'Please, Sir' (Dom/Billy, NZ, early 2000)

Feb 16, 2010 21:29

Title: "Please. Sir."
Authors: msilverstar and unstealthy
Pairing: Billy Boyd/Dominic Monaghan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dominance/submission, beating
Disclaimer: Fiction, not true, we made it up
Summary/Excerpt: "I want to see you see yourself," Billy says, a little sternly, "see you obeying me."
Series Note: This is set in an alternate universe where Dom, Billy and Rachel Weisz have a happy kinky ménage à trois, with only a little angst. This one is set in New Zealand, May 2000.

<<  Bareback ||  Main  || The Good Ones More Than Once  >>

Billy stares in surprised fascination at video on the TV: the tape box had showed porn, but nothing about kneeling and riding crops and obedience. They're actors, there on the screen, but he knows people do things like that. He's just never seen it quite as intense as this before. Next to Billy, Dom is silent, something that may not be impossible but is surely a rarity. Billy sneaks a peek sideways at Dom, trying to gauge whether Dom's interested, repelled or something else.

"This is... different," Dom says, swallowing. He's intensely aware of the bulge in his jeans, which can only have arisen a result of what's on the TV screen -- it's been a while since Billy's had that effect on him just from sitting close by. Yeah, he and Billy like a bit of slap-and-tickle, sometimes even using something to spice things up a bit. Nothing heavy, just a cock ring and a pair of handcuffs, the table tennis bat. But this -- this is a different level to the games they've been playing. Dom imagines himself kneeling while Billy orders him around. And then fuck, did his jeans just get even tighter?

In as casual a voice as he can compose, Billy asks, "Good kind of different?, as he shifts around on the couch, trying to find a more comfortable position as he waits. If Dom likes it, if Dom wants to try it out, that would make all the difference. That would give Billy a kind of permission to find it as hot as he secretly does.

Billy's trying to act as if this isn't having an effect on him, and it makes Dom chuckle. "Yeah, good different." He tears his eyes from the screen and looks at Billy. "What about you, what do you think?"

There's Dom, so relaxed, while Billy's thrumming like a taut wire. "Ehm," Billy says, "it's a bit much..." because the boot-kissing on the screen right now is not terribly inviting. He rubs his knuckles across his lips as they stop with that and go on to something with quite a lot of menacing black leather. Billy starts wondering if they make leather trousers like that in his size.

"Yeah?" More disappointed than he thought he'd be, Dom slumps back into the sofa and turns back to the screen. Maybe this is something he'll have to enjoy alone. He watches the action on screen and rubs his bulging crotch.

Glancing at Dom's groin, it's clear what he thinks. Not that Dom's hard to arouse in any situation, but he's already looking avid and eager. Billy wants that look directed at him, not at the video. "Mmmm?" Billy says, "what looks good to you on there?" as he waves a hand at the screen.

Dom smiles and turns to Billy. They're already sitting tight up against each other, so Dom just moves until his mouth is right up to Billy's. "You," he murmurs in his best sex voice. "You standing over me while I kneel, telling me what to do. Telling me when to come." His eyes search Billy's for any sign that he's up for this. Dom's voice drops to a whisper. "Punishing me when I don't obey."

That's something new from Dom, and it's a moment before Billy take it in. Dom's so close, his eyes dark and dilated, body still, even at the thought of it. "Yeah?," Billy says, licking his dry lips, thinking of Dom being gorgeously obedient to his every word, "ehm, you want to try that?"

Billy's mouth drives Dom a bit mad, and so when he licks his lips like that, Dom just has to kiss them. It's an exploratory kiss, Dom testing the waters a bit, trying to show Billy that yes, he wants to try that, but he's happy to settle with what they've got at the moment. He sighs into the kiss, one hand firmly on Billy's warm thigh. "Yeah," he says finally. "But if you're not up for it, it's really not a problem."

Slinging an arm round Dom to bring him closer, Billy kisses sweetly, not trying to get the better of Dom, yet. "Just a thing?" he says, "One of those role-plays, eh?" He can feel Dom's eagerness, the excitement Dom has for everything from surfing to those giant weta cricket-things. Life's never dull around Dom. Billy notices the video tape is rewinding and the lack of soundtrack's a bit of a relief. "Dominants, and what are they called, submits?"

"Yeah, whatever," Dom says. "If we don't enjoy it, we can just stop. Easy as that." He can feel Billy's breath on his face and his pulse quickens in anticipation.

"And you'll do," Billy murmurs in his own lowest register, "you'll do everything I say? Easy? No struggling? No resistance?" Billy's hands find Dom's fingers, captures them firmly. "No tickling, either."

"Yeah," Dom says, suddenly very, very taken with the idea. Heat radiates through his body. "Everything you say."

Billy's nearly seduced by the idea until he reminds himself of the trouble Dom can cause with words. "And you say nothing?"

Dom grins. "Only when you give me permission." He touches his fingertip to Billy's lips and grins wider. "Sir."

That word shocks a little huff out of Billy, and Dom's smile turns into a smirk. "No," Billy says, and seeing that Dom about to ask whether that means 'No' to the idea, or 'No' to Dom speaking, Billy puts his finger across Dom's lips, neatly echoing what Dom did before. "Not without permission," Billy murmurs, and "you don't have it now."

Wow. Okay. So it seems that Billy's up for it. He looks Dom steadily in the eye, calm and serious, and all at once, Dom wants to obey him. Wants his approval, to satisfy him. To submit to his will. Dom takes a deep breath and nods.

Without thinking twice, Billy reaches for Dom, kisses him hard, because there's nothing else he can do with all the heat inside him.

The kiss is great, allows Dom to try and say what he's not allowed to say with words. Somehow it means even more.

"Yeah," Billy says, after, noting that Dom's been silent for a bit now, "give it a whirl. Call it off, any time."

When Billy speaks, Dom nods again, taking Billy's hands in his own and squeezing them hard.
It's a-bloody-mazing that Dom can keep mum for so long, it's a bit of a challenge now, for Billy to do this right. He can't think of much to do, so finally urges Dom to stand up in front of him, saying, "Show yourself to me, will you?"

Dom follows the urging of Billy's hands and stands. He finds his hands are shaking a little, and so puts them at his sides. Standing in front of Billy, being scrutinised, Dom's chest puffs out a little and he pulls back his shoulders, drawing himself up to his full height.

Just looking at Dom, just sitting and looking at Dom who's not making a joke or planning a quip, is bloody sexy. Dom who's standing still for Billy alone is fucking devastating. "Take off your shirt, Dom," Billy says quietly.

Slowly and carefully, Dom forces his trembling hands to undo the buttons of his shirt. Once they're undone, he shrugs the shirt off his shoulders and lets it fall to the floor; not knowing where to look, Dom looks at the floor. He's hyper-aware of the pounding of his heart, and his desire to get this right, not for fear of punishment -- whatever that might entail -- but because he wants it to be good, for Billy.

"Yes, very good," Billy says, unused to this quiet, obedient Dom, wanting to reassure him. Dom's shoulders sink a little, relaxing. Casting about for something to do, Billy orders, "Lift your arms up over your head, press your palms together."

This obedience thing is easier than Dom realised. Maybe next time he'll push back a little, but for now he overwhelmingly wants to please Billy. And so he obeys, raising his arms and pressing his hands together, pleased with the way it makes the muscles in his chest stand out.

Billy can't keep back the little noise he makes at Dom's flexing, saying "You should see yourself, Dom, you're all taut and stretched." He gets up and fetches a mirror that he's been meaning to hang in the bedroom, then props it against a couple of chairs, angled so both he and Dom can see. "Look here."

Dom looks, and forgetting he's not supposed to speak, says the first thing that comes into his mind. "I only want to look good for you." It's a half-lie, but fits the situation well.

"I want to see you see yourself," Billy says, a little sternly, "see you obeying me."

Billy's stern tone takes Dom by surprise a little and he immediately shifts his gaze to his reflection in the mirror. "Yes, sir," he replies. His arms start to shake with the effort of holding them up, but he doesn't say anything.

"Good," Billy says, and just watches. Dom's arms are quivering, and Billy knows the effort of holding them up so long (though it was a prank pulled on him, not an order). He lets Dom wait for a moment, then two. "Move your hands behind your neck, then kneel down."

With relief that he hopes doesn't show on his face, Dom laces his fingers together at the back of his neck. He lets his eyes drop to the floor, thinking that will be nice and submissive, and kneels as ordered to complete the effect.

Sharply, Billy says, "I told you to look at the mirror, I did not tell you to stop."
Stung, Dom forces his gaze back to his reflection, babbling, "Sorry sir, sorry," in the hope that will placate Billy, this new Billy he knows nothing of.

"That's one thing I'll punish you for," Billy says, as he leans forward to run his hand up Dom's chest, along Dom's exposed inner arm. He's been groping a bit for what to do, and this feels right for this game: giving orders, planning punishments. "And for speaking out of turn."

Suddenly, Dom feels wildly out of his depth, afraid to move, afraid to speak. But it's intensely exciting, being so much under Billy's control, and his cock is hard already. He bites his lip and feels a bead of sweat move slowly down his temple.

In a mild tone, Billy asks, "Do you have something to say, something you'd like to ask? If not, be still." He can see Dom's confusion, his attempts at obedience, and it's exciting as hell. But Dom shakes his head, just like that, and Billy finds himself angry at Dom's defiance. "That's not still. Third punishment for you to look forward to." He adjusts his jeans to ease the pressure on his erection, and says, almost cruelly, "I'm looking forward to it."

Wow. Dom sort of knew Billy had this in him, but the reality is so different from his fantasy. There's an edge of menace to his tone, and it makes goosebumps stand up on Dom's skin, from fear or excitement or a mixture of both. He so wants to please this Billy, to hear him say words of praise. Dom keeps still, his mouth shut, and waits.

It's amazing, Dom being silent and still, obedient. Billy growls, "Better. And in the mirror, see yourself."

For want of something better to do, Dom stares hard in the mirror at his own reflection, trying to keep his face passive and neutral.

Shifting until his view of Dom in the mirror is perfect, Billy says, a little hoarsely, "Unzip your jeans and push them down to your knees."

As it's the only way to get his jeans off, Dom presumes it's okay to kneel up. He unzips his jeans carefully over his burgeoning erection, which springs free as he pushes the jeans down. For some reason, the rough denim feels extra-good rubbing against his thighs. Once they're down, he stays kneeling up (all the better to display himself) and lets his hands hang down by his sides.

Billy's been watching intently as Dom unwraps himself and frees his cock: Dom looks good enough to eat and Billy wants to devour him. But then Dom's hands do not return where they ought. Crossly, Billy says, "Put your hands back where they were. That's four."

Despairing a little that he's ever going to make Billy pleased with him, Dom put his hands back behind his head. His knees are starting to hurt, but he's determined to go through with it, determined to make Billy happy.

There are signs, if you know him, when Dom is not thrilled. Billy knows him, but he wants to push Dom just a little further. Standing up, walking around Dom, looking down at him kneeling obediently, Billy finally murmurs "Fucking gorgeous, you, naked," and watches Dom's body accept the compliment.  As Billy comes back around, he tells Dom, "Stand up, but keep your hands right there."

It's small, but it's enough. Billy's voice in his ear, telling him he likes Dom like this... it's enough. More than enough to spur Dom on. With difficulty, Dom stands, his legs wobbling and his knees aching. Slowly he straightens his legs, his jeans tangled around his ankles, and remembers to reaffix his gaze to the Dom in the mirror. He takes a deep breath.

"Good, yeah, good," Billy says, when Dom's hands stay put and he can see himself again. Billy's not entirely sure what to do next, so he rubs his hands up Dom's chest, and then one fingernail from Dom's neck, along his back, to his arse. It's both a caress and a proprietary scratch.

The sudden intense stimulation to his skin makes Dom flinch, although he doesn't want to, and give an involuntary hiss. He bites back the automatic apology that rises to his lips and goes as still as he can.

"Five," Billy says, "perhaps we should start the punishment portion of our evening now." As he speaks, he can see Dom responding to the idea, licking his lips and looking away from the mirror. "That's six," Billy says, in a voice he hopes is promising the good kind of pain, the kind Dom likes. "Until I tell you to stop, you must keep looking in the mirror." Billy moves to get the chair he wants, and carefully places it in front of Dom and a little to the side. "Bend over the chair."

Dom's learnt, now, to follow Billy's instructions to the letter. No more, no less. So he turns to face the chair and bends at the waist, his hands still laced at the back of his neck.

When Dom bends, arms back instead of reaching for the chair, it startles Billy. "Very good," he says, pleased that he's sounding sure of himself, "very obedient. You may use your hands to brace yourself."

Relieved, Dom grabs either side of the chair seat. He's excited and there's still an edge of fear, so he takes a deep breath in and out to try and calm himself a little. It seems to work.

Billy waches his own hand in the mirror, moving up from Dom's arse, along Dom's back and around his skull. "Gorgeous and obedient, yeah," he says, then tugs on Dom's hair, pulling Dom's head up and around to see himself in the mirror. "Can you hold on, or do you need to be tied?" Billy asks.
Not having permission to speak, and not daring to answer, Dom simply shakes his head in response, hoping that's enough.

With a frustrated noise, Billy slaps Dom's arse. He says, "You are supposed to speak when I ask you a direct question, just not to move without an order. That's seven, and you'll tell me now if you need restraints." He hopes it's the sort of discipline that Dom wants, that it's obviously nothing Billy is truly angry about (except the little rush of heat in Billy's cock, every time Dom obeys, or disobeys).

The slap comes as a shock to Dom's system, gentle though it is. Combined with the tone of Billy's voice, it sends heat searing through Dom's body and makes him want so desperately to please. He starts to speak but his voice cracks and he clears his throat and takes a breath. "Thank you." Dom swallows, considering, weighing up the possibility of inadvertent disobedience against the thrill of being able to do what Billy says without restraint. "No, I think I can manage." He takes a breath. "Sir." It's funny, it should be ludicrous, calling Billy that without irony. But somehow it works.

"Good," Billy says, because Dom is finally getting the point. "Stay there. And I shouldn't have to say it: stay still." Without a backward glance, he goes to the cupboard to get something to punish Dom with.

Billy's 'Good' thrills Dom more than it would under any other circumstances. He rolls his shoulders without letting go of the chair, and focuses on his breathing. In, out, in, out. It stops him wondering what Billy's got for him next, and he waits.

Rolling shoulders, Billy decides, is something he can let pass without comment. He chooses the riding crop, though he's never used it properly on Dom before; the bloke in all the leather in the porn film was using one and it seems appropriate.  Billy walks silently back to Dom, and rubs the crop against Dom's arse, to see if he'll jump.

This time, Dom's calmer and less jittery, so when Billy rubs the crop against him, he doesn't flinch. Instead, he's aroused, his cock starting to ache with need, a need that's going to have to be filled sooner rather than later. He stares in the mirror at his reflection, at Billy standing behind him, and for the first time Dom sees how excited Billy is by all this, too. The flush on Billy's face and the bulge in Billy's jeans tells Dom everything he needs to know.

Their eyes catch in the mirror and hold, Billy pleased that Dom's still looking that way, deeply aroused to see Dom still and ready. Billy leans down and sideways, pulling Dom's face around to his, and kisses Dom sweetly, stroking Dom's back and letting himself enjoy the pure physical contact. Dom's pliant under him, open in a way he's not been before, which is incredibly sexy.
It's an awkward position, but Dom relishes the kiss nonetheless. He allows his eyes to close and just sinks into the feeling of being desired, the taste and feel of Billy's mouth, the love that Billy's offering him, despite his inability to be good.

"Oh yeah," Billy says softly as he stands up again, "you're amazing." He watches Dom's eyes find the crop, his face show recognition, and his body tense and release in what Billy now recognizes as yearning. He slowly brings the crop up to Dom's face, and says firmly, "Kiss it, you."

This is something new. Dom knows Billy's going to hurt him, and that the crop is going to be the method by which he does it. So in a way, Dom is grateful, and pleased he thought of that, as it makes kissing the crop seem like a perfectly natural thing to do.

Billy swallows, his mouth dry. "Good," he says, "perfect." Dom obeying his commands with grace is so different from his usual resistance, so truly incredibly hot. "You'll count for me, as I punish you," Billy tells Dom, and swings the crop down, hitting Dom nearly as hard as he can.

The sting of the crop causes Dom to hiss before his brain has even registered it. It feels good though, a release, and thoroughly deserved for the way he's not managed to obey Billy completely. He pauses a moment to breathe and calm himself, and then says firmly, "One."

"Yes, good, you," Billy says, touching Dom with his other hand, caressing Dom's back, and then scratching another line down it. Looking in the mirror, he admires Dom's body, braced for the next blow, and brings the crop down on Dom's arse again.

Dom's already broken out into a sweat. The alternating caresses and blows from the crop jangle his nerves and make adrenalin flood his system. The blows are hard but bearable, and incredibly exciting. "Two," he says.

It's obvious from Dom's voice that he's into it, that it's good. "Fuck, look at you, so hot," Billy says, reaching for Dom's head and pulling it round so Dom can't help but see himself in the mirror. Billy can see Dom, and himself, but it seems far away, like a video, except for the heat of Dom's skin against Billy's. Watching himself, Billy swats the crop at to the outside points on Dom's arse, nearly his hip on each side.

"Three," Dom pants, grunting a little at the sting. "Four." Panting slightly harder, he watches a drop of sweat fall off his nose on to the chair.

"Three more, and then what shall I do with you?" Billy asks, half-rhetorically. He hits down one the back of one thigh and then on the other. Staring into the mirror, he watches his own hand strike the crop across the middle of Dom's arse, right above his hole.

Dom's gasping for breath, but Billy's pleased to notice that he keeps the count of the blows correctly. He pauses, and says, "I'm going to give you a list, Dom, and you're going to listen to it all, then tell me which one and how much you want it. Then I'll decide what to do with you next."

"Yes, sir," Dom whispers. The blows and the counting have reduced him to a state where he can't seem to do anything but submit to Billy's seemingly iron will. It's a not unpleasant state to be in.

Billy crops Dom across the shoulders, just for a change. He says, "Right. One: a bit more of the crop, not enough to make it obvious tomorrow during filming, but enough so you'll feel it for days. Two: blowjob, and I might leave my spunk all over your face."

It's too much. Dom wants it all, wants to see what it's like to be humiliated by Billy. "Sir, please," he finds himself begging. "I want both, Sir, want you to hurt me, want to please you."

"I told you to listen, not speak," Billy says firmly. He brings the crop down in four equal slaps down along Dom's back and one extra-hard in the middle of his arse. "Maybe I will hurt you so much that you'll be squealing when we film with the Orcs tomorrow." Billy sends a flurry firm blows on Dom's already sensitised arse to make his point.

"Sir, sorry sir," Dom gasps, "I thought you'd finished..." He trails off as Billy hits him and robs him of the power of any further speech.

That surprises Billy, both Dom using the title, and how much he likes it. "No, not finished, not by a long shot," he says, and catches Dom's eyes in the mirror, knowing his own are full of serious lust. "Three: fuck you right here, like this. Four: wank all over you, and make you come without touching your cock. Five: turn you around and crop your front..."

Dom's eyes go wide with hunger at the thought of being fucked, knowing he'll be able to see it in the mirror, see Billy as he fucks him. There's nothing Dom loves more than watching Billy fuck. "Sir," he says, pleading, "Whatever you want, just want to please you so much!"

"Was that what I asked you?" Billy says sharply. "One is cropping, two is blowjob, three is fucking, four is me wanking, five is creative beating... You may choose one." He walks around to Dom's front, pulling Dom up by the hair to look him in the eyes, reassuring himself that Dom's still excited by this kind of play. "Only one. If you can't choose, you shan't get any of them."

It's increasingly hard to think straight, for the pain and the slight panic clouding Dom's brain. Sweat is dripping off him and he grips the chair hard. Finally he just whispers the only word he can think of. "Fucking. Please. Sir."

Licking dry lips, suddenly desperate to be inside Dom, Billy answers, "Yeah, good." He grabs Dom's neck and presses down, saying, "Put your head on the chair."

The chair seat is too low for Dom to bend down to, and he whimpers as Billy pushes down on his neck. "Sir, I can't sir!" he says, helplessly.

"You fucking can, and you will," Billy says. He presses his knees against the backs of Dom's knees, so Dom's legs bend, and Dom ends up kneeling, bending forward, his face on the seat of the chair. "There, you."

As Dom falls to his knees, he gives an involuntary cry. He's so grateful that Billy's willing to help him obey, to show him how, that he finds himself babbling, "Yes sir, thank you, sir."

Billy's incredibly aroused at Dom giving over so enthusiastically. He squeezes the curve of Dom's arse, and says, "Good." He crops Dom, not very hard, just because it's so fucking sexy, then he tears himself away to move the mirror so they can both see themselves.

Dom groans. "Sir, please sir, fuck me please?"

"Not quite yet, you," Billy answers. "But you can keep begging," he says cruelly as he hits the back of Dom's thighs, "or thanking me."

A sob rises in Dom's throat, and he squeezes his eyes shut to keep the tears back. "Thank you sir," he manages to say. "Please, want to feel your cock inside me..."

Moaning, Billy says, "Fuck yeah." He unzips and pushes his jeans and pants down to the floor and off his legs, moving Dom's jeans off his ankles too. Then he bends down and reaches for the sachet of lube in his pocket. "Hands back," he orders, inspired, "I want you to spread yourself for me."
From the position he's in Dom can see Billy in the mirror, Billy now naked from the waist down, his cock hard. Taking deep, panting breaths, Dom reaches back and pulls his arse cheeks apart, hoping Billy likes what he sees.

"Fuckinggod, Dom, that's hot," Billy says, stroking Dom's crack gently. He moves in between Dom's spread legs, glancing at the mirror to see Dom's face, which is good, aroused and excited. Billy slicks his fingers with the lube and growls, "I'm going to finger fuck you, you with your arse open and begging."

Billy's close behind Dom, and Dom can feel the brush of Billy's cock against his own sensitised thigh. It makes his stomach contract "Yes sir," he murmurs. "Please, sir."

Pressing a finger against Dom's arsehole, Billy says, "Fantastically hot, so good the way you're giving over." Dom's whole arse feels hot against Billy's hand as his finger presses in, aiming for Dom's prostate, "I could do anything to you now, ah fuck, I want to do everything."

It only takes a moment for Billy's finger to find its target, and Dom cries out, his body jerking involuntarily. The pleasure is almost too much, coming as it does all mixed up with everything else.
Billy strokes very gently, waiting for Dom to relax, or to tense with sex rather than stress. When he does a bit of both, Billy presses a second finger in, delighted to watch Dom's face in the mirror as it strokes the right place. "I'm tempted," Billy says, "to finger fuck you and then come in your mouth."
Dom groans and trembles, both at Billy's words and the feel of fingers in his arse.

"Yeah," Billy pushes in a third finger, watching Dom in the mirror, feeling him just taking it, and opening for more. "But I promised I would, I'm going to fuck you," he says, "and you may come, if you can do it without touching your cock." He loves it when Dom does that. Billy moves closer, watching them both in the mirror as he starts to push into Dom's arse, very slowly.

"Yes sir. Thank you sir." Dom doesn't know if he's going to be able to manage coming without touching himself, but he's done it before and if it's what Billy wants, Dom wants to give it to him. That's when he feels Billy's cock stretching his hole as it pushes into him, and an involuntary "Ohfuck!" escapes his lips before he can stop it.

Groaning, Billy's hands clench on Dom's sides as his eyes close in pleasure at Dom's body around his cock. "Yeah, Dom, yeah," he murmurs, and then remembers his role and stops pushing, saying "More, you, give yourself to me."

Dom immediately pushes back against Billy's cock, panting and trying to relax to accommodated it. "Like that, sir?" he asks, hoping it's what Billy wants.

Every time Dom says, 'Sir', a guilty heat runs through Billy: not that he should be guilty, he knows Dom wants it, but still. "Good, yeah," he says, as he changes stance, gets a better grip and starts rocking in and out "Watch yourself, watch me fuck you," he says, commandingly, and moves Dom's head more directly towards the mirror.

It's the easiest instruction Billy's given yet: to watch him fuck. As Billy starts thrusting into him, Dom sees in the mirror his own face contorting in pain/pleasure, sees Billy's lips parted, his muscles flexing. And then Billy's cock hits Dom's prostate and Dom can't help but cry out. "Ohfuckohgod!"

"Good, yeah, so good," Billy says, watching Dom's face in the mirror. "When I say," Billy says, "when I order you," he catches his breath and thrusts into Dom again, "you will fucking come." He's willing to say sexy dirty things if that's what it takes, because Dom coming without being touched is so intensely hot, Billy can barely stand the thought.

Dom hears a long whining moan before he realises it's coming from his own throat. "Yessir pleasesir wanttocomeforyou sir!" he babbles, gasping with every thrust of Billy's cock into him.
Billy grins fiercely, and moves faster and harder, grinding his groin against Dom's skin, asking "can you feel the welts on your arse, or should I whip you harder next time?"

"Fuck!" Dom's arse is burning inside and out, but there's intense pleasure, and the pain itself is exciting, cathartic. "Ohgodohfuck! Needtocome! Please please!" he begs, almost sobbing in his desperation.

"Yes, Dom. Come now, let me feel you, come all around me," Billy's whispering now, he doesn't have enough breath do do anything but gasp those words.

Gripping the chair, Dom lets out a long, loud groan of relief as the world folds in upon itself and he comes, letting himself tumble into glorious oblivion at last.

Panting, thrusting, Billy's trembling and sweating as Dom's body pulses around him, "Yeah, good, so fucking sexy..." It's too much to resist, and Billy starts to come, moaning and clutching at Dom as though he's drowning.

As Dom comes to earth and opens his eyes, he lets out a long groan. Panting and sweating, he bathes in a wave of afterglow-y happiness as he watches Billy in the mirror, watches Billy come. Dom's on a high like he's never known before.

With a last groan, Billy reaches for the chair and lets himself rest against it and Dom's back. "Bloody amazing," he murmurs, "my Dom."

Billy's weight on his back relaxes Dom even more. He closes his eyes, feeling content, elated that he's made Billy so happy, not wanting this feeling to ever end.

Eventually, Billy wraps his free arm around Dom and kisses his shoulder, the only place he can really reach. "Oi, you're quiet," he says.

"Mmmm." Dom's still elated, not really with it. "Thank you, Sir," he murmurs.

That's a bit odd, Dom still calling him sir. Billy shifts so he can take more of his own weight, and nuzzles Dom's skin, saying, "God, you're good, that was good. Fantastically sexy."

"Thank you. You're very good to me." Dom breathes in deeply, luxuriously, and opens his eyes. "I love you."

"Jesus, Dom, I'm good to you?, with you giving over like that," Billy says, still a bit boggled. He eases down to the floor, and pulls Dom as he goes, until he has Dom in his arms, running a hand all over Dom's body, spunk and all, and holding him tight. "I love you," Billy murmurs, "you must know that."

Gradually, Dom feels his jellied brains start to congeal again, and the world makes sense. He's lying in Billy's arms, and he's sore but very, very happy. Stretching, Dom turns to face Billy, wincing at the drag of tender spots over the carpet and gives a slow, happy smile when his eyes meet Billy's. "Hello."

Billy relaxes as Dom doesn't insist on staying in role (if that's even what it was). He kisses Dom lightly, and says, "Fucking great." Then, because it's him and Dom, he has to finish the joke, "And great fucking."

Dom's face relaxes and he grins more. "Thanks." Then, somewhat uncomfortable, he shifts. "I could do with a nice warm bath. And a massage." He looks hopefully at Billy.

"Let's get you there," Billy says, starting to get up while still taking most of Dom's wobbly weight. "Then I'll try to be ready for massage duties." He yawns, and fights his tendency to nap after sex. Especially such spectacular sex as that.

"Wait." A sudden urge has overcome Dom, such gratitude. He turns and pulls Billy into a hug, and then snogs him, long and gentle.

Smiling, Billy kisses Dom, opens his mouth and meets Dom's tongue, hoping it shows Dom what an amazing lover he is.

"OK..." Dom breaks off the kiss, realising he needs Billy close. Here. In his arms. "I'll forego the massage if you'll get in the bath with me?"

"Yeah, 'course," Billy answers, holding Dom against him. "It's just big enough, we can fit in together like sardines in a can."


It isn't a large bath, but then they're not large blokes, and Billy's happy to lie back against Dom's chest, head on Dom's shoulder and Dom's arms around him. He's tired and his arm hurts, but Dom must be much worse off. After simultaneous sighs as the water finally gets to their belies, he says, "Are you all right?"

The cool enamel of the bath is wonderful against Dom's sore back and arse, the water soothing his aching muscles. And Billy's in his arms. He kisses Billy's temple and nuzzles Billy's hair. "I'm great, fine, brilliant. That was amazing." He tightens his arms around Billy and grins. "Just don't expect me to be such a pushover next time."

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