{closed/ongoing} I don't really wish to meet you

Mar 14, 2009 10:21

Who: Kuroki Meisa (sweet_meisak) & Toda Erika (moonlight_drops) & Zhang Ziyi (miss_zhang) if she wants to jump in..:D
Where: Ayaki
When: March 14, around 2 p.m.
Why: another meeting and another arguing session...
Rating: G

I doubt it )

character: kuroki meisa, character: zhang ziyi, rating: g, status: finished, character: toda erika

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moonlight_drops March 16 2009, 00:59:23 UTC
She was leaning against the wall, adjusting her seat to be as comfortable as possible, wide grin plastered on her smile. It was a smile full of satisfaction, seeing how every customers would leave Ayaki with wide smile, the proof that they enjoyed their time in Ayaki.

Means, Ayaki had given them the best, right?

As one of the cook, though she only handled small things, of course Erika would be happy to hear that the customers love their food. It motivated her to work better, despite how she always whined about the high temperature created by the big stove. But, never mind. That was the risk she had to take since she had decided to work here.

Trying to enjoy her relaxing time until its last moment, Erika groaned in frustation when she thought an awfully familiar voice was heard. Not, she was not just imagining it. When both eyes moved slowly, only to catch the figure of a certain tall woman whom she didn't prefer to meet, Erika knew instantly that she was having a bad luck that noon.

"Oh. Well, would you like to order anything, Kuroki-san? One of the waiter or waitresses would love to help you with it."

[ooc: sorry for my late reply too... D:]


sweet_meisak March 16 2009, 04:53:42 UTC
After seeing the frustrated expression on Erika's face, Meisa could tell that she had clouded the other's once happy mood. Well, the feeling was certainly mutual as she half-listened to Erika's words. Despite the fact that the other woman was trying to be all business-like, she couldn't help the subtle venom slip into her next words and actions.

Wtih the innocent expression still in place, she put an elegant finger to her cheek, pretending to be deep in thought. But it didn't take long for her to answer. "Hmm, I'm not sure what I'm going to order yet, but it will probably be a dish that isn't in your range of skill. And yes, I would really love anyone other than you to help me."

Somehow, Meisa found their relay of sharp words a little fun.

[OOC: It's alright. I'm also late. But just in case, if my replies are a little later than usual this week, I'm sorry in advance! It's mid-terms week here. :( ]


moonlight_drops March 16 2009, 13:48:22 UTC
Though the statement out from Meisa’s mouth was pretty annoying, enough to arise her anger, Erika decided to keep silent. She was mature enough to understand that she shouldn’t fall into the other’s trick, or whatever. Her past was annoying, when Meisa and her friends kept on pestering her without her able to get on them back. Her history was something which made her unable to fight back, the only thing she could do was to accept it and say nothing.

Attempting a smile which looked even more fake than ever, Erika didn’t seem to be affected of Meisa’s mock, choosing to relax on the comfortable seat instead. “Well, I’m sure the chefs here will be able to serve something meeting your average, Kuroki-san. Or maybe the manager himself would like to do it? I’m not working at the moment, unfortunately.”


sweet_meisak March 16 2009, 18:58:08 UTC
Erika's continued attempt to staying on the business ship surprised Meisa, because it was apparent in Erika's body language that she wished to do the opposite of her words. If Meisa's memory wasn't wrong, the last time they had met it was Erika who was the first to add fire to their awkward tension. And yet, here she was trying to please Meisa as the customer.

A sigh of defeat surpassed her lips, knowing that she should stop before she became one of her middle school friends. But that didn't mean it changed the way she felt about Erika at all. As Meisa returned the fake smile, she felt her cheeks ache a little at the ends of it.

"Well, Ayaki certainly has done more than enough to surpass my average, so you don't need to worry about that. But it's alright, I don't wish to bother Koyama-kun. It's a shame that you're not working at the moment, but could you please find me a pleasant waitress anyway?"


moonlight_drops March 17 2009, 06:07:02 UTC
"I am glad that you like our service, Kuroki-san." Erika smiled earnestly. The smile came naturally when the restaurant was being praised. Having working here for awhile, Erika knew how hard all of the staffs here had been working just to please each customers, meeting their standard. The quality was above everything, especially when their price was not reachable to all classes of people. She had to admit that you have to pay quite a sum of money just for a simple dish.

"Waitress?" she did a quick scan around the room, trying to find either Ziyi or Lena or someone else, but unfortunately she sighted nobdy. Letting a sigh escaping her mouth, Erika took the liberty to replace the, whether she likes it or not. "Unfortunately, it seemed like everyone is away. Would you like to place your order, Kuroki-san? I would place it for you."


sweet_meisak March 20 2009, 04:47:08 UTC
When Erika smiled a second time, Meisa noticed that it wasn't as eerily fake as the previous one. Seeing an eager smile like that let herself believe that she could actually get along with Erika, but then it was only for a second. It wasn't that Meisa absolutely hated other woman, but more that she just didn't wish to be around her.

"And I would be glad to be seated," Meisa stated, but catching herself at her sharp tone of voice. She hadn't meant to sound mean, but it was her empty stomach that made her speak. Since she decided to play nice for now, she tried to redeem herself by adding, "I mean, yes, that would be fine. I don't wish to keep you from your break."

[OOC: I am so sorry for the late reply! I just survived my exams week. ^^V And is it just me or are more people on hiatus?]


moonlight_drops March 21 2009, 12:24:37 UTC
Looking at the obviously taller woman while smiling still, Erika scribbled the order on her note carefully. It was actually her first time serving one's table, she started off her work as a cook, not as a waiter. So she couldn't help but nervous in case she made any mistake. Moreover, the fact that her first customer was someone considered her enemy in the past worsened things.

"Oh!" she tilted her head, realization struck upon her. "Please, do sit down, okkyaku-sama." she moved a step bawkward, gesturing the other to occupy one of the vacant tables. "So, may I know what you wish to have for lunch?"

[ooc: yes, people are busy I think. Midterms, perhaps? Sorry for late reply, I was outside the whole day tomorrow... XDDD]


sweet_meisak March 24 2009, 16:34:45 UTC
Since Erika was a cook, Meisa could see that she was new to serving a customer to their table. Despite that fact, Meisa felt a little annoyed when it took longer than usual for her to get seated properly.

It wasn't until Erika asked what Meisa wished to order, did she put on a pleased smile. "Thank you." She took a few moments to look at the menu before choosing her order,"Um, I'll have the cheese manicotti."

[OOC: Yeah, exams always make everyone busy. Good thing mine are over. Oh, it's ok. Mine was late, too, because I'm home. Btw, is Ziyi still going to join?]


moonlight_drops March 25 2009, 13:45:45 UTC
She knew that she was not one of the so-called professional waitress people would expect to get. She knew that she was unable to serve the customers immediately, unable to act properly. But then, she was just a cook, not a waitress.

Sometimes, Erika wondered why she had to act as one during these time. She was sure that there were loads of other waiters/waitresses who would be more than willing to work for Meisa. But not her.

Unfortunately, she was accidentally on duty for this. So here she was, scribbling the order on her note, having a little difficulty to write the correct name though she had been reading the menu many times. That was just her, nobody should ever protest it. "Is that all, Kuroki-san?"

[ooc: asdgha... Sorry for late reply... DD:]


sweet_meisak March 28 2009, 20:47:04 UTC
"And a glass of water would be nice," Meisa added to her order. She closed her menu and held it out for Erika to retrieve, but noticed how much trouble she was having writing down Meisa's order. True, Meisa didn't consider Erika a friend, but she was compassionate and could relate to how Erika was suddenly working a new job. She hoped that Erika wouldn't think of her as 'weird' when she forgot to mean for a moment and said in a neutral tone of voice, "I hope it's not too much of a bother that you have to be a waitress."

But Meisa quickly caught herself and tried to pretend that she didn't say it. Instead, she took a quick look around Ayaki, hoping to find her friend, but to no avail. "Hmm.. I thought Ziyi was working today," Meisa stated, more to herself than to Erika.

[OOC: It's ok. I just hope my replies aren't lame. D;]


moonlight_drops March 29 2009, 01:54:36 UTC
If only Erika was not too occupied by the note, she might have noticed the considerate tone Meisa used even for just a second, since she turned into the same devil again in a flash. But, of course, Erika has been too used to it and ignoring it was easy to done, after you had suffered it for ages. "Alright. I'll get it served for you in a moment."

Erika was about to turn to the counter and proceed with the order, at least that was what she usually saw done by waitress. It was a bit awkward especially when it was her first time doing it but somehow she was able to do it just fine. But then she heard the question, so she couldnt help turning around.

"I think she is. Maybe she's taking a break or something."

[ooc: It's ok :)~ Idk where Ziyi-mun is though.. XD]


sweet_meisak March 31 2009, 05:43:55 UTC
Fortunately, Erika brushed off Meisa's small words of kindness. Even though it was something that would happen as rare as a hundred year comet (for Erika, that is), Meisa preferred that they stay on the turf of rivals. But to her surprise, the shorter girl answered her question about Ziyi.

Meisa seemed a little puzzled by the suggestion, but quickly brushed it off. "Oh, ok. Thanks, I think." The moment the words were said, she turned away from Erika and began to rummage through her purse for her cellphone. As soon as her fingers found the silver piece of technology, she flipped it open and navigated to the 'Mail Inbox.'

Her fingers were quick to find the text that was sent the day before by Ziyi. Reading it again, Meisa was a bit confused, because written in the text was Ziyi's schedule for that day and her break--which wasn't for another hour. After letting a small frown appear on her face, Meisa relaxed her back against the chair with a sigh and closed her phone.

"If Ziyi-chan is taking a break this early, she must be working pretty hard," Meisa thought out loud to no one in particular. Knowing Ziyi, she was a very hard working girl and was trying hard to prove her parents wrong about her career choice.

[OOC: Uwah, I'm late again. Darn school. LOL. Aww, really? It's ok x)]


moonlight_drops March 31 2009, 13:06:55 UTC
For a moment, Erika thought that Meisa was puzzled although she couldn't find the reason why. A girl like her showing that kind of expression? Honestly she found it real weird and at the same time intriguing. She couldn't help being curious over it, especially when inside her brain Meisa was far from being kind.

Past incident had torn the scar too deep to her heart.

She sighed, placing the note to the counter, then returned with the drink, serving it in front of the tall girl. "Here you go." she placed it as nice as possible on the table, avoiding to make even the slightest mistake.

"Ziyi?" she raised a brow at the question, wondering what sort of connection the other girl had with the chinese girl. It was none of her business unfortunately. "I suppose. I haven't met her yet."


sweet_meisak April 3 2009, 00:50:32 UTC
Initially when Erika came back with her drink, Meisa would have just replied with a brisk, "Thank you." But to her surprise, the shorter girl had heard Meisa's words and added her own bit of intriguing information.

A look of slight shock took up her face. "Eh? You haven't met Ziyi-chan yet? But aren't you two co-workers?" Meisa wasn't trying to sound friendly or concerned, let alone start a conversation with a girl who clearly disliked Meisa, but she was interested in why Erika wasn't already acquainted with Ziyi.

They were co-workers, right? From Meisa's past work experiences, she remembered meeting all of her employees at least once, especially if one was new. Therefore, the thought of not meeting one's fellow co-workers boggled her mind for a moment and she titled her head a bit to physically express the wonder.

[OOC: Aww, man, I don't know why I keep replying two days late. x3 Sorry.]


moonlight_drops April 3 2009, 09:25:16 UTC
"Yes. But Ayaki was hell busy today." she replied straightly without the slightest change on her tone, simply folded both hands together as if it was nothing normal. It really was normal, at least in Ayaki. "I don't want to meddle in other's business myself."

Not understanding why the hell the taller girl would matter it that much, she simply stood, waiting for the answer which didn't come that soon.

[ooc: It's ok, and sorry for short reply :)]


sweet_meisak April 4 2009, 06:30:59 UTC
As Meisa could see, her question was regarded as thin air, because Erika quickly brushed it off. By the vibe Meisa was getting from Erika, she seemed to want to avoid conversation, which Meisa could understand. A few encounters with with an old middle school rival doesn't mend the scars of the past. Not that Meisa was aiming go down the road to redemption, but she thought it wouldn't hurt to be more civil.

Guess she was wrong.

"I can see that." Meisa said as she curtly nodded with a smile. "Thank you, Toda-san." And she was grateful, especially at the sight of her dish. Despite a negative presence near her, Meisa took a deep breath in, letting the delicious air overcome her senses.

[OOC: It's fine, don't worry. And yes, I was able to answer in a day. ^^V]


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