So, as y'all know TBP and I are in the process of packing up to move. This envolves going through stuff such as clothes, boxes and backpacks. I have just finished going through my backpack from freshman/sophomore year. In it I discovered the following letter. Transcribed exactly, typos included.
Dear Leonard Nimoy )
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True that TOS was cheesy and had bad sets, but in the long run, the messages that were put forth were, for the most part, obvious. You had complex critisims of the world and how things are run thrust in your face in such a way that you were forced to see them. Yes you could hid and pretend that no, it's just a sow, but for the most part when you saw it, you were forced to think. Also, Kirk is superior. I mean come one, he built a working bazooka out of bits of plant and stuff. He also had a skew the rules, we can't let people suffer attitude. And he got away with it.
TNG was great in it's set design yes. But in it's sci-fi quality it often faultered. manytimes yes you dealt with the what ifs, and the how comes, but just as often were episodes that really were compleat drekl sci-fi wise. Which isn't to say I hate it, cause really, I love TNG. I grew up with TNG and VOY. But TOS really does swamp them for sci-finess.
I wrote and finished my very first fanfiction. Spock was my favorite as well. He played a big part in that story. No, I haven't ever posted the story because it is horrible by my own standards today. It is cheesy too. :-) So I will just look back with fondness at the TV show that helped shape who I am today. The show that eventually introduced me to the world of the internet, which includes a certain Qutie.
Yeah, you said you would share that with me.....
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