Title: Schadenfreude - Part One, Chapter Two
Author: Didi (
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3509
Warnings: Heavy angst, character death
Summary: Hermione attends the trials of ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy and learns that she has a darker side: a side that takes pleasure in Malfoy's suffering.
Author's Notes: Big thanks to Beth, who helped me
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Comments 5
Just...breathless with anticipation...
♥♥♥ Yay sadism!!
While I'm talking of characterizations, I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about Luna. I like that you've included people being changed by the war because it's just a cold, hard, indisputable fact that war changes people, but I'm not sure if I like Luna being portrayed as a "normal witch." I think there's a lot of interesting possibilities to explore with wars and changing people, and I love how the war's changed Hermione, but Luna's transformation doesn't feel...quite right to me.
You're totally right. I wish I hadn't written Luna like that, especially since in Chapter Eleven she's a bit more Luna-esque. I suppose the thought that was going through my mind was: "Luna's not a big character; just...write her anyway" which I really shouldn't have done. BAD ME.
Ahahaha ( ... )
Ahahaha, I may just have to smack you upside the head for that. Luna's my favorite character, bitch.
I didn't notice the actual contrast until you pointed it out and then I was like, "I'm brilliant without realizing it.
Hey, some of the best things were invented by accident! I used to have a whole book of them as a little kid, but I can't think of any now. Um.
I love rain, personally. It's soothing. And yes, you get bonus points for alliteration.
I AM AWESOME. And yeah, I love rain; I think it's so pretty and inspiring and soothing and all that good stuff.
-prolongs the shagfest-
Kinky. Don't get me wrong, I adore Luna, and she is definitely one of my favourites. I meant that she wasn't a big role in "Schadenfreude".
it's so pretty and inspiring and soothing and all that good stuff.
Rain is, rain is.
-shags lovingly-
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