's a threat to your stupid image. He has seen where keeping the image brought him, and he doesn't like it one bit, and if this Cas feels like... stealing, or however do you want to call it, some fucked up hugging in the middle of the night there has to be a reason ( ... )


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 00:57:51 UTC
It lasts some time, not that long but not even a handful of seconds, and Dean moves his hand under Cas' chin so that at least Cas has to look at him in the damned eyes.

"Dean, don't feel like you have to..."

"Fuck that. I want to," he answers, and it's the plain truth here. "Now, what do you want instead?" he asks, realizing that if Cas asks for more he'd give that willingly and without much of a thought, but when he tries to move his hand down Cas shakes his head ( ... )


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 angelic_x_demon June 2 2010, 01:31:03 UTC
Oh. My. Goodness.

So good!


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 09:34:50 UTC
Eee, thank you so much! :D I'm so glad you liked it. :)


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 devilsduplicity June 2 2010, 02:47:09 UTC
Oh my! *flails hands at you* This was perfect! Even more than I'd expected -- all sorts of soft and sweet and heartachy. Just lovely. Cas was absolutely adorable, and Dean finally gave him the cuddling he needed! Because every fangirl always knew that the way to fix broken future!Cas was with a hug. :| Thank you. ♥♥!


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 09:36:54 UTC
Eee, thank you so very much! I just, when I saw the prompt I had to take it, if f!Cas is written on something I usually can't resist. ;)

Because every fangirl always knew that the way to fix broken future!Cas was with a hug. :|

Thaaaat. I just had to go there. And I'm so really glad it fit the bill, thank you! ♥ ♥ ♥


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 devilsduplicity June 2 2010, 09:52:02 UTC
Ohman, do I ever know. 5.04-verse is my favourite, and I'm also somewhat unnaturally fond of future!Cas. I was sort of reluctant to ask for him in a fluff meme like this, because that boy usually comes with a little suitcase of angst, but am I ever glad I did~ <3

Aaaand this is the part where I get my stalk on and friend you. Hope you don't mind? >>


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 09:54:30 UTC
I think I have a weird obsession with f!Cas. He got under my skin after that ep, damn him, and actually I was hoping someone would prompt something set in 5x04 or I'd have done that myself at some point. (Btw, 5x04 = totally my favorite too.)

Which brings me to the point, of course I don't. <3333 *friends* stalk away. ;)


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 devilsduplicity June 2 2010, 10:08:45 UTC
Oh yeah, he's definitely got that "under your skin" sort of quality about him. He's the one character that was brought in that you will never forget. Also doesn't help that my first Supernatural fic featured him as the main character. ._. There needs to be more f!Cas/Dean fic, dammit!

Already friended back~


Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 janie_tangerine June 2 2010, 10:43:02 UTC
IKR? For me it's him and Jimmy, of the appeared-once-and-I-can't-shake-them-away category, but you're so right about that. And duh, it did? I need to hunt that fic down when I'm done with studying for today -nods- And yeah, dammit, THERE NEEDS TO. Tbh if it's f!Cas/f!Dean I can't usually take it because it makes me go ;______;, but Dean/f!Cas? Yeah. All over it. ;_;



Re: 5.04-verse, dean/future!cas 3/3 888mph June 3 2010, 22:39:46 UTC
*does some stalking, too*


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