FIC: "Recreation" (Dom/Billy/Rachel Weisz, Spring 2008, R)

Apr 12, 2010 15:46

Title: Recreation
Authors: msilverstar and unstealthy
Pairing: Billy Boyd/Dominic Monaghan/Rachel Weisz
Rating: R
Warnings: n/a
Excerpt: "That wasn't exactly a show, that was more like time travel."
Disclaimer: Fiction, not true, we made it up
Series Note: This is set in an alternate universe where Dom, Billy and Rachel Weisz have a happy kinky ménage à trois, with only a little angst. Set in 2008, remembering 2000.
previous in 2008: Invited Voyeur || Main || next in 2000: Untwisting
" we've established that Dom fancied Billy from the moment you laid eyes on each other," Rachel says as she returns from the kitchen with more drinks. She puts the beers on the coffee table and settles herself in the corner of the sofa with her legs across both their laps.

"Who wouldn't?" Dom says, leaning over Rachel's feet to snag a beer. "You did," and Billy laughs at that.

"Well not exactly the moment I set eyes on him," Rachel admits with a raised eyebrow. "He had to use some of the Boyd charm on me first."

"I took her to a wine bar," Billy says, remembering it vaguely. Turning to Dom, he says, "Much more of a first date than I ever had with you."

"I invited you to play pool, what more do you want?" Dom says, mock-hurt.

Then Billy turns back to Rachel, "He was always grabby, hands everywhere. Kisses too. Not so much surprising as, well disconcerting." Billy's own hand has crept up Dom's thigh until the backs of his fingers are nearly touching Dom's balls.

"So how did you cope with that, Mr 'I Was Straight Until I Met Dom'?" Rachel laughs.

"Oh god, he loved it but pretended not to," Dom rolls his eyes.

"Didn't even think about him that way," Billy says, "it never quite occurred to me until he fell into my lap at a party, all glammed up with eyeliner on."

"It occurred to everyone else," Dom says, stroking the soft, soft skin of Rachel's instep. He's quite aware of Billy's hand on his thigh, but choosing to ignore it for the moment. "It was only Billy who was playing the ignorant, pretending he hadn't thought about it."

"I can imagine," Rachel says, looking at Billy and nodding sagely.

Indignantly, Billy says, "I was straight until I met Dom!" His hand turns to caress Dom's balls , "I was completely blindsided by the whole thing." His hand cups Dom and tightens just a bit to remind Dom who's on top here. "Besides, Orlando didn't know for ages."

"Yes, well, he doesn't count," Dom says with a groan.

"You were saying, Dom fell into your lap?" Rachel prompts. "I want to know what happened next."

Billy smiles at Rachel, turns and squeezes Dom's balls harder, and says, "He looked up at me, and said, 'Kiss me you fool,' so I did."

"With tongues?" Rachel says impatiently. "Or were you just kissing him for fun? Tell me!"

"Just for fun at first," Billy says, "and then he wouldn't let me go, so I kissed him harder." It's hard to even remember the details now, but the picture in his mind of Dom in eyeliner is too good to forget.

"Nnnn.... not true!" Dom gasps, as Billy's hand continues unmercifully. "I kissed him, and for the first time ever he kissed me back -- Christ, Bill! -- and so I kissed him harder. It was fucking amazing."

Rachel takes a moment to imagine it, then puts her mouth close to Billy's ear. "Why don't you show me?" she murmurs. "The whole thing."

"A re-enactment?" Billy whispers back, "make him put on eyeliner and prance around and fling himself in my lap?" He leaves Dom's balls with a friendly pat and brings his arm back up to rest on the top of the couch.

Of course Billy would think that's what Rachel was after; it's what he himself would want to see, and probably take part in too. Rachel grins. "What I'm interested in is seeing you all unsure of yourself and Dom taking care of you," she murmurs.

"Did I hear my name being spoken?" Dom says, scratching the sole of Rachel's foot and making her yelp.

To Rachel, Billy says, "It'll be odd, have to role-play myself, before I became a suave and debonair bisexual who does not tickle feet." The last part he says very much to Dom, also whapping him on the shoulder. But Billy can tell that Rachel likes the idea, and that's enough.

Rachel throws back her head and laughs her full, throaty laugh - something Dom will never tire of seeing and hearing. "What's wrong with a little tickling now and again?" He pokes Billy in the ribs in retaliation.

"Oo, kinky!" Billy says, and flutters his fingers against the tickly place on Dom's neck. But he cocks an eyebrow at Rachel, warmed by her eager look, wondering where she wants to take this idea.

"Oi!" Dom slaps the offending fingers away. "So what are you two plotting, anyway? My demise?"

"Not exactly," Rachel lifts her foot and nudges Dom's chin with her toe. "I was just thinking how nice it would be if you two showed me how it went that night. When you threw yourself on Billy."

"Oh really?" This is a very interesting idea that appeals to almost all Dom's kinks. "What do you think, Bill?"

"I'm game," Billy answers. With the two of them looking at him like that, there's very little he'd not do. "Where do we start?"

"After the snog, as I recall, you were a bit shell-shocked," Dom says. He shifts in his seat and tucks one foot under himself, turning towards Billy. He traces the tip of his finger around Billy's ear. "And I suggested we leave, to save your dignity."

"You're so thoughtful," Rachel grins.

"Well I sort of had to take charge," Dom says. "Plus I wanted to see where it would lead if I got Billy on his own, obviously."

Billy lifts Rachel's legs off him with a little caress, and leans into Dom's touch, closing his eyes. He tells them both, "Shell-shocked, that's a good way to put it. I had no idea..." it trails off into a happy hum as Dom touches him, teases him again.

Seeing Billy like that gives Rachel goosebumps. "Show me the kiss," she murmurs.

"With pleasure," Dom says happily. He slides his hand up Billy's arm to his shoulder and then brushes his fingers over Billy's neck and cups his jaw, leaning to touch his lips to Billy's. Billy's mouth stays closed for a moment, until Dom's tongue gently probes and Billy opens for him, making Dom sigh. He closes his eyes and remembers, how it felt when he realised Billy was kissing him back, that Billy's tongue was in his mouth, that this was finally what he'd been wanting for weeks and weeks.

Tentatively, Billy reaches for Dom's shoulder, braces himself to stay vertical as Dom overwhelms him with his mouth. Billy pulls back, just to breathe and clear his mind a little. But Dom's lips move against his face, and it's fucking fantastic, and it's Dom.

"Hey, you okay?" Dom murmurs, resting his forehead against Billy's and stroking Billy's hair.

"Don't stop," Billy answers, "don't want to think." He reaches for Dom's head and brings him close to kiss again, remembering the surprise of Dom's stubble. Mostly, Billy just kisses Dom until he's dizzy and nearly drunk with the pleasure of it, like the very first time.

Dom finds himself moaning quietly into the kiss, and realises he could very quickly lose himself in this if he's not careful. And the last thing he wants is for Billy to regret it later, so with difficulty he breaks off the kiss. "I think we should go home," he murmurs against Billy's mouth.

Wow. They're completely in the moment, Rachel realises. They've completely forgotten where they are, and it's fabulous to watch.

Billy doesn't remember how they got home, that first time. He can barely feel what it was like to defer to Dom's experience and follow his lead. But it's good now, Dom's always sexy, and it's what Rachel wants, so Billy will play along. Improvising with Dom is like breathing: it's automatic and nearly always works.

Standing, Dom tugs Billy's hand to get him to follow. Moments later they're standing in the hallway; it's Rachel's flat in London, not Billy's in Wellington, but it doesn't matter. Dom can remember this as clearly as if it were yesterday, and he takes Billy's hands in his. "So, d'you want to have a drink and talk about what happened at the party, or..." he grins, "... just carry on from where we left off?"

"Is that what gay blokes do? Talk about 'what happened'?" Billy'd been half-teasing, but he remembers how deeply weirded-out he'd been. It had taken an hour or two, a few drinks, and a fair amount of inconsequential talk about masculine topics like video games before he could manage to follow Dom through the door towards the bedroom.

Rachel stifles a giggle as she stands in the living room doorway, watching.

"Bedroom, then, and I'll show you how it's done," Dom says, taking Billy's face in his hands and kissing him again, hard.

Eyes closing, Billy sinks into the kiss, remembering how surprised he was. His hand slides across Dom's warm skin, a little sweaty, and he can feel a little shiver deep in Dom just like that first time, back in New Zealand. It was addictive, still is, when Dom just gives over.

"Come on," Dom murmurs against Billy's mouth, and tugs him by the hand towards the bedroom.

Billy, swept along by Dom's excitement, grins, leans back, and flings his hand out in a musical-theatre gesture towards Rachel. Whatever's happening here, he hopes it's good for her, that she'll see how Dom can be tender and gentle, miles from his normal snarky self.

"Hey, didn't they teach you anything at drama school?" Dom takes Billy's arm and holds it against his body. "Never break character."

"Yes, pay attention," Rachel laughs. "I was enjoying that."

"Aye, aye, ma'am," Billy says, and follows Dom, using the momentum to move himself from feet to bed, which had been a bit frightening the first time, like diving into a deep pool. He turns to lie on his side and reach for Dom.

Dom pulls his t-shirt off and throws himself on to the bed, landing on his side facing Billy. Billy's looking up expectantly at him and a wave of tenderness washes through Dom. "Don't want to do anything you're not cool with," he says, running his hand up Billy's arm, over his shoulder and up to rest on his cheek. "We can stop anytime you want, 'kay?"

Rachel pads over to the chair in the corner of the room and quietly curls up in it, watching.

Rubbing his cheek against Dom's hand, Billy closes his eyes, still amazed that he'd managed it the first time. "Yeah, mate," he says, "I'm good."

"Me too," Dom smiled. "Really good." He pulls Billy close and kisses him, tugging at the buttons on his shirt.

Dom's hand almost tickled Billy, but not quite, it was more a shudder than a laugh that came out of him. Dom's hand was big and it made Billy feel a bit dainty. He stroked Dom's bare shoulder, the lovely curve of his neck, learning his skin.

Finding it impossible to undo buttons with his left hand, Dom abandoned the attempt and pressed close to Billy instead. Tentatively he slid a hand down Billy's back to his arse and gave it an experimental squeeze. God, he'd wanted to do that for the longest time. In these circumstances, that was. He'd groped Billy's arse plenty of times in jest, but this felt totally different and made Dom hum happily into the kiss.

Billy closed his eyes and shifted his arse back against Dom's touch, and murmured, "Oh, yeah." Girls didn't do that very often. He moved his own hand down to cup Dom's arse, feeling it curve right into his touch. He liked the little moan that came out of Dom, and shifted his hand around, wanting more of those noises. If he was going shag Dom, he was going to do it properly.

"Very nice arse," Dom agreed, grinning and rubbing noses with Billy. Worried a little that it might freak Billy out, he gently pressed his cock against Billy so Billy could feel how aroused he was.

"Watch out," Billy said, as Dom rubbed against him, "you might put someone's eye out with that thing."

"What can I say, you have that effect on me," Dom grinned, rubbing himself against Billy. "And may I say you've got far too many clothes on? I know for a fact you've got a rather nice chest under there."

When Billy opened his eyes, there was Dom, complete with eyeliner, face set in a smiling challenge. Billy gave Dom's arse a quick squeeze and reached for his own shirt buttons.

As Billy unbuttoned his shirt his eyes never left Dom's face. Finally Dom had to tear his gaze away and let it fall to Billy's chest which was gradually becoming exposed to view. "Yeah," Dom muttered, sliding his palms up Billy's torso, "God, yeah." Humming, he pressed kisses to Billy's skin, anywhere he could, and then finding a nipple between his lips, gently sucked on it.

"Ahhh, so good," Billy moaned, because Dom's mouth was doing amazing sexy things to his chest. "Talk to me," Billy said, because Dom's voice could be pure seduction, he'd known that for ages, "tell me what it is, what you want."

"You, I want you," Dom said into Billy's skin, mouthing his way up Billy's chest to his neck and then with a groan, rolling on top of him so they were skin-to-skin at last. He carried on murmuring between urgent kisses to Billy's mouth. "Just want to be close, want to feel you, touch your cock, Jesus, Bill, I want you!" He plunged his tongue into Billy's mouth, moaning and thrusting against him, frustrated by the clothing that was still between their hips.

Dom was impossibly hot like this, eager enough to take Billy's breath away. His arms went round Dom, to hold him close, truly feel Dom's body against his own.

"Fuck," Dom panted, thrusting harder. "Fucking clothes!" With a groan he rolled off Billy and fumbled at the fly of his trousers. All he could think about was being naked and pressed against Billy. His hands were shaking and it seemed to take an age to undo the button and zip and kick off the unwanted item of clothing.

Billy'd seen Dom naked, but not like this: drawn tight by desire and avid. When Dom looked at him, stayed still for a moment and looked, it made Billy's blood thrum right through his body. Before he could second-guess himself, Billy pushed his jeans and pants down, shifted his hips to pull them off, and turned to Dom, and waited.

"God, Bill, yeah..." Dom took a moment to look at Billy as he lay facing him. Naked. He ran a slightly trembling hand up Billy's body. "I've wanted this so fucking much," he murmured. "Just want to touch you, kiss you..." his fingertips trailed down Billy's soft tummy to his pubic hair and, breathing hard, he took Billy's half-hard cock in his hand, cradling it slightly reverently. As he did so, Billy's lips parted and Dom heard him huff in a little breath. "You've got a fantastic cock," Dom said quietly, with a smile. "You won't believe all the plans I've got for it."

"Ahhhhh, Dom," Billy said, a little startled at how fast this all was going. He pulled Dom against him, chest to chest, and then Dom's hand moved, and it was so bloody good that Billy writhed without quite meaning to. "Do that again," he said breathlessly.

"That, and more," Dom grinned, unbearably excited by the feel of Billy's cock getting hard in his hand. He shifted so he could palm his own cock at the same time, and then threw a leg over Billy's hip, rocking against him. "How's that?" he murmured a little breathlessly.

It was as though Dom'd been wanking him forever and knew exactly what to do. Billy's brain turned to very pleasurable mush, and he barely managed to say, "Fucking fantastic," as he thrust into the ring of Dom's fingers.

It was all too much for Dom. His cock took over, thrusting quickly into his hand, rubbing against Billy's erection. "Oh god," he moaned, "Gonna come." And he did, groaning.

"Oh," Billy said, and held Dom close, feeling the shudders going through Dom's body. He didn't have to ask if it was good for Dom: that much was obvious, and weirdly complimentary. He rubbed his cheek against Dom's and murmured, "I've got you, right here."

Dom's cheeks burned and he smiled, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry... Not usually quite this out of control," he mumbled. "What, um, what can I do?"

Billy answered, "I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"I'm quite happy doing whatever," Dom said. He rubbed his nose against Billy's in a friendly way, and then tightened his grip on Billy's cock, pulling him closer with his leg. "Is this good?"

"Nnggggjhh," Billy was transfixed at how astonishingly good it was. "Just," Billy said, rocking his hips in time with Dom's movements, "more, ahhhh, more, harder."

Dom stared at Billy's cock in his hand. His mouth watered. The head of Billy's cock glistened, as it was repeatedly covered and uncovered by its foreskin which Dom deliberately moved as he massaged. The noises Billy was making were new to Dom, and he drank them in, the little pants and moans. "So fucking sexy," Dom murmured.

"Y'are," Billy answered, "you, this, uh." It was too good to even think. He took a breath to get his voice back, and said, "Oh fuck, Dom, 's amazing, I can't believe..."

"Yeah, you," Dom murmured, kissing Billy's mouth. "God, I've wanted this." He redoubled his efforts, wanking Billy hard and fast.

It was all fantastic: Dom's mouth, Dom's body, Dom's hand, better than any hand anywhere ever before. Billy just gave over: moaned and arched his back and and thrust his cock into Dom's hand, and threw his head back as he came.

I love you, Dom wanted to say, as Billy's semen spilled over his hand and on to his belly.

"God, Dom," Billy manages, eventually, "I'd forgotten, you were so patient, love. It's been a fucking long time." He rolls onto his back, pulling Dom close and turns to Rachel, saying, "That wasn't exactly a show, that was more like time travel."

"It was a lovely show," Rachel laughs, standing and pulling off her clothes. She's incredibly aroused and needs skin contact.

"Do you think I was patient?" Dom mumbles into Billy's neck. "I was so embarrassed I came so quickly, I remember thinking there was no way you'd ever want to do that again."

"Ach," Billy says, holding Dom close and flashing a smile at Rachel, who is getting naked in an interesting way. "That never mattered a bit. Young lad like you..." Rachel's crawling towards them on the bed, her tits close, and Billy sucks in his breath at the look of it. "Look what we have here," Billy says to Dom, nodding at Rachel, "I can see an upside..."

"Mm, perfect," Dom says, moving away from Billy so Rachel can snuggle in between them. Billy's hand splays over her stomach, and Dom weaves his fingers through Billy's, rubbing his nose on the soft, soft skin of Rachel's shoulder and basking in the afterglow. "So you enjoyed the show then?" he laughs, propping himself up on one elbow. She's stroking her clit, her mouth widening into a smile as she meets Dom's gaze.

"Oh god, yes," she says breathlessly. It couldn't be more perfect, sandwiched between two warm, sweaty bodies, their hands clasped on her tummy. "This won't take long, you're such a turn-on."

Billy pulls down and slides his hand between Rachel's legs, pressing against the back of her hand as she fingers herself. "You like our show, yeah," he says, loud enough for Dom to hear. "You are going to be next, some kind of act, I'll think of something really fucking sexy..."

Gently, Rachel takes his hand and puts it back where it was, on her stomach. "I liked it better here," she murmurs, and goes back to what she was doing. She's already close to coming, and says breathlessly, "Love being here, touching you, feels safe, feels good..."

A little abashed, Billy squeezes Dom's hand, kisses the side of her head and hums, the vibrations running through his body and, he hopes, Rachel's.

"Sexy woman," Dom murmurs, nuzzling Rachel's neck and breast as she gets obviously close to coming.

All Rachel can do is gasp and then cry out as her orgasm takes her. When she finally comes back to earth and opens her eyes, she lies there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being held and cosseted. "Lovely," she says, turning her head first to Billy then Dom for a kiss from each of them.

"You are," Billy says gently, and catches Dom's eyes as he laughs, "and you two will be the death of me."

"But what a way to go," Dom says, throwing his arm over both of them.

"You know what?" Rachel says, pushing them both away, "You two are both in need of a shower, and so am I now." She sits up. "Who's going to join me?"

Billy's knackered, so he waves Dom along with Rachel, uses a corner of the sheet to wipe his belly, and drowses, remembering a very young Dom, and his own self, not quite young but terribly naive.
previous in 2008: Invited Voyeur || Main || next in 2000: Untwisting

dom/billy/rachel, dom/billy

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