Lie With Me [1/2]

Jun 02, 2009 14:36

Title: Lie With Me
Rating: PG-13
Author: Moi, blackeyedwicca
Pairing: David Desrosiers/Pierre Bouvier with slight sideline Gabe Saporta/David Desrosiers
Chapter: 1/2
Summary: David wouldn’t exactly say he’s having fun. No. In fact, if you asked him he would tell you quite plainly that he would much rather be in the fiery pits of hell than where he is right now.
Beta: The lovely flora_et_fauna who made me laugh with her reference to Kitten!Panic after sending back the second part to this.
Disclaimer: He/She who thinks I own this needs a very, very expensive psychiatrist, seriously.
A/N: This wasn’t supposed to be as long as it was, haha, but oh god, I love it a lot, first time in a long while too. Lol. I'm just too hard on my work. *grins*


David wouldn’t exactly say he’s having fun. No. In fact, if you asked him he would tell you quite plainly that he would much rather be in the fiery pits of hell than where he is right now.

He knows somewhere in the back of his mind that most people would probably kill to be in David’s position, sitting on a couch at Pete Wentz and Gabe Saporta’s house - the most popular guys on campus, thank you very much - nursing a drink and watching a very large and loud party going on around him.

However David is not most people. David is the friend of a friend of a friend who once lent Gabe Saporta his phone that one time. So really, he is a nobody who not only doesn’t know why he’s here, but he’s also a nobody who really doesn’t like parties. He does not like to get smashed off his face before waking up to a hangover and blank spots in his mind where memories should be. He’s really quite content to remember all of his college experience, thank you.

Unfortunately, it seems that his friend has a slightly different take on it because - and he still doesn’t even know why - when Pete decides to invite Pierre to the party, his best friend demands he come too.

Now, David’s pretty good with peer pressure, he’s usually not susceptible. But then there’s this problem with Pierre being his best friend and crush since high school. So, of course, that kind of makes David end up on couches in the middle of parties that he really doesn’t want to be at.

He sighs a little and lightly fingers his drink. He’s had it since the party began. He’d taken one sip of it before deciding that anyone who could drink any more of it was clearly insane and was best to avoid.

It was about then that he went to turn and tell Pierre that fuck this, he was going home. Pierre however, had disappeared and David hadn’t seen him since, and he’d checked his watch too. They’d been at the party for a little over an hour already.

He wishes he could go and look for Pierre but not only would that mean giving up the couch and braving the mass of drunken college students, but he’s also a little afraid he’ll find Pierre with a girl. He’s seen it once and he doesn’t even want to remember how much that had hurt.

The thought makes him sink down into the couch a little. He knows he’s not going anywhere. Well, not until Pierre either finds him or he spots the other in a drunken haze. He’s betting on the second though, Pierre really only goes to these parties for two reasons. Alcohol and girls, and they’re usually in that order.

He’ll admit, at least to himself, that for a while he had gone to these parties in the faint hope that Pierre might kiss him when drunk. It was a stupid thought, of course. When you are drunk you only do things that you would plausibly do when sober. Alcohol just makes you more confident. Rough translation? Pierre would never kiss him. It was more likely that he would kiss Pierre, and that was something he was not about to put himself in the position to do.

They would just stay as best friends, that’s all. One straight best friend and another kind of closeted one.

Just as he’s about to sigh again, he sees someone sit down on the arm of the couch from the corner of his eye. Turning his head, his eyes widen slightly as Gabe Saporta grins at him.

“I don’t think I know you,” he says, and David is very surprised to note that he’s not slurring his words and doesn’t appear to be drinking.

When he doesn’t answer, Gabe raises his eyebrows in a curious manner and that gives David the incentive to reply, “I lent you my phone once.”

Gabe nods but he still seems confused. “Right.” He slips down onto the couch and it’s only because David scoots away that Gabe doesn’t land in his lap. “So who are you here with?”

Glancing around awkwardly, David hesitantly answers just waiting - and kind of hoping - for Gabe to kick him out, “Pierre Bouvier.”

“Oh,” Gabe’s eyes widen in realisation, “Pete’s friend. Brown spiky hair,” he smirks a little, “I didn’t know he was bringing such cute company though.”

David feels himself flush as he turns to look back out at the party, a shrug being his only response. He’s considering gulping down the drink in his hand if Gabe starts talking to him again. When he feels an arm go around his shoulders, he tenses and brings his eyes back to Gabe’s. He’s just smiling at him.

“You’re tense,” Gabe states.

“You’re touching me,” David responds, eyes wide as he tries to figure out how the hell he’s supposed to be reacting.

Gabe laughs but doesn’t move away. “It’s not like I’m kissing you, relax.”

David doesn’t think it’s possible for him to relax in this position, ever. He barely knows Gabe, but what he does know is that he sleeps with everyone and consumes more alcohol than a bottomless pit, which, now that he thinks about it… “Why aren’t you drunk?”

When Gabe raises his eyebrows again, David blushes. “Sorry.”

“It’s fair enough,” Gabe says with a shrug, “and I’m not drinking tonight because I lost a bet.” He sighs dramatically, “William is just too cruel to me.” Suddenly the smirk comes back though and David is very aware of the way Gabe inches closer, “But maybe I should thank him, after all. I did meet you this way.”

David feels flustered as he tries to inch back from Gabe’s face that’s getting way too close for David’s liking. Gabe frowns at that. “Hey,” he looks over David’s face in confusion before settling back on his eyes, “why aren’t you going to let me kiss you?”

When he gapes, David feels he’s kind of justified. Not only does he not know Gabe, but he has never had a guy hit on him before, not to mention that they’re squeezed so close together that David knows there is only one way to interpret it, and Gabe is still trying to get them closer.

“Because,” and he’s not going to deny he’s gay, because he already promised himself that if someone asked he’d be truthful, “I don’t know why you want me.”

Gabe looks surprised at that. “Uh, because you’re really cute and I’m not going to sit back and let someone else snap you up?” David still looks nervous so Gabe adds with a disarming smile, “We can just make out, if you don’t want to do more?”

David looks doubtful. “Your reputation tends to lead further than that.”

“Well yeah,” Gabe says with a much cockier grin, “But I can get William to do that with me.”

A million reasons to say no run through David’s mind, and most of them centre around Pierre, but when Gabe’s smiling at him like that, all dark eyes and mischief, David finds himself smiling hesitantly back.

The next think he knows, Gabe’s knocking his glass from his hand before he has a hand clutched in his shirt, yanking him forward and into a kiss. It’s exactly what Gabe’s reputation says about him, all hot and sex and force and it kind of has David melting and clenching Gabe’s shoulders.

He feels Gabe laugh into his mouth before he’s pushed back until he’s pressed against the arm of the couch. Gabe slips a leg between his bent knees and it’s an awkward as fuck position if he’s being honest, but Gabe doesn’t seem to care. David does the same and opens his mouth when Gabe nibbles on his bottom lip.

He brings his hand up to wrap around Gabe’s neck, his fingers lightly curling so his nails scrap along the skin. He feels Gabe shiver a little and he grins. Gabe pulls back slightly at that to say, “You sure you don’t want to take this further?”

David laughs a little. “Sorry. I can’t.”

He pouts. “All the good ones have boyfriends.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” David replies without thinking.

Gabe looks sceptical. “Really? Because I heard that Pierre guy telling Pete he was yours. I think Pete wanted to make a pass at you.

David feels his eyes widen as his heartbeat stumbles a few times. “He what?”

“Yeah, I don’t know.” Gabe shrugs as he goes to lean down and kiss David again, he pauses though as he catches David’s eyes. He frowns for a few seconds, before his own eyes widen and a smile plays at his lips. “Ah, so you’ve got a thing for the guy. Nice.”

He feels a blush heat up his cheeks, but before David can respond, Gabe’s pulling back and grabbing David’s arm, yanking David with him and pulling him towards the music system.

“What are you doing?” David hisses as Gabe links their fingers.

Gabe grins widely. “Getting you two to confess to each other.”

“What?!” David practically shrieks while trying to pull free from Gabe’s hold. Gabe doesn’t let him.

“Seriously,” Gabe continues as if David wasn’t doing everything in his power to get away, “it’s going to be great.”

“No, no, no,” David begs, finally catching Gabe’s sleeve and making him stop, “Please don’t!” David continues, his eyes wide before he blurts out, “I’ll sleep with you if you promise not to!”

Gabe actually glares at that, turning them around to face each other. His voice is hard when he speaks, so different from his usual cheery tone. “I may sleep with a lot of people, but they all damn well want it too. You got that?”

“Sorry,” David quickly apologises, truly meaning it. Gabe must know that because he lets him go. David’s eyes focus on his feet as he continues with, “Just, please don’t?”

He feels more than hears Gabe sigh before he finds himself being grabbed again. This time, Gabe drags him into the kitchen. There’s no one in there and Gabe shuts the door before turning to face him, arms crossed. “Why are you dancing around your feelings?”

David shrugs a little, but Gabe shakes his head. “Don’t try that avoidance crap. You better tell me or I can casually let it slip in conversation to any number of gossips, Pete included.”

“Fuck,” David hisses, a hand running through his hair. “Why are you doing this?”

Shrugging, Gabe replies, “Because I’m hiding my own feelings and that’s a bitch to do, so I’m going to help you become less like me.” He pauses before smirking, “Plus it’s fun.”

David opens his mouth, about to reply with something that he’s sure will only make Gabe further amused with him, but the door opens and it stops him as someone stumbles in, just barely missing Gabe before they reach the sink and throw up.

He blinks for a second before going to take a step towards them, to see if they’re okay, but Gabe has other ideas. He’s already grabbing David’s elbow and leading him out of the room, complaining under his breath about ‘annoying, drunk people’. David doesn’t say anything about how people like that are usually Gabe.

Instead of going back into the lounge, Gabe leads him out into a hallway. It’s just as he’s about to reach the stairs that he feels Gabe’s breath on his ear as he whispers, “I’ll see you later, David, but don’t think this is over.” He feels a faint kiss to his neck followed by, “Oh, and don’t mention to Pierre that you know about his little ‘boyfriend’ slip.”

The next thing he knows, Gabe’s shoving him away. He stumbles slightly before catching himself with one hand on the banister. He turns around to look for Gabe but he’s already disappeared. He frowns, trying to catch a hint of that obnoxious purple Gabe wears so frequently, but it’s nowhere. Gabe has - somehow - successfully blended in with the surrounding people.

Suddenly, he feels an arm wrapping around his shoulders and he jumps, looking over at the person. It’s Pierre and he’s smiling at him, head coming down to rest on David’s shoulder. He’s trashed.

“Hey, Davvvvvid,” he slurs, stretching David’s name to breaking point while closing his eyes.

With a sigh, David returns the greeting quietly before wrapping his arm around Pierre’s waist and leading them to the door. Just as he’s about to reach it, Gabe once again appears from nowhere and opens it for him.

They lock eyes and David gets the unsettling feeling that Gabe is really not going to leave him alone for a long while. It’s confirmed when he’s walking out the door and Gabe whispers out a firm, ‘see ya’. It’s only then that their eyes disconnect.

Pierre is happily oblivious to David’s concern as he’s loaded into the car, talking about various disjointed things from the party that David finds himself paying attention to even more vigorously then he used to. Not only does he want to know if Pierre saw him with Gabe, but he also just wants to hear him speak. He’s worried that now that Gabe knows about how he feels, he’s not going to have Pierre for much longer.

Part 2


A/N: Second part will be up in a few days. I hope you enjoyed it ^^

rating: pg-13, author: blackeyedwicca, fiction: chaptered

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