Title: Schadenfreude - Part One, Chapter Two
Author: Didi (
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 3509
Warnings: Heavy angst, character death
Summary: Hermione attends the trials of ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy and learns that she has a darker side: a side that takes pleasure in Malfoy's suffering.
Author's Notes: Big thanks to Beth, who helped me
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Right. Okay. Where do I start?
I like the way you've included some mildly sadistic thoughts on Hermione's part (little things, like the way she wants to wake her landlord up--and more blatant things, like the way she dreams of happiness regarding Draco's imminent death).
I've never seen the Grangers being portrayed as anything other than wholly loving and supportive in fic, and the idea of them disowning their daughter is a little jarring at first, but I like being shown this different side of Hermione's parents. It seems logical, somehow, that they'd panic like this.
While I'm talking of characterizations, I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about Luna. I like that you've included people being changed by the war because it's just a cold, hard, indisputable fact that war changes people, but I'm not sure if I like Luna being portrayed as a "normal witch." I think there's a lot of interesting possibilities to explore with wars and changing people, and I love how the war's changed Hermione, but Luna's transformation doesn't feel...quite right to me.
This is a very subjective thing; it's just my opinion, really. I just figured I'd be perfectly honest because I know that's the type of feedback authors seem to appreciate most. I know I absolutely adore that type of feedback.
“You’re staying here until you can find your own place. No, don’t argue.” Hermione had pulled back, opening her mouth to refuse. “We’re not that bad off. Besides, you know that you want to.” He grinned at her. She smiled back.
“Thank you.”
“Go home.”
Ahahaha, I enjoyed this contrast a bit more than I probably should have. :D
“You look…well, I don’t know how to say this nicely, you look terrible.” She came into the office and perched on the edge of Hermione’s desk. “Go home and rest, Hermione.”
Aha, oh, Tonks. ♥
She had always liked rain. It seemed to purify things. Like the way it was washing garbage out of the gutters, she hoped it would wash her of her nightmares.
I like the way Hermione likes rain. All too often, rain is used as a gloomy, eerie-mood-setting device in literature. This was a particularly poignant paragraph (do I get any points for alliteration? :D) and I just...liked it. A lot.
Your writing is consistently evocative and powerful, and I do love this fic.
ALSO, those last two lines? Kind of rock. I'm more on edge waiting for more than I was last time! I can't wait to see where this story goes.
♥♥♥ Yay sadism!!
While I'm talking of characterizations, I have to admit that I have mixed feelings about Luna. I like that you've included people being changed by the war because it's just a cold, hard, indisputable fact that war changes people, but I'm not sure if I like Luna being portrayed as a "normal witch." I think there's a lot of interesting possibilities to explore with wars and changing people, and I love how the war's changed Hermione, but Luna's transformation doesn't feel...quite right to me.
You're totally right. I wish I hadn't written Luna like that, especially since in Chapter Eleven she's a bit more Luna-esque. I suppose the thought that was going through my mind was: "Luna's not a big character; just...write her anyway" which I really shouldn't have done. BAD ME.
Ahahaha, I enjoyed this contrast a bit more than I probably should have.
I didn't notice the actual contrast until you pointed it out and then I was like, "I'm brilliant without realizing it.
I like the way Hermione likes rain. All too often, rain is used as a gloomy, eerie-mood-setting device in literature. This was a particularly poignant paragraph (do I get any points for alliteration? :D) and I just...liked it. A lot.
I love rain, personally. It's soothing. And yes, you get bonus points for alliteration.
Ahahaha, I may just have to smack you upside the head for that. Luna's my favorite character, bitch.
I didn't notice the actual contrast until you pointed it out and then I was like, "I'm brilliant without realizing it.
Hey, some of the best things were invented by accident! I used to have a whole book of them as a little kid, but I can't think of any now. Um.
I love rain, personally. It's soothing. And yes, you get bonus points for alliteration.
I AM AWESOME. And yeah, I love rain; I think it's so pretty and inspiring and soothing and all that good stuff.
-prolongs the shagfest-
Kinky. Don't get me wrong, I adore Luna, and she is definitely one of my favourites. I meant that she wasn't a big role in "Schadenfreude".
it's so pretty and inspiring and soothing and all that good stuff.
Rain is, rain is.
-shags lovingly-
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