16 Things

Dec 11, 2008 13:13

Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you. You must tag 16 other people ( Read more... )

meme, crohns, guys, harry potter, dance, feminism, belltower boys, introspection

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Comments 9

greywolf2155 December 12 2008, 00:33:43 UTC
Paulo Coehlo had an interesting point about people that give up on their dreams (or "personal legend" in his terminology) for their lover. Hi basic point is that if your lover isn't willing to let you live out your dreams, even if it means that you have to put off your plans together . . . if they're not willing to let you do that, then it's not the love you thought it was. A very cool guy, that Paulo Coehlo

How about learning Hebrew so you can read the Tanakh, hmm? Just saying

And I miss my favorite step-cousin too . . . =/


purple_ladybug1 December 12 2008, 05:34:24 UTC
I really like that, about what Paulo Coehlo said. Thanks. :)

Learning Hebrew would be nice, but I think it's a more difficult language than Greek. Plus for arguing for women's ordination, the NT is more important since it's the foundation of the Christian church. But, yeah, if I have the time in my life, I'd love to learn both.



cleolian December 12 2008, 00:39:31 UTC
whoa! exotic dancing!


cleolian December 12 2008, 00:46:39 UTC
11. I wonder if I'm missing out on part of the feminist movement by being straight.
This is hilarious. I'm sure there are plenty of feminist lesbians/bisexuals who wish that they were straight so that they could be self-righteous from an obviously unbiased standpoint. "See, I really do believe in this, even though I like guys!"
But I guess I know what you mean

16. What I like best about myself is that I like everyone. And everyone is nice to me. I don't know why this is. But I sincerely like almost everyone I've ever met. And I can think of only two or three specific examples when people haven't been really nice to me.
I agree completely. The way I see it, we're probably a great combination of lucky, optimistic, and forgiving. My only concern is that I meet a lot of people who have been worn by the world and consequentially pessimistic in their old age. I hope we never change


purple_ladybug1 December 12 2008, 05:38:31 UTC
I hope we never change either. :) :) :)


cleolian December 12 2008, 17:02:13 UTC
yeah, seriously. i like liking everyone . . .


mollywheezy January 20 2009, 22:46:05 UTC
#8 is awesome! I learned Greek and Hebrew in order to read the Bible in the original languages, and am really glad I did. Noe I know when the translations are right or not. ;)


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