Chemical (Part Two)

Nov 29, 2009 21:48

Title: Chemical (Part Two)
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung (main), Doojoon/Hyunseung (minor), Doojoon/Yoseob (minor)
Genre: gang!au, angst, drama, romance
Word Count: 3246
Rating: R
Warnings: drug usage and references, sexual situations and references, slight violence, language.
Summary: Doojoon and Hyunseung never meant to start a gang. They never meant to save their neighborhood, never meant to save their friends. They only meant to save each other, and they failed to save anyone.

Note: I apologize for the random format change. I could not get the table to work.

The fluorescent lighting of the grocery store hurts Hyunseung's eyes when they step out of the rain. Doojoon has his arms crossed in his baggy sweatshirt, eyes nervous as he looks around at the other customers- most likely worried he'll recognize someone. If anyone sees Yoon Doojoon in his current state all their hard work to build up his reputation would be ruined. No one would be intimidated by the thin, pale man he'd wasted into over the past months.

Doojoon's almost clean now, and Hyunseung has been for a month, but it's a delicate balance. The littlest things set him off, making him break things or curl up on the floor crying. Hyunseung would have gladly left him at home, but Gikwang and Dongwoon are busy today and Doojoon can't be left alone just yet. He would wait and shop tomorrow, but there's no food in the house and take-out is too expensive for their budget.

Hyunseung heads straight for the instant ramyun aisle but after two steps realizes Doojoon isn't following. “C'mon,” he says quietly, but Doojoon shakes his head and pulls his hood lower over his face.

“I'll... wait here. By the registers.” Hyunseung shakes his head and grabs for Doojoon's hand, but he pulls away. “No, I want to stay here. I'll be fine.”

The aisle isn't far, so Hyunseung decides that leaving him alone for a few minutes isn't nearly as risky as pushing him further and potentially making him throw a tantrum in the middle of the busy store. “Don't move, I mean it.” Doojoon nods without meeting his eyes, still watching the people around them.

He shoves bulk packs of ramyun into the cart haphazardly before grabbing a case of bottled water. He pauses, trying to remember what else they could need. He turns to leave the aisle when he hears shouting from the entrance.

“Hey! Are you okay?”

He finds Doojoon curled up on the tile, arms wrapped around his torso protectively. A small body bends over him, blond hair peaking out of his rain-stained hoodie. The figure pushes at Doojoon's shoulders gently. Hyunseung freezes, watching as the boy carefully pulls Doojoon into a sitting position, surprisingly strong for his size. One of Doojoon's hands latch onto the boy's jacket, scared to let go.

“He's sick,” Hyunseung calls quickly, running up to the pair as a crowd begins to form around them. He crouches at Doojoon's side, grabbing and pulling at his arms. “Doojoon, let's go. We'll go home and you can lay down.” The boy looks at Hyunseung with round, dark eyes. Doojoon refuses to let go of him, not noticing Hyunseung as he gapes up at the smaller man.

“Go with your friend,” the blond days encouragingly, removing Doojoon's hand from his arm and Hyunseung can't help but notice the slight hesitation in his words and movements.

“What's your name?” Doojoon asks in a hoarse whisper, getting to his feet and leaning on Hyunseung. He gives them both a blinding grin, all perfectly white teeth.


“Surprised to see me?” And Hyunseung is as he stands in his doorway, staring at the man on his doorstep.

“You said you were leaving right after the party.” Junhyung smiles.

“I thought I was,” he replies, pushing past Hyunseung to enter the house. He sinks into the couch, sighing. “I wasn't planning to ever come back here.”

“Then why are you here?” Hyunseung doesn't move, too afraid if he does Junhyung will disappear because it wouldn't be the first time he ever hallucinated. Though usually drugs were involved.

“Beats me,” he says, shrugging. “Got to the party, Doojoon tells me he and my boss spoke and they need me to stay.” He gives Hyunseung a small smile. “Not complaining, though.”

Hyunseung makes a mental note to thank Doojoon the next time he sees him and heads into the kitchen. “You hungry? I'm making ramyun.”

Doojoon hasn't called for him in almost a week, but Hyunseung can't say it bothers him. This is how it usually went when Yoseob came back- one's around, the other isn't needed. Junhyung doesn't seem to notice or care either, because he comes over every day.

“I have an idea,” he says, seated at the kitchen table while Hyunseung does the dishes he's been putting off for two days much to Junhyung's displeasure. “Let's go out to eat tonight.”

“As in, actually sit down in a restaurant and have them serve us?” He nods. “But that means I have to put on clean clothes.” Junhyung only laughs, because he knows Hyunseung will go along with it and he does. As they leave the house, he pauses on the stoop. “It's cold. Mind if we stop by the warehouse so I can grab my jacket?” Hyunseung narrows his eyes.

“I'll meet you at the restaurant.” Junhyung shakes his head.

“What, can't go unless Doojoon invites you?” There's an edge to his voice that reminds him of their first and only fight, the one they never quite resolved and chose to avoid ever since.

“Fine,” he mutters, locking the door behind them.

From the moment they walk in, he knows it's a trap, because Dongwoon and Gikwang are smiling at him and telling Junhyung the pizza's already in the kitchen. Hyunseung glares at Junhyung and tries to turn around and leave, but Junhyung has a solid hold on his arm and shoves him into the living room before he can protest.

Gikwang throws an arm around his shoulder and pulls him onto the couch. “This was a great idea! I never thought you'd agree to come and play with us.” His smile is too happy and all Hyunseung can muster is a weak half-smile back. Dongwoon settles onto the opposite side of the couch, not too close but certainly not avoiding him. He's smiling, too, though more at the television in front of them.

Junhyung returns from the kitchen with two bottles of beer and hands one to Hyunseung. “Don't look at me like that,” he grumbles when Hyunseung glares at him. “Have some fun for once in your life.” Hyunseung sips his beer while Gikwang and Dongwoon argue over what video game they should play. Junhyung settles in between Dongwoon and Hyunseung, casually throwing an arm around his shoulders.

After a good three hours of games and countless beers, Hyunseung is a little disoriented when Doojoon and Yoseob enter the room. Yoseob's eyes meet his immediately and he looks away. Junhyung notices next and gives the pair a quick wave.

“Throwing a party without us?” Doojoon laughs, grabbing the beer Dongwoon offers him. Hyunseung watches out of the corner of his eye as Yoseob's arms encircle Doojoon's waist, moving closer with his gaze still fixed on Hyunseung.

“There's pizza in the kitchen if you're hungry,” Gikwang says, focused on the game they're playing.

“That sounds good,” Yoseob says. “Hyunseung, want to get some with me?” He sinks deeper into the old couch, probably imagining it when feels Junhyung's arm tighten around him a little. “C'mon, I haven't seen you in forever.” His smile is sweet and Hyunseung knows everyone is staring at him. Reluctantly, he rises and follows the shorter boy out of the room.

Yoseob opens the boxes, browsing the selection before grabbing the pizza roller and helping himself. Hyunseung hands back, in the doorway, not sure if he's supposed to say something but sure as hell not going to. He rubs the back of his hand, feeling the familiar bumps of his scar. When Yoseob turns around he catches him rubbing at his hand and smiles that same, perfectly sweet smile.

“Good times, huh?” he asks. “I thought for a second you'd forgotten.” Yoseob takes a bite of his pizza, chews slowly. “Come over here.” Hyunseung takes a step forward, away from the doorway. Yoseob's eyes narrow and his smile slips. “No, over here.” He moves to stand next to the shorter boy, leaning on the counter behind them. Yoseob's quiet as he takes another bite, then he sets his plate down and takes Hyunseung's hand gently. Turning it over, he runs his fingers over the bubbled flesh. A lump forms in Hyunseung's throat and he can't believe how familiar this all is.

“You were supposed to stay away.” He lowers Hyunseung's hand to the counter, holding it there in his iron grip. “Whenever I'm around, you're not supposed to exist.”


“You're nothing, Hyunseung.” His lips twist into a disgusting snarl. “You have no reason to be around. No one needs you here, you serve no purpose. The only reason I tolerate you is because for some reason Doojoon still likes to fuck you.” Hyunseung tries to pull back his wrist, but Yoseob slams it back down onto the counter. He grabs the pizza cutter from the counter and presses it against Hyunseung's skin, right across his scar.

“If you try and get close to Doojoon again, I will hurt you. I will hurt you much worse than this, much worse than I have before.” The blade slowly cuts across the back of his hand, tiny droplets of blood forming along the thin wound. Hyunseung hisses, a strangled sound in the back of his throat because he refuses to give Yoseob the satisfaction of hearing his pain. Yoseob repeats this four more times, each more slowly than the last, his eyes locked on Hyunseung's face, a wicked grin on his stunning face.

He releases Hyunseung's hand, tossing the pizza cutter into the sink and grabbing his plate of pizza. “Remember that you only exist here because I allow you to, Hyunseung,” he mutters under his breath before leaving Hyunseung alone in the kitchen. Hyunseung grabs a paper towel, dabbing at his hand. He knows he needs to get back out there before the others get curious and come looking for him.

“I didn't know getting pizza took this long.” He turns and Junhyung's standing in the doorway. His eyes immediately go to the paper towels around Hyunseung hand so Hyunseung balls them up and tosses them in the trashcan. Junhyung crosses the room and grabs his arm, frowning as he looks over the cuts. Hyunseung braces himself, but all Junhyung does is sigh. “We better clean this.”

Junhyung leads him by the elbow out of the kitchen and down the hall, gently pushing him into the bathroom before shutting and locking the door. He makes Hyunseung sit on the toilet, collecting a first aid kit out from under the sink. Silence fills the room as Junhyung cleans his hand, Hyunseung trying not to wince when he applies disinfectant, Junhyung never once looking up from his work. Junhyung's face is taut, his mouth a straight line that looks awkward on his full lips.

“Are you mad?” Hyunseung asks. Junhyung carefully packs up the first aid kit and returns it to its spot under the sink. He turns and smiles, but his eyes are strained.

“No, of course not.” Hyunseung frowns.

“You're lying. Why are you so mad?”

“I'm not mad. Why should I get upset over some piece of shit who won't even defend himself?” His face his calm, but the words leave his lips short. Clipped. Hyunseung feels tears sting his eyes, and tries to move past Junhyung to get to the door, but Junhyung body-blocks the exit. “Did you even try to stop him?”

“It's none of your fucking business,” he mutters, their faces inches apart as Hyunseung tries to shove past him again. Junhyung laughs bitterly, his breath ghosting across Hyunseung's cheek.

“Then stop making it my fucking business,” he whispers before closing the space between them, pressing their lips together in a slow kiss that makes Hyunseung's stomach do a flip. Junhyung's hand brushes against his face, pulling him closer as his eyes close.

“Hyunseung, Junhyung! You in there?” Doojoon's voice calls through the door, followed by an impatient knock. Junhyung sighs, sliding to the side to allow Hyunseung to open the door and exit first. Doojoon looks them both over quickly, something flickering in his eyes Hyunseung can't identify. “What were you two doing in there?” Hyunseung raises up his hand, averting his gaze.

“Hurt myself. Junhyung was helping me clean it.” Without waiting for an answer, he half-walks, half-jogs back down the hall and out the front door. Halfway home he becomes aware of Junhyung following behind him. They walk in silence, enter the house in silence. Hyunseung promptly shuts himself in his room and buries himself in his blankets.

Something outside is chirping again. Wait, not chirping. More like ringing- a cell phone. But that makes no sense, Hyunseung doesn't own a cell phone. He rolls over in his bed, pulling the blanket off of his face. The light streaming through his window hurts his eyes and his bedside clock reads nine A.M. Yes, something is very wrong here.

He struggles to his feet, fighting the sleepy fog in his brain. As he leaves his room he hears the sound of the shower running. For a moment he panics, but then again what kind of burglar breaks in to use people's showers? A jacket rests over the back of the couch- Junhyung's. His stomach turns because he was really hoping he wouldn't have to deal with this first thing in the morning.

The ringing starts up again, coming from the jacket. He searches through the pockets and locates the cell phone. In his daze he presses the button and brings it to his ear, nearly jumping when he hears the voice on the other end.

“Junhyung, where the hell are you?” Doojoon's voice calls through the speaker.

“Doojoon...?” Hyunseung replies, voice cracking in a yawn.

“Hyunseung?” A pause. “Why do you have Junhyung's phone?” His mind races, trying to find a logical excuse, but failing. “He didn't come home last night, did he stay over there?”

“Um... yeah.” A laugh.

“Oh, okay! Is he there now? Can I talk to him?”

“He's...” A quick glance at the shower and he winces. “Out right now.”

“Well, when he gets back you two come on over, okay?” Hyunseung frowns, leaning against the back of the couch.

“Both of us?” Another laugh.

“Yes, both of you. I wish you'd stayed later last night...” Hyunseung understands the hint, and rubs his temples.

“Yoseob is home.”

“So? I can still see you.” His voice is firm, back in commanding leader mode.

“Doojoon, I don't think I want to go today.” A pause, followed by a forced laugh.

“What? Don't want to? Stop fucking with me, Hyunseung.” Hyunseung lets out a tired sigh.

“No, I don't want to. I never want to. I'm not going, Doojoon.” A string of expletives and Hyunseung flips the phone closed. From the bathroom, he hears the water squeak off, and he quickly shoves the phone back into Junhyung's jacket pocket. He walks into the kitchen and waits, pretending to grab something out of the fridge.

A minute later Junhyung rounds the corner, a towel over his wet hair. Hyunseung smiles and hopes like hell it doesn't look as forced as it feels. “You hungry? Mind getting take-out?” Junhyung eyes him suspiciously and starts to speak, but Hyunseung interrupts him. “I'm starving, please?” He shoves his wallet against Junhyung's chest, grabbing the jacket off the couch and pushing him toward the door. “Thai food sound good?” Junhyung slides on his shoes, takes his jacket and nods, much to Hyunseung's relief. He waves to Junhyung's retreating form, feeling a pang of guilt when he re-enters the house.

He knows he had to do it, because he knows what comes next.

Doojoon's shadow crosses in front of the window and Hyunseung moves quickly to the front door, opening it just in time to see Doojoon reach for the knob. Doojoon tries to move past him, into the house, but Hyunseung blocks.

“What the fuck, Hyunseung?” he growls, his eyes set in a fierce glare.

“This isn't your house and I don't want to let you in. We can talk out here.” Because whenever we try to talk inside, we end up fucking instead.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because I need you to choose. You love Yoseob, I know you do. I'm not asking you to choose between me and him, because I know who you'll choose. I need you to tell me what we are: friends, partners, or something else?” Doojoon's face falters slightly.

“I don't understand why we can't be them all.” Hyunseung sighs. “What, do you want to stop?” They lock eyes, and Hyunseung knows what Doojoon expects him to do next. This is the one question he can never answer. This is where Hyunseung loses.

“Yes, I do.” Doojoon's eyes widen with mild panic and he takes a step forward, tries to touch Hyunseung but he pulls back. Doojoon reaches out again, grabs his shoulder, squeezes.

“I don't want to,” he groans, but a noise in the alley distracts them. Junhyung appears from around the corner, a plastic bag slung over his shoulder. His eyebrows raise slightly when he notices the two, but only for a moment. Doojoon moves to speak, but Junhyung raises a hand.

“No, don't let me interrupt.” He approaches the stoop and moves between them toward the door. He pauses by Hyunseung. “Pad thai, right?” He asks, voice oddly intimate, before pecking him on the lips. He throws a quick grin over his shoulder before heading inside.

Hyunseung stares after Junhyung a moment, frozen, heart pounding in his ears, before looking back to Doojoon. Doojoon chuckles, a bitter smile on his face.

“I guess I deserved this, huh?” Another chuckle, he takes a step back. “I'm sorry, Hyunseung.” He turns away, and Hyunseung wants to say something but can't figure out what exactly. “I'm really sorry.”

“Doojoon, I want to start over.” Doojoon grins at him.

“Me, too.”

“That was rather anti-climactic,” Junhyung grumbles, stabbing at his pad thai with his chopsticks. “I was hoping he'd try and break through the window to strangle me or something.” Hyunseung grins, mouth full of food.

“Just shows you don't know Doojoon very well,” he says, wagging a finger at him. “He may be an inconsiderate, horny asshole, but he's a nice guy.” Junhyung raises an eyebrow.

“Is that your way of making me jealous?” Hyunseung nearly chokes on his food laughing, and Junhyung glares at him. “I hope you choke and die.”

Hyunseung stands up, reaching across the table to wrap a hand around Junhyung's head to pull him over. They kiss, long and slow like the first time in the bathroom. Junhyung smiles into the kiss, grabs Hyunseung's arms and pulls him around the table, into his lap.

“So does this mean you're my fuck-toy now?” he mumbles into Hyunseung's ear, and Hyunseung dumps his entire container of pad thai over his head.

korea: beast, c: yoseob, c: junhyung, rating: r, c: hyunseung, c: doojoon

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