Daddy David (1/6)

Jun 02, 2009 23:22

Title: Daddy David
Author: Me-Rebecka (jesuisunalien)
Pairing: Pierre/David
Chapter: 1/6
Summary: David never thought he'd be cut out to be a dad, but one day he has to face his mistakes.
Disclaimer: Never happened.


David never thought he'd be cut out to be a dad. There was the obvious reasons, one being that he was gay and was gay for a reason (he didn't want children). And then there was the underlying reasons, the most important being that he'd never had a dad to teach him how to be one.

But sometimes life throws itself at you fast, and David found himself stranded with a five year old son who was quiet obviously his. Not only was he stranded with the boy, but he had to face his band mates in less than an hour.

The letter the boy gave him read explained everything and yet left David with so many questions: “Dear David, I am so sorry for keeping this from you for so long. You deserved to know the second I found out I was pregnant, but I was afraid of what would happen to both of us. You were at the start of your band and I was at the start of my dancing career. I had no intentions of ever involving you in Danny's life, but things happen and it turns out you're all he has. I write you this on my death bed in Montreal General Hospital. A few months ago I got sick and I just never got better...I expect that Danny will need somewhere to go. I can't even believe I'm asking you to take him, because you are the most irresponsible person I've ever met before, but honestly, he has no where else to go. I know you have your band, but sometimes your own blood has to come first.

Danny is so smart and you won't regret taking him in. He practically lives on knowledge and he wants to be just like his daddy (a famous musician). Please, David...You're the last person I wanted to ask, but no one else could take him. My parents just adopted four children from Africa and have their hands full and I'm an only child. Danny knows you are his father, so please don't act like you're not. If you can't take him...I guess the only thing left to do is put him in Child Services and who knows what will happen to him there. All I ask is that you give him a chance. He didn't have the choice to be born, and he doesn't have the choice as to what happens to him. Please keep him safe in whatever decision you make and remember that I will be watching you. Love, Sarah.

P.s. Sorry about the gloves. They made him feel secure, and I said they would protect him from getting hurt. You can try to make him take them off, but I doubt be will. Since Matt...He hasn't taken them off for more than a half an hour when he bathes.”

David hadn't doubted that Danny was his son. The resemblance was too much to even deny. The two had been staring at each other for nearly five minutes, not speaking. David didn't know what to say to a five year old, and the five year old didn't know what to say to his father. It was their first meeting, what could they say?

“Will you teach me guitar?” Danny asked suddenly.

“I, uh...Yeah, sure,” David said, retrieving his guitar from the stand and holding it carefully out to Danny. “Do you know how to play at all?”


“Okay then...You'll have to take th gloves off to play,” David pointed out.

“No, I wont,” Danny said.

“Okay, then...Put your fingers like this...”

For forty-five minutes David taught his son how to hold the guitar and basic notes while he wore the strange black gloves he refused to remove. When the bell rang, David jumped up and began pacing.

“You gonna to get that?” Danny asked.

“I, uh...Yeah.”

David walked over to the door and admitted his four friends, Chuck, Pierre, Jeff, and Sebastien. He led them into the living room and waited for someone to ask who the little boy was. Jeff asked the question.

“Uh, guys. This is Danny.”

“I didn't know you had a brother!” Jeff said.

“No, not my brother.”

“Are you babysitting?”



David held the letter out to Pierre and the others read over his shoulder. Sebastien, the fastest read, was the first to look up.

“Holy shit,” he said.

“Hey, watch the language,” David said, jerking his thumb towards the boy in the room.

“David...what the crap? Why didn't you tell us?”

“Clearly I didn't know!”

“What are you going to do? You can't keep him!”

“He's not a pet, Chuck,” David scolded. “He's a kid, and he's my kid...I have a responsibility.”

“But what about the band? We can't bring a kid on tour!”

David shrugged. He didn't know what to do, much less what to say. He wasn't giving Danny up, no matter what the consequences. No one else could care for him, and his mother had just died. He had no where to go.

“David...take him to your mom or something.”

“My mom is ill, Chuck. You know that.”

“Then your sister!”

“Yeah, good idea. Drop him with my sister, the whore of seventh street!”

Danny sat on the couch, his head down. David noticed that he was trying hard not to cry.

“Guys, look...Maybe it's not a good idea to talk about this here. Point is, he's my kid and I'm not making him leave.”

Chuck started to say something, but Pierre cut him off. It was the first thing he'd said since he'd arrived. “You're right David,” Pierre said. “You've got a responsibility to him now, and we'll just have to figure something out.”

David nodded in thanks, expecting Pierre to leave behind Chuck and Jeff, both of whom were too stunned to speak anymore. Sebastien and Pierre, however, stayed behind.

“David, can I talk to you?” Pierre asked. “Alone?”

“Yeah, sure. You okay with Danny, Seb?”

“I guess.”

David and Pierre walked to the kitchen. David had his head trained on the floor, trying his hardest not to cry. Pierre was going to hate him. He was going to shun him, never talk to him again.

“I don't know what to say,” Pierre finally shrugged. “You have a kid.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“When'd you find out.”

“About ten minutes before I called you guys over.”

“Wow...David, I'm sorry Chuck was being such an ass about it. It's not like it's your fault a kid just suddenly shows up.”

David nodded and sighed. “I don't want to send him away, Pierre. I know what it's like to grow up without a dad, and I don't want him ending up as screwed up as I am.”

“You're not screwed up, Dave,” Pierre smiled, though it was sadly. “But yeah, I get you. Don't worry, Chuck will come around.”

“What am I going to do, Pierre? I have a kid!”

Pierre nodded and shrugged. “I guess we'll have to clean up another bunk on the bus.”

“Y-you mean it? You'll let him come along?”

“Of course I will. He's your kid. You can't leave him behind. Besides, a group vote would mean we automatically win. Seb and I will vote your way, and I'm pretty sure the only one against it would be Chuck.”

“But...what about when we're on stage?”

“We'll get a babysitter. It'll all be okay.”

David smiled and hugged Pierre tightly. “Thanks so much, Pierre!”

Pierre nodded and hugged his friend back. The two finally released each other and joined Sebastien and Danny in the living room. Sebastien was teaching Danny a few tricks on the guitar, though the younger's hands were too small to copy them, and his gloved hands made it difficult to even try. They were laughing together.

“Hey,” David said, sitting down opposite Danny.

“Hi,” Danny smiled.

“So, I've got some news.”

“You're going to get rid of me, aren't you?” Danny demanded, his eyes instantly welling up.

“No, no, of course not. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come on tour with me.”

“R-really? I can come?”

“If you want.”


David smiled. “First, lets go shopping. Anyone care to join us?”

Sebastien had to be home, but Pierre agreed to help David with the shopping. The two of them left in David's car, Danny safely buckled in the back seat. They drove to the mall and found a parking space.

“Uh...Come on,” David said, holding his hand out for Danny. The younger took it, only because it was offered and because he was slightly scared to be in such a big place. He had never been able to go anywhere when he was with his mom, because she was always working or sick and the babysitter was mean.

David had offered his hand because he didn't want to lose his son on their first day together.

They made their way to a children's clothes store and ended up buying over fifteen hundred dollars worth of clothes, shoes, and other things that kids needed. David just charged his card.

“You want to get him some sort of game for on tour?” Pierre said, pointing to the game store beside the clothing store.

“Good idea. Wow, why didn't I think of that?”

Pierre shrugged. “Let me get a couple of those,” he offered, taking a few of the heavy bags from David's hand.

Danny attached himself to David's free hand almost instantly. They were both surprised by it, but neither pulled away.

They walked across the hallway and entered the electronics store. They spent nearly an hour trying to decide which game system was best for a five year old end ended up getting him a Nintendo DS and several games. It was nearly six o'clock before they left the mall.

“Tour starts tomorrow,” Pierre said.

“Yeah, I guess I'll have to pack.”


“Have you packed yet?”


David laughed. “I need to take a bath, too. I stink.”

“Yeah, you do.”

David glared playfully. “Whatever. I smell like a manly-man who hadn't showered in at least a week.”

“You smell pretty,” Pierre shrugged.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“Maybe Mr. Skunk back there wants a bath too?” Pierre suggested.

“Do I have to?” Danny whined.

“Sorry, kiddo. The shower on the bus limits us all to three minute showers. We won't be stopping for a hotel for a couple days. Might as well try to smell as pretty as we can today.”

David pulled into his driveway and carried all the bags in with Pierre. They talked for a bit before Pierre decided it was best if he headed home to pack, and to get at least a few hours sleep before the tour officially started.

“Thanks, Pierre, for being so cool about this,” David said, hugging his friend one last time before he headed out.

David turned to Danny and noticed that the boy was yawning. “Come on, before you fall asleep on your feet,” he laughed. He started the bath and turned the water off when it was full enough. He left Danny a towel and pajamas in the bathroom. “You going to take the gloves off?”

“Only while I take a bath,” Danny said, slowly removing the gloves, one finger at a time.

“Okay then. Call me if you need me.”

“Okay,” Danny said, leaving the door open a crack.

David wasn't sure if he was supposed to leave a five year old alone in the bath, but he knew he didn't want to feel awkward for helping him bathe. Finally, twenty minutes later, when Danny emerged in his pajamas (and his gloves), David knew he'd made the right choice.

“Ready for bed?”

“I guess,” Danny sighed.

“Come on, you'll sleep in mine until I can get you one of your own.”

David pulled back the blanket and Danny crawled under them. The huge bed swallowed the five year old, but he seemed to enjoy the comfort of it.

“I'll be in the living room if you need me,” David said.

“David?” Danny called.


“Can you tell me a story?”

David smiled slightly and nodded. He sat down on the bed beside Danny and thought for a moment. “There once was a huge castle made out of marshmallows," he began. "Everyone admired the castle because it was so beautiful and huge. But one day a swarm of bees came and ate the castle down to the ground...” David continued his story until Danny had fallen asleep. He mentally bookmarked where he'd stopped and then left the room.

He left the door open a crack and hurried to shower himself. When he had finished he packed both of their bags and had them waiting by the door by two in the morning. By three he was asleep on the couch, exhausted from the day.

rating: pg-13, author: jesuisunalien, fiction: chaptered

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