decipher (oneshot)

Apr 27, 2010 20:07

Title: Decipher
Pairing: Junhyung/Hyunseung
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 942
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Summary: Junhyung likes to think he has it all figured out, when he really doesn't.

Even though Junhyung is only a fill-in leader for when Doojoon is away, Doojoon decides to give him a few special roles as his second-in-command. For example, Junhyung is in charge of ordering the members to clean up, because Doojoon and Junhyung's definitions of "clean" are so different, and the leader is tired of being nagged to nag. Slowly but surely, Junhyung's responsibilities add up, making up for areas Doojoon just isn't equipped to fill. He doesn't mind, Doojoon doesn't mind, nor does the band mind. It's a solid system.

But now and then Junhyung assigns himself tasks, in his mind, purely for his own amusement. One such task happens to be interpreting Hyunseung.

Despite training together for so long, Hyunseung remains a mystery to his bandmates. Quiet, slow to react and sometimes choosing not to react at all, it's impossible to read Hyunseung's mind or understand why he does what he does. Just when they think he's happy, Hyunseung storms off to the practice rooms for hours. When they think, oh, Hyunseung is upset, the dancer will burst into a huge smile and laugh at apparently nothing. When everyone is playing around, he sits to the side in awkward silence. When everyone is tired and bored, he'll bounce into the room and wrap his arms around Yoseob in a pathetic attempt to carry the singer off. Then, when everyone is confused and trying to decipher the cause behind his actions, Hyunseung will revert to his natural state: smile, blank stare, clueless.

While the other four give up within weeks of meeting Hyunseung, Junhyung turns the mystery into a kind of game. Whenever Hyunseung did something random or odd, he'd create his own, sometimes extremely far-fetched, causes. Over time, and through careful observation, Junhyung begins to form better hypotheses, and more and more he finds he's correct. If Hyunseung skips a meal, it's because he made a secret trip earlier to the nearest convenience store to replenish the stash of snacks he keeps hidden under his collection of jackets. When Hyunseung spends hours organizing his section of the closet, it's because he discovered a single shirt out of place and decides at once to change his system. When Hyunseung doesn't speak for an entire day and everyone is worried he's sad or angry, Junhyung knows he's just preserving his voice for tomorrow's performance. By the time they move into their new dorm, he considers himself an unofficial Hyunseung expert, which comes in handy both in helping Doojoon and in his own times as substitute leader.

So when Hyunseung promptly demands a change in who gets what bed upon moving into the new dorm, Junhyung's confused. Not so much because of this strange demand, but because he can't find some reasoning behind it. Doojoon asks for a reason, Hyunseung says he just wants to switch. Dongwoon takes the opportunity to say he would rather sleep in a top bunk, and it's settled. Dongwoon moves up, Junhyung shifts over, and Hyunseung is in place. No one questions the change, quite frankly no one has enough energy to care. That is, except Junhyung.

Quite the opposite- he can't stop thinking about it. Every night he waits and watches Hyunseung getting ready for bed, taking in every detail, certain that something will reveal itself to him. Of course, he's not sure what kind of something he should be on the look-out for, but he knows it's there. Unfortunately, his new-found interest leads him to become more and more obvious, Hyunseung catching him in the act at least once a day.

Finally, one night, Junhyung is lying awake and trying his best not to think about it. He finds himself staring at Hyunseung sleeping soundly in the bunk next to his, thinking that maybe, if he just concentrated long enough, everything would become clear. It doesn't.

Hyunseung opens his eyes, frowning. "Stop staring at me," he grumbles, rubbing his eyes. Junhyung attempts to look surprised, tries to think of an excuse, but fails. "If you have something you want to say, just say it." Junhyung continues to stare. "Go on," he insists.

"Why'd you switch beds?" he asks, feeling embarrassed the second the question leaves his lips. Hyunseung's eyes glitter with amusement in the dark as he smiles.

"That's it?" Junhyung nods. "You've been glaring at me like that for the past twenty minutes for that?" An exasperated chuckle, he rolls over on his back. "It's funny you ask, actually. I need it because I thought it would make things easier."

Junhyung frowns, shoving Hyunseung's shoulder across the beds. "That's not an answer."

"Well," he replies, turning his head to grin at Junhyung. "This way you can talk to me instead of watching me like some kind of stalker and making your own assumptions about me."

He almost chokes. "Wh-what?" Hyunseung sighs and shoves his pillow into Junhyung's face.

"You're so creepy. Think I haven't noticed?"

"I don't-"

"Go to bed, Yong Junhyung," Hyunseung orders, leaning in and giving him a peck on the cheek. "I'm flattered, but you're way too obvious."

Though Hyunseung then rolls back over, Junhyung spends the remainder of the night staring at the back of his head. Once again he finds himself clueless, searching his logical brain for something to explain the endless mystery that is Jang Hyunseung. By the time the sun rises, and one by one the BEAST members crawl out of their beds, he has no answers and bloodshot eyes. The subject of his confusion and insomnia merely gives him a pat on the shoulder and an amused, but otherwise inscrutable smile.

He then decides that maybe he doesn't really want to understand.

korea: beast, c: junhyung, c: hyunseung, rating: g

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