Challenge #24: Quotations

Jul 26, 2007 09:01

Title: A-musing 
catcayman   beta'ed this for me. *hugs*  
And the condom goes to: Brian

Lindsay peeked around the open loft door. "Justin, I came for that bio..."
Her eyes widened.

Brian stood on the coffee table, wearing threadbare sweatpants and singing Stand By Me at the top of his lungs. A joint dangled from one hand. Justin sat on the floor giggling, sketchpad laying forgotten next to him.

Brian stopped, noticing Lindsay. "I'm his muse!" he crowed, collapsing to his knees in laughter. Justin, now laughing uncontrollably, slapped at Brian. "No talking! Keep singing!" He grabbed the joint and sat back expectantly.

Lindsay decided the bio could wait and left Justin to his "work."
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