Daddy David 5/6

Jun 22, 2009 19:02

Title: Daddy David
Author: Me-Rebecka (jesuisunalien )
Pairing: Pierre/David
Chapter: 5/6
Summary: David never thought he'd be cut out to be a dad, but one day he has to face his mistakes.
Disclaimer: Never happened.


Waking up was a bummer the next morning. David squinted and wondered how he and Pierre had switched sides during the night, but didn't ask questions. He made sure Danny was still asleep before going to shower and get ready for the day. It was their day off, which meant major arrangements had to be made.

By the time David had made it out of the shower, Danny and Pierre were both up and eating some sort of breakfast that had been brought up by room service. Pierre claimed the bathroom second and spent twenty minutes getting ready for the day.

Sebastien came by a around noon to let David know that yes, Melissa would love to babysit and she would arrive later that day. With that settled, David felt a burden lifted. He then started on the million or so calls and messages he'd received on his phone.

“Your mom call?” Pierre teased.

“Yeah,” David sighed. “Thirty times. It means she found out about Danny.”

“Uh oh.”

“Yeah...But I've got to face her sometime. Might as well call her now.”

Pierre nodded and watched David walked out onto the balcony. He closed the door behind himself, just in case there would be yelling between himself and his mother.

She answered on the second ring.

“David Desrosiers! What have you done? Where did that boy come from? Why didn't you answer my calls? What is going on?”

David took a deep breath. “Mom, apparently, when I was twenty-two odd years old, I got my best friend pregnant and she didn't tell me until just last week. Sarah, you remember her...she died and wanted me to take him, and I did. That's where he came from.”

“But you're gay!”

“Yeah, I am. But I was drunk and it happened.”

“Oh, David Desroisers...what have you done?”

“I'm working on it, mom. I'm going to be the dad I never had.”

“ can't be a father, David. You can't do it.”

“I'm doing pretty good so far.”

“You lost him yesterday! Not to mention you brought him onto the stage with you!”

“So I'm new to this whole thing...I can't help that I make a bad judgement, but it's all good now. I have a permanent babysitter for shows and it's going to be okay.”

“David...I'm so worried.”

“Don't be, mom. I can handle this.”

“I know you think you can, but there is more to being a father than just taking care of him.”

“I know. I'm trying, okay? It's going to take a while before I know exactly what I'm doing.”

“You should just bring him here. I'll take care of him while you're away.”

David seriously considered it for several moments. “No. I promised him I wouldn't send him away.”

“But it's not safe with you!”

“It is, really. He'll be okay, I'll be okay. We're both going to be fine.”

“David...this is a bad idea.”

“Don't worry, mom. I'll be home in a month or so and you can meet your grandson then. But...I've got to go right now. I'll talk to you later.”

They exchanged “I love you's” and then they both hung up. David sighed and hung his head for a moment before going back inside.

“Everything okay?” Pierre asked.

“Yeah, it will be.”

Pierre nodded. “Good. In the meantime, Mini You is still hungry.”

“You want to come get food with us?” David asked.

“I would...but I'm meeting Sebastien and Chuck for lunch. I can cancel with them...”

“No, it's okay. It'll be a me and Danny day. See you later,” David said, grabbing his key card and heading out with Danny behind him. The two of them rode the elevator down until they reached the bottom floor and then got a taxi to a restaurant.

“You want to go shopping after this?” David suggested.

“For what?”

“Whatever you want. I got some money to blow and I'm bored.”


David nodded. He ordered something random off the McDonalds menu and Danny ordered a kid's meal. They sat down to eat and talked about the most random things. Finally, when they finished, the two of them walked towards the mall less than a block away and spent a minute arguing over what to buy first. David wanted movies, Danny wanted a new game. Danny won.

They walked into a game store and spent nearly twenty minutes picking out the best Pokémon game. Afterwards, they entered the movie shop and debated over which movies to buy. Danny wanted Sponge Bob and David wanted something that didn't involve a yellow sponge. He finally just bought both picks because he secretly wanted Sponge Bob as well.

They spent a few hours just wandering around the mall, stopping for snacks randomly along the way and buying things to keep their interest. Finally, at nearly six o'clock, they made their way back to the hotel.

Danny fell asleep for his afternoon nap when they reached their room and David wished to do the same. Instead, however, he pulled out his laptop and began looking at all the tabloids. He wasn't surprised to see a photo of himself carrying Danny to the limo. He read over a few of the articles before clicking off of the page. He didn't want to read things that criticised the way he parented, no matter how bad it he was at it.

An hour later Sebastien was knocking annoyingly at the door and continued even after David had opened it.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh...Sorry! Mel just landed here!”

“Mel...? Oh right. Melissa. When will she be here?”

“About half an hour-ish.”

“Okay...where is everyone else?”

“On their way up...I ran so I could tell you the news first.”

David smiled and looked briefly at Danny. “Do you think he'll like her?”

“Well, I like her, so he better.”

David sighed. “I hope he does. It was the hardest thing I had to do when he wouldn't let go of me at the show...”

“Oh yeah, what happened?”

“I was trying to go onto stage and he couldn't let go...He started crying and saying he knew I was going to leave him and stuff like that. I felt like my heart was breaking because I had to choose between him and my band.”

Sebastien smiled sadly. “You're in deep, man.”

“What do you mean?”

“You've known this kid for a whole week and you already can't let him go.”

David shrugged. “He means a lot...”

“I'm glad you decided to keep him,” Sebastien admitted. “I think it...helps you grow up.”

“Did I need to grow up?”

“I mean you needed to start acting more responsible. The last pet you had died within a week, and so far Danny's still living.”

“Because he's a kid, not a pet!”

Sebastien smiled. “But you're doing good with him. Better than my dad did with me.”

“I think I've heard that before.”

“Yeah, well it's true. So far so good.”

David shrugged again. Doing good and being a good father were different. Danny was beginning to trust him, but at the risk of David's career. He was keeping the kid happy: babysitting. He didn't know when the change from babysitting to being a father was supposed to happen.

Pierre used his key card to get into the room and smiled slightly when David looked up in expectation. He had grown used to being expected when he was with David.

“How's it going?”

“Good. Waiting for Danny to wake up.”

“When's Melissa going to be here?”

“Twenty or so minutes,” Sebastien said.

“Good. I can't wait to meet her. She sounds...nice.”

“And taken, so don't even try it!”

Pierre just rolled his eyes. “Sorry, Seb. I'm not attracted to you that way.”

Sebastien scowled. “I didn't say you were.”

“It was either you or Melissa, and we both know me being attracted to a girl is the most ridiculous thing in the world.”

“I know you want my hot body,” Sebastien laughed.

Pierre rolled his eyes. “Of course I do.”

A loud knock at the door got David off the bed before he admitted to anything, which he knew was coming. He was very surprised to see a delivery man with four large boxes.

“David Desrosiers?” he asked.


“Home School for Canada delivery.”

“Dude, I ordered this stuff last night...How'd it get here so fast?”

“Expediated shipping. Sign here, please.”

David signed and was given a receipt before the delivery man left David and the four boxes standing in the hallway. David slowly pushed them into the room, with difficulty, with his feet. Pierre just looked questioningly at him.

“How much did all this cost?”

“I don't know. I charged it.”

“And you didn't look at the price?”

“Why bother? Gotta do it.”

Pierre raised an eyebrow but just shrugged his shoulders. If David said so.

David began going through the boxes, finally finding the instruction box. He groaned loudly before he began reading out loud.

“'Now that your child is ready for school, Home School Canada is here to help. The first step is talking to your child about home school so they, and you, know what to expect.' What kind of crap is this?” David demanded. “I don't even understand half of what I read.”

David put the instruction book down and picked up the first lesson. “L'Alphabet: The Alphabet. French and English. (Insert CD).”

“Well, at least David will be able to learn the alphabet now,” Sebastien joked.

“Hey, I know the first eight!”

Pierre just shook his head.

“'This is the letter A.,'” David read. “'A is for apple.' How does that work for French? A is for pomme just doesn't cut it.”

While David argued with the lessons, Sebastien's cell phone rang.

“She's here!” he said excitedly. “Downstairs. I'll bring her up.”

He ran out of the room and David just rolled his eyes. He hadn't seen Sebastien so excited to see a girl since he'd met him. Instead of thinking more on the subject, David went to wake Danny. The boy grumbled loudly, but finally allowed himself to be dragged out of bed.

“What time is it?” he asked.

“About eight-ish. Sebastien's special friend Melissa is coming to meet you. She's going to be watching you for the shows.”

“Is she nice?”

“I don't know. I've never met her...”

Danny looked worried.

“Don't sweat it, kiddo. She's a good friend of Sebastien's. I trust him, so I guess I trust her.”

Danny still seemed unsure. When the knock at the door game, the two of them both looked rather nervous. If Danny didn't like Melissa, he was screwed. He'd have to find someone else in the twelve hours before the next show.

David took a breath and let Sebastien in. He led in a woman by her hand and smiled brightly.

“Pierre, David, and Danny, this is my friend Melissa. Melissa, this is David and Danny. Danny's the little one.”

Melissa smiled at them both.

“Danny, do you know what her favorite food is?”

The boy shook his head.

“It's pizza. Can you believe that? And guess what her favorite game is?”


“Pokémon! You guys have everything in common.”

Danny smiled and walked over to Melissa.

“What's your favorite Pokémon?”

“I'd have to say Charmander,” Melissa said.

“Okay,” Danny said.

“Okay?” Melissa questioned.

“You can watch me.”

David smiled brightly at Sebastien, who just nodded his head as if he'd known all long that Danny would accept Melissa.

“Oh thank god!” David laughed. “I was worried.”

Sebastien smiled again before taking Melissa's hand. “Come on, I'll introduce you to Chuck and Jeff.”

“Alright. I'll see you later, Danny. And you, too, David. I'll probably see you tomorrow morning to talk about the basics.”

David agreed and said goodbye. He, Pierre, and Danny were left alone again and the silence between the three was almost awkward.

“What's all this?” Danny finally asked, pointing to the boxes.

“Oh. This is school. Want to learn something?”

“I guess,” Danny sighed, clearly stating that he did not.

“Well this says to start with the alphabet, so here we go. Do you know the letters?”

Danny shrugged. He knew a couple of them and could tell you if a letter was a letter, but they didn't have a distinct order in his brain.

“Well, I'm learning them with you, so lets get to it.”

Pierre smiled at the two as they sat at the table and listened to the alphabet song over and over until they were able to sing it through. They hi-fived when they successfully remembered twenty-three of the twenty-six letters.

“Ready to give up?” David finally said, two hours later. They'd learned the sounds of the letters and their order, and he was tired of learning to read, again.

“Yep,” Danny said. “I'm sleepy.”

“Go on to bed, then. I'll clean up.”

Danny changed into his pajamas and then crawled into his bed. Pierre was already on the edge of sleep, but he opened his eyes when Danny asked David to continue the “marshmallow” story.

“I don't remember where we left off,” David said.

“The castle was eaten by the bees and the prince didn't know where to go.”

“Okay,” David said, settling onto the bed next to Danny. “Well, the prince went out looking for someone who would let him sleep at their house while he had his marshmallow castle rebuilt. He searched all over Montreal, and even ventured into Toronto, but there was no one who would let him in. He was very sad...”

Danny had drifted into a deep sleep only moments later. David smiled and returned to his own bed.

“That's a great story,” Pierre said sarcastically.

“Hey, the kid likes marshmallows. Why not?”

Pierre smiled. “You're too cute.”

“Whatever,” David blushed and rolled his eyes.

“You are. Goodnight, David.”

“Night, Pierre.”

David didn't sleep well that night. When he woke up the next morning he took a shower and got ready to the day. The show was early, at two, and it was already eight in the morning. He yawned loudly and gently nudged Pierre.

“Wake up sleepy head,” he said, poking Pierre harder.


“Come on, go shower before I wake Danny up. You smell.”


“I will pour water on you to wake you up.”

Pierre groaned and got up slowly. He playfully glared at David, but he went to shower anyway. While he was in the bathroom, David got Danny up and found clothes for the day. When he was dressed, David did both of their make up and both of their hair before turning on Sponge Bob for Danny before going out onto the balcony.

He was slowly dreading the concert and the first time he wouldn't know exactly where Danny was at all times (minus the last incident). But he was glad that the boy approved of his new babysitter, and that he would let David leave him for more than a few minutes at a time. He was worried and nervous, however.

Pierre dressed and was ready to go by the time Danny had finished eating breakfast. The three left together and by chance got to the lobby at the same time Chuck, Jeff, Sebastien and Melissa did. Chuck gave David a brief dirty look, but otherwise didn't fraternise with them. Danny want to go talk to with Sebastien and Melissa, leaving Pierre and David alone.

“Don't worry about it,” Pierre said quietly. “Chuck'll get over himself soon.”

“I hope so. I think he's making Danny feel...unwanted.”

“Well, I want him so that has to count for something.”

David smiled and nodded. “It means a lot to him...and me.”

Pierre shrugged. “I know what it's like to feel unwanted, and I would never want that for him. As long as you, me and Sebastien want him, he shouldn't feel that way.”

“I'm afraid no matter how much I tell him I want him he'll never believe me. I keep letting him down.”

“You're new to this, and so is he. You guys have a lot of bugs to work out.”

“Yeah, I guess. At least we're leaving here tonight. I think he likes traveling. He's never been out of Montreal, did you know that?”

“I didn't know.”

“I hope Sarah is happy with the way I'm raising her kid.”

“Our kid,” Pierre corrected, but smacked himself in the head. “Not yours and mine, but yours and hers. He is just as much yours and he was hers.”

David nodded, but his cheeks were still pink from Pierre's previous statement.

“Come on guys,” Jeff announced. “Time to make an appearance!”

rating: pg-13, author: jesuisunalien, fiction: chaptered

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