Dark Ice

Apr 15, 2009 22:59

Title: Dark Ice
Originally posted: Here, for clover_magic.
Length: 1200 words.
Characters/Pairings: child!Russia, child!Prussia (so, the Teutonic Knights).
Premise: The Battle of the Ice: the Teutonic Knights are stuck invading Russia in winter. It goes how that kind of thing usually goes.
Time period: 1242.
Smuttiness: 0/10
Funnyness: 0/10
Wrist slashiness: 6 ( Read more... )

prussia, fanfic, russia

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Comments 66

byzantienne April 15 2009, 18:10:13 UTC
This was so deliciously creepy. I love that they're KIDS. And that they're killing each other anyway. It really, really works. ... also, Russia really hasn't changed that much, has he. Heh.


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 02:31:19 UTC
No matter what he goes through or what government he has running him, Russia is always Russia. *grins*


pryamoinapravo April 15 2009, 18:27:53 UTC
Oh, wanted to write a comment, but almost forgot :")
I liked this story. Especially how tension was gradually increased.
Alas, in this case I can't fully sympathize with Prussia. For obvious reasons:)


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 02:33:02 UTC
Pshh, I don't sympathize with Prussia, either. That's what you get for trying to invade Russia, buddy. Especially in winter. I mean, are you nuts?

I guess history hadn't proved what a terrible idea that is 473 times by then, but, I mean, really...


clover_magic April 15 2009, 21:48:09 UTC
Ahhh, this is amazing. ♥ Thank you so much for writing it! :D That fully fulfilled what I wanted I love you have my babies.

Ahh, Russia really hasn't changed, has he? He was tiny and innocent, and then the Mongols came.

Also, why does everyone invade Russia during the winter. D: You'd think people would learn by now that the only army that made it work was the Mongols. D: Everyone else just kind of...dies. Badly.

Thank you so so much. ♥


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 02:35:55 UTC
Yay, I'm so glad you liked it! =D

Also, why does everyone invade Russia during the winter. D:

Man, I DON'T KNOW. It's like, if you're in Europe, and you reach a certain confidence level, invading Russia just starts to seem like a great idea. And Russia just sighs and is just like "Yes. Of course it does."

And then afterwards, Russia is still Russia, and the invading army is just ~gone~, like it's a magic trick. And then Russia annexes something on his way home. Like helping himself to a handful of complimentary mints on the way out the door.


clover_magic April 16 2009, 03:04:51 UTC
Man, I don't know. Everyone's who had an empire at one point has somehow invaded Russia, except for Grandpa Rome, because I think he was smart enough in the whole invading to know where NOT to invade.

I mean, even SWEDEN'S invaded Russia during the winter. Sweden! Only he had incredibly bad luck and invaded during a winter so cold the salt water ports in Venice, Italy were frozen over. Three guesses how that ended up.

Well, if they're going to keep invading him, Russia might as well help himself to the land that all the empire's he's broken have left behind. XD;;

I hope by now everyone in Europe's learned their lesson, I mean, there can't be very many countries left that haven't invaded.


maranta_aira April 16 2009, 05:46:10 UTC
Not everyone invade Russia during the winter, you know. ) Napoleon commenced invasion on June 24, especially. He hoped to win before the winter came. But summer of 1812 was very hot, and along with the legendary Russian roads exhausted both people and horses.


ryoku_chan April 15 2009, 22:23:25 UTC
I love this...so much. This whole request thing has got me so happy!!

I'm struck by how well done this devious game of chase is. Russia is still so young in this that his childish cruelty really comes out more so then in a lot of your other fics, which is a nice change of pace.

And of coarse, Prussia is awesome, even if he lost. Their interaction is absolutely brilliant. A game between two brats that has drastic consequences. I just loved it!

The last line was perfect. Just so undeniably perfect, there really isn't much else I can say. I'm just so stunned at the pure awesomeness that is this fic.


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 02:42:00 UTC
Oh, good--I'm glad it came through that Russia had planned this whole thing. I don't usually think of Russia as...hmm...arbitrarily cruel? Like, I don't see him as the kind of kid who pulled the wings off flies, but...when his blood gets up, if he gets nudged in these certain ways, then the things he's suddenly, cheerfully willing to do to you would even turn Prussia's stomach. And that man lives off wurst. Intestinal fortitude like what, you know what I'm saying?

Don't tell anybody, but I must've spent twenty minutes massaging that one line. ._. Because I knew the GIST of what Russia wanted to say, but it had to be right.

Thank you for your comments, I'm really glad you liked the story!


ryoku_chan April 16 2009, 04:12:35 UTC
I agree with you. I don't think Russia necessarily enjoy being cruel, but that would never stop him from doing things that would make you cringe. He knows how to play rough, and he's willing to do it if necessary with a smile.

I love that line so much, you really did amazingly with it. Do you mind if I use it as a quote?


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 07:30:39 UTC
*blush* Gosh, no, please feel free.


meganinhiding April 15 2009, 22:53:00 UTC
They really sounded like two little kids playing even though their "playing" was both of them trying to kill each other although nations can't day the usual way. Any thoughts on a series about attacking Russia in the winter. Its crazy how many people try it.


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 02:46:21 UTC
God, it's horrible, that series would have like a million parts. I've already written about the French trying it (sort of), and we're going to cover Germany's attempt over the course of TCE, and I keep thinking about doing a thing with the Mongols but it would depress the hell out of me...so that at least covers the MAJOR ones.

In fairness, a lot of them didn't attack during winter...they totally thought they'd be done before the cold weather set in, and then they just found themselves stranded when the temperature dropped, hundreds of miles inside Russia's borders. Which just goes to show that they were underestimating other dangers in Russia, like the mud, poor foraging, and Russians, who I am firmly convinced are the most grimly persistent and terrifying people on Earth (I say this with awe and admiration).

I am such a fangirl over Russian history.


ryoku_chan April 16 2009, 04:09:18 UTC
I second this fangirling of Russian history. Just felt the need to say that~


pyrrhiccomedy April 16 2009, 07:35:23 UTC
You know, I wonder if this is a generational thing, because I meet a lot of people our age who are struck by Russian history. I don't really know any figures to say whether or not that's always been the case, but it does seem like the perspective for those of us who grew up after the end of the Cold War might be somewhat different, don't you think?


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