crackpot theories of symbolism surrounding the 3rd division

Mar 22, 2012 21:31

I blame my English teachers. They told me to dig deeper; dig until I find the sauerkraut in the chocolate cake. See, now I can’t read anything without my mind automatically searching for the nasty secret ingredients. I can’t even read trashy manga without putting it under the fine microscope of armchair psychology. (Freud would be proud, but I ( Read more... )

lolgasm, historical porn, things with balls, storytime, maypoles will never be the same again, weird japanese porn, buttsecks, penis, writhing ball of the undead, epic post is epic, textwall, zen karmal koan, the meaning of life, big load of wut, xxx-rated (but not really), lies! i don't write fanfiction!, "spear tackle", the gay, fucking with geography, deep fried religion, i have a black belt in nerd-fu

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Comments 9

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pyrrhic_victoly March 25 2012, 20:03:35 UTC
Thanks for stopping by! :3
Heh. I'm relieved that it makes sense outside of my brain stew as well.


nonesane November 1 2013, 12:24:20 UTC
Man, I really want to write some Bleach fic now! Why does it have to be NaNoWriMo month?

This was super interesting and felt very fitting with what's happened in canon! I love symbolism, but while I have a passable understanding of Japanese folklore and religion that understanding is no where near this indebt. I feel like I understand the characters so much better now! And the comment about "turning into a snake" that Gin makes in canon makes so much more sense!

Thank you for this wonderful, informative meta; know that it has inspired fanfiction of all possible kinds *cue evil laughter*


pyrrhic_victoly November 1 2013, 19:07:33 UTC
Because NaNo is the devil (mwahaha!) and waits for no one.

LOL, glad you found it helpful. Looking back on what I wrote (spewed) now, I'm sort of confused about where I was going with all of that, but yeah, the "turning into a snake" thing is the most important re: Gin's character development. I think, if Aizen hadn't happened, Gin would still be a guy with questionable fox-morals - playful, mischievous, and loyal in ways that would seem strange to most others. But it takes being consumed by vengeance to turn someone into a snake... and once the snake has taken over, there's no turning back... TAT


nonesane November 1 2013, 19:41:17 UTC
Stupid brain, being inspired to write a million different stories at once *grumble* Best of luck with your NaNo!

I think all of your observations had a value in themselves; they don't have to tie together to one big conclusion, they work well as a number of interesting aspects of the characters. And the theme of death and vengance, as well as symbolism, is quite clear through all your observations. I didn't feel confused when I read what you'd written, only intrigued :)

I actually have a "what if" fic planned where Aizen's goons fails to take part of Rangiku's "spirit power/soul/whatever" and Gin & Rangiku team up to defeat Aizen together, with Rangiku at "full power" (so many ""s). I'm doing this mostly to explore what Gin would be like as a character with Rangiku being on equal footing with him and him not having to play the traitor-game (at least not in the same way as in canon.)


pyrrhic_victoly November 2 2013, 19:35:59 UTC
I know~ I still haven't finished my own Gin/Kira fic that I started so effin' long ago, but it's NaNo, and I haven't done NaNo in years and I really want to take this opportunity to finally write this *other* story that's been kicking in my head for years and BLARGH. x_x

Ahh, I would love to see that fic as well... But maybe later, right? XD


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