It's Black Moon Clan/Nemesis stuff. Not all the Black Moon stuff I've ever written but some of them seem to be in the same vague continuity with only occassional contradictions and I may as well just give up and stick them together even if they have no particular continuing plotline in most places and are in no specific order. Actually, what they have in common is what obscure thing they're tongue-in-cheek inspired by even more than relation to each other.
A Spring Shower Sapphire, Diamond, mention of Emerald/Diamond, Diamond/Citrine, and Topaz [PG]
Star of Nemesis Diamond, Sapphire, Rubeus, Emerald, Topaz, Citrine, mention of the Ayakashi sisters [PG]
Strongest Power Emerald/Diamond, Wiseman, mention of Usagi/Mamoru, Beryl/Endymion, Zoisite/Kunzite, Kouan/Rubeus, Petz/Sapphire, Seiya/Kakyuu, Tomoe/Keiko [PG]
Green Eyed Emerald/Diamond, mention of Sapphire [PG]
Appearances Diamond, Sapphire [PG]
Recruiter Rubeus, Ayakashi sisters, mention of Diamond and Emerald [PG-13]
Support Beam Diamond, Diamond's mother [PG]
In the Dark Black Moon Clan, Wiseman, Ayakashi Sisters, Emerald/Diamond, Kouan/Rubeus, Petz/Sapphire, Diamond/Serenity, questionably-slashy Sapphire/Diamond [PG-13]
In Hostile Soil Topaz/Sapphire [PG-13]
Checking Up Topaz/Sapphire, Joe, Kyoko, mention of Sapphire/Petz, Ayakashi Sisters, Obsidian, Durganite, Vivianite, Rabejacite, and Setsuna [PG-13]
Shibuya Scramble Topaz, Kenta, mention of Diamond and Sapphire [PG]
Escaping the Burn Rubeus, Topaz, mention of Emerald, Diamond, Sapphire, Kouan/Rubeus [PG]
Dowager Behind the Throne Chalcedony/Mozarkite, Chalcedony/Geyserite, Emerald/Diamond, mention of Wiseman, Citrine/Rubeus, Citrine/Diamond, Topaz/Diamond, Topaz/Sapphire [PG]
Magical Girlfriend Kenta/Topaz, mention of Topaz/Sapphire, Rei, and Dumble [PG]