
Jul 26, 2007 23:50

I have four drabbles. Two are here...I'll do the other two in another post. I couldn't stop writing them today. All were beta-ed by
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Comments 12

court1429 July 27 2007, 05:09:14 UTC
Love'em! Drabble #2 did my schmoop-lovin' ♥ good. ;)

I think, out of all my beloved comms, this drabble comm may just be my favorite.


tweedygal July 27 2007, 14:08:19 UTC
I'm really glad you like them, especially the second one. I wasn't sure how that would go over.

I know I *LOVE* this community...I would have never written anything QaF-related otherwise and I get a kick out of seeing what people come up with so quickly.


irishrudegirl July 27 2007, 06:05:31 UTC
loved them both! i also liked the one that you did earlier with lindsey, brian, and bossy!justin. so halarious!


tweedygal July 27 2007, 14:09:36 UTC
Oh, thank you! I think the Stoned!Brian/Justin is my personal favorite. It sort of wrote itself while I was staring at the image in my brain, laughing my head off.


(The comment has been removed)

tweedygal July 27 2007, 14:10:08 UTC
Long live schmoop. :D Thanks for commenting.


shadownyc July 27 2007, 11:38:14 UTC
I like drabble #1, but drabble #2 is fabulous!!! That last line is perfect. :D


tweedygal July 27 2007, 14:10:43 UTC
Awwww. "Fabulous"...thank you so much! I guess schmoop *is* a good thing sometimes. :D


herefordroad July 27 2007, 14:27:46 UTC
i love both drabbles but you really got to me with:

"then loaded Justin's toothbrush with toothpaste and went to bed."

brian will never see what we see!


tweedygal July 27 2007, 14:50:54 UTC
That just seems like such a sweet thing for someone to do for someone they love. :D


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