Title: Tadaima
purplekitteTheme: Character-a-day--Urawa Ryo
Genre: Romance
Version: Anime
Rating: PG
Everyone had disappeared to attend to whatever business they had. They had rarely been in Japan in the last almost year and a half, but they would be implementing the bold Dark Kingdom Plan from Tokyo. Unlike their trips around the world that seemed like a long thing, this would be something else. He may not have thought about it as extensively as Kyoko’s pie of cigarette butts indicated she had, but he had considered implications. This was not a jaunt; this was a rest of their life type thing.
Shin and Yukio were the only ones still hanging around their hotel, evidentially having no one they cared to see. Or at least were too anxious to, Shin had mentioned visiting a sister tomorrow.
Ryo had somewhere to be, but he kept putting it off. School’s still on. And then, Any longer and you’ll miss her. She doesn’t stay after school. You don’t know what cram school she goes to, you’ll miss her. You are not putting this off till tomorrow.
Once he threw himself off the couch and started to move it became easy. Maybe he could calm the turmoil of half-formed plans in his head by actually being the confident adult that he had become and do what he wanted.
The school grounds were devoid of students; school was not already out; he was always chronically early. Hopefully his youth and good grooming would keep him out of trouble for loitering.
She was older and no longer wore the glasses, but it would take far more than that for him to be delayed a second in recognizing her.
“Urawa-kun--” she gasped as she saw him stepping towards her, cut off when he reached forward to slip a hand to the back of her neck and kiss her.
Ami didn’t sputter but her eyes widened and body tensed in surprise. “I’m back.”