(no subject)

Jul 26, 2007 23:50

I have four drabbles. Two are here...I'll do the other two in another post. I couldn't stop writing them today. All were beta-ed by
catcayman  and I love her for always looking things over for me.  We've decided we share a brain because the first one is a *whole* lot like one of hers...in fact, I sent it to her just before I saw hers posted here! So, apologies for the sort-of repetition. All the condoms are for Brian this time, just 'cause I can.

Title: Tops and Bottoms
A/N: None
And the condom goes to: Brian

"What. The. Fuck." It was a statement, not a question.

Justin look up, surrounded by varying lengths of silvery sticks. A plastic stand nearby held a dowel drilled with lots of holes.

"It's a vintage Christmas tree -- I got it off eBay. I'm putting it together to put by the window. Except..." He held up two silver sticks. "I can't tell if these branches are tops or bottoms."

Brian said, "What makes you think *I* could?"

"Who better to know tops and bottoms than the King of Liberty Avenue?" Justin grinned. "Now get down here and help me."

Shrugging, Brian did.

Title: You're Beautiful
A/N: Very schmoopy. Really. Post 513.
And the condom goes to: Brian

"How do I look?"

"Fucking beautiful, like always."

"I do, don't I?" Brian admired himself.

Later that night, after Babylon, after dancing and alcohol and sex, Brian brushed his teeth. He yelled a reminder to Justin to take his Claritin, then loaded Justin's toothbrush with toothpaste and went to bed.

When Justin came in later, Brian had pulled the covers back for him. Justin smile to himself as he crawled in. He looked at Brian, already asleep, knowing he couldn't possibly realize how much he'd changed.

"You're beautiful all right Brian," he thought. "You're beautiful, because you don't know you are."
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