{closed/ongoing} I don't really wish to meet you

Mar 14, 2009 10:21

Who: Kuroki Meisa (sweet_meisak) & Toda Erika (moonlight_drops) & Zhang Ziyi (miss_zhang) if she wants to jump in..:D
Where: Ayaki
When: March 14, around 2 p.m.
Why: another meeting and another arguing session...
Rating: G

I doubt it )

character: kuroki meisa, character: zhang ziyi, rating: g, status: finished, character: toda erika

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moonlight_drops March 16 2009, 00:59:23 UTC
She was leaning against the wall, adjusting her seat to be as comfortable as possible, wide grin plastered on her smile. It was a smile full of satisfaction, seeing how every customers would leave Ayaki with wide smile, the proof that they enjoyed their time in Ayaki ( ... )


moonlight_drops April 5 2009, 08:16:52 UTC
"You don't need to thank me." she replied with a smile, simply adjusting taking a seat somewhere near the table. It was strange how they were able to converse this much without any friction happening between the two of them. However, she was glad, knowing that she might have misjudged Kuroki. Perhaps, she was not as bad as Erika thought she was.

Or perhaps, it was just her imagination.

Of course, Erika knew well she had not the power to see whether Meisa was actually a nice girl or not. All she could do was to watch and learn, perhaps she'll figure something else from her.

Starting up a conversation might be good too.

"So, have you had any reunion with our...classmates?"


sweet_meisak April 8 2009, 05:29:24 UTC
Much to Meisa's surprise, which she found hard to hide on her face, Erika took a seat near her table. Her usual negative body language had slowly shifted to neutral as she sat down and asked Meisa a question ( ... )


moonlight_drops April 8 2009, 07:16:49 UTC
"Oh..." Hearing the new information, Erika simply said nothing more. It had been years ago so she couldn't help forgetting a few details, such as the taller woman's transfer. They had never been in a good term, nor had they attended the same class, so Erika hadn't paid much attention to that event.

It aroused her curiousity, however she knew well not to talk too much. Sometimes there were things better kept hidden, such as bad past. For Erika, her real background history was nothing she could boast about, lest having anyone other than a few discovering it. She knew well how hard it was keeping a secret.

"It should be...hard." she remarked. "And you returned back here again?"


sweet_meisak April 8 2009, 15:15:08 UTC
Apparently, this day was one full of surprises, because Erika didn't react the same way others did when they heard she had moved schools. Usually, Meisa would be bombarded with a few more questions than, "Why?" and her honest reasons on the tip of her tongue. Instead, Erika acted as if she understood and asked a different question.

And Meisa admired Erika for not being nosy like other people. It certainly made Meisa feel more comfortable to talk about the past.

"Yes, my sister and I moved back because we both needed jobs and my school isn't that far," Meisa answered, wanting to ask something back as well. However, she knew that middle school wasn't a good topic, so she decided to go with work instead. "Uh, what about you? When did you decide that you wanted to be a cook?"


moonlight_drops April 9 2009, 09:54:18 UTC
She didn't purposedly do that because she wanted to appear good in front of Kuroki, nor did she intend to build a good relationship with her brcause obviously, she didn't care whether the latter hated her or not. It was natural for her, a person who keeps a lot of secret from others, not to ask unecessary questions. Her characters were build weirdly -- perhaps that was why Kuroki and her friends disliked her. She did not have the intention to change it all, though.

But when her question was answer, she was tempted to ask more details. However, she managed to resist it, amazed by her own self control. "Well, I live with my relatives and I don't want to burden them further."


sweet_meisak April 10 2009, 02:41:05 UTC
True, Meisa wasn't close to Erika nor did she have a good relationship with shorter woman either, but she wondered why Erikra was so worried about burdening her family. They were her family, right? It seemed weird to Meisa, really. Due to the fact that Meisa grew up with the belief that family should always be able to each others' burdens.

But then she vaguely remembered her past middle school friends had teased Erika about something family-related. However, that was another untouchable conversation topic, so Meisa didn't press forward. Despite the oddness she found in Erika's situation, Meisa actually admired her for being so bold.

"Oh, wow. That must be hard,” Meisa said, feeling a more talkative by the minute. “But it’s great how you’re so independent. Even with my Hostess job, my parents still insist on paying a third of our rent.”


moonlight_drops April 10 2009, 06:41:53 UTC
There was a short moment of pause when Erika wondered what was on Kuroki's mind now. She didn't tell it, nor had she leaked too much, only to be pitied. Erika had always lived independently ever since her mother's death. Despite all the wealth offered to her, she couldn't enjoy the life of the rich since she was merely an illegitimate daughter, not a child everyone would recognize. Even now, Erika was only known as a distant relative of the main family, not as the daughter of her father.

However, she didn't need to tell that to everyone only to gain their pity. She didn't need it all. Her current life was satisfying enough to her to enjoy, although she was not living in wealth.

"I'm used to it already." Of course, money had always been transferred to her account, but not even once had Erika touched it.


sweet_meisak April 10 2009, 07:44:49 UTC
The short pause from Erika didn't go unnoticed by Meisa. Since Erika looked deep in though, Meisa wondered if she had said something wrong. But she was sure she didn't say anything offending, especially not when Meisa was having a conversation with the shorter woman that didn't include venomous words and an atmosphere filled with tension.

To tell the truth, Meisa felt that it was nice being able to talk to Erika like this. Sure, they weren't having a heart-to-heart
discussion, but it was certainly progress from their past encounters.

"Oh, that's good." Meisa smiled, but then remembered that her plate was getting cold. However, she knew it would be rude to eat in front of Erika, so she tried to delay her hunger by drinking more water. "So, um, other than work, do you go to school?"

[OOC: Wowww, I just realized how horrible my grammar was in the last comment. DX I am super sorry. My brain was probably dead from studying for two tests during that time.]


moonlight_drops April 11 2009, 08:40:22 UTC
It was the first time for Erika having a conversation without even once throwing venom to each other. It was initially started with the same tension, the same uncomfortable feeling with other's presence, however little by little the conversation turned into the better. Never in her mind had she thought that this chance would ever happen. At the end, it did happen, despite the little sharp word exchanges on the start. It felt so weird yet this was what Erika had been yearning for.

Another earnest smile quirked up to her lips, before she folded both hands, stealing a glance at the abandoned food. "I am." she replied to the question while letting a soft chuckle. "I go to university, third year." was added before her gaze was once again settled on the food. "You know, your food couldn't really wait. Don't mind me."

[ooc: Aishh, it's alright. I'm used to reading bad grammars and such since English isn't taught well here, and besides it still looks good! Lol. I think my grammar is even messier than that.. D:]


sweet_meisak April 13 2009, 01:08:33 UTC
After talking for a while, Meisa felt a sense of relief knowing that they were on better terms. It was some kind of miraculous chance, really, because Meisa had never thought they would ever reach a point of neutrality. Even now, their conversation changed the way Meisa viewed Erika, because she considered her a friend and didn't wish to be rude.

"Are you sure?" Meisa asked, but knew that her stomach urged her not to think twice about it. Just to make her stomach stop groaning, she took a small bite. "Would you like some?" But then quickly remembered where they were and added, "Oh, no, wait. Are you not allowed to eat with the customer?" Meisa cringed at the thought that she might have gotten her fired.

[OOC: Well, maybe it's because I'm a perfectionist, especially when it comes to grammar. x] Oh, really? Where are you from? If that's not too rude to ask. But don't worry, your grammar isn't messy at all!]


moonlight_drops April 13 2009, 13:23:37 UTC
"Never been sure." she replied with a chuckle, resting herself on the not-so-comfortable seat. It had been a tiring day and Erika wished nothing more than a rest. She was really in a need of one at the moment.

Another chuckle left her mouth as Erika heard the offer. "No, it's alright. I'm not hungry at all."

[ooc: Oh well, I wish I can be a perfectionist, however I'm not that good in grammar, so yeah...^^;; Sorry for short reply :p]


sweet_meisak April 14 2009, 22:33:28 UTC
"Alright then," Meisa answered with a small laugh, but feeling relieved that she didn't need to ask twice.

She hoped she didn't seem like an animal as she quickly ate two more bites, the food already at a warm temperature from sitting for a while. As always, the dish was delicious, but it settled even better in her empty stomach. Since her older sister had urged Meisa to leave early, it left little time for Meisa to eat.

"Sorry, it's just that I'm really hungry and I haven't eaten anything all day," Meisa confessed when she finally swallowed her food. "My older sister was having an anniversary thing for her boyfriend, so she made me leave early. Do you have any siblings, Toda-san?"

[OOC: It's actually no fun being a perfectionist. It's ok, I feel like mine is kind of lame. Haha]


moonlight_drops April 15 2009, 11:42:06 UTC
It amused Erika seeing the taller girl eat in a fast pace. She must have been hungry, she thought, and that should help in explaining her earlier rude attitude. As the time passed by and the conversation slowly turned more and more interesting, Erika started discovering the other side Kuroki actually had. In her mind, she was the rude annoying girl who would never be her friend, but after this moment, she doubted the thought will still remain inside her brain.

"It's alright!" she replied while holding the urge to laugh over the confession. "That looks interesting." was the comment given for the mention of the happy moment. However, she stopped when family matter was asked. Siblings? She might have one, same dad but different mother. Obviously, it was impossible to tell the taller girl that, right? "Hmm..." she shook her head, "No, I don't have any. I'm the...only child."

[ooc: Ohh, really? Ah, feel free to point out my mistakes at times. I love improving myself anyway.. :3]


sweet_meisak April 18 2009, 06:26:51 UTC
Despite the fact that Meisa had considered Erika a rival before their conversation, she didn't mind that she was completely ruining her image by scarfing down her lunch in a very unlady-like manner. Only close friends knew that nothing came between Meisa and food, especially when she was hungry.

Seeing Erika hold back the urge to laugh, made Meisa let out an embarrassed chuckle. "If you mean it's interesting to watch me eat like an animal, than I agree," Meisa joked after she finished another bite. However, it seems that she was too absorbed in her food to notice Erika's pause. Sure, Meisa was all ears when Erika spoke, but she didn't stop to speak until the fullness of the food was starting to get to her.

She wiped her mouth before saying, "Aw, you're lucky. Sometimes I wish I was an only child."

[OOC: Alright, but I think your grammar is just fine! :Db Could you please do the same for me?]


moonlight_drops April 23 2009, 03:06:32 UTC
"Oh I was not refering to that. You are a human, for sure, Kuroki-san." Erika replied with a chuckle, sipping a glass of water she happened to bring with her earlier. Honestly speaking, the way the taller girl ate amused her, not in a rude way. It was different from the image she brought with her usual appearance, so Erika couldn't help wondering which one was actually the 'real' Kuroki.

Though, she did not intend to ask it directly.

Thankfully, Kuroki did not seem to notice the unplanned pause, which made things easier as she did not want to be pitied, moreover by Kuroki. "And I wish I have either a brother or a sister."

[ooc: Sorry for lateness ><; I'm having my exam until next week, and asgdhf... How can they arrange the hardest 4 on the first 4 days? DD:
Sorry for shortness and messiness too. Yours seems ok, lol.]


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