
Aug 02, 2012 22:35

Title: Alive
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 2100
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: The first time Sam really needs stitches is also the first time Dad can't do the stitches himself. Sam doesn't care that he's sixteen and supposed to be tough. He really, really doesn't.

Written for the Hurt/Comfort Comment Fic Read more... )

oneshot, did i just hurt sammy?, commentfic, preseries, john, hurt/comfort, dean, supernatural, sam, teen!chesters

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Comments 44

cassiopeia7 August 2 2012, 20:51:23 UTC
Oh, Sammy . . . *cringes*

Winchester genes must hail from Krypton. How did they even SURVIVE stuff like this?

Dean put his arms around him and hugged him to his chest, so his left arm was pinned between them and he talked into Sam’s ear while Dad did his stitches and damnit, Sam wants that now.

I love this passage SO much. It's not that Sam doesn't want Dean to stitch him up, it's that he wants John to do the hurty part so Sam can be comforted by Dean. &hearts

I still hate to see the boys get hurt, but oh my gosh, you write it so WELL.


purple_carpets August 3 2012, 14:56:57 UTC
Heh, they survive because deathfic is stupid. Oooh! No! There was this awesome X-Men crossover fic where it turned out that Sammy was a mutant and he'd been healing them all along without realizing!

And to be fair to Sam, I'd much rather be comforted by Dean too. ;)


jane_potter August 19 2012, 23:11:56 UTC
Sorry to jump in on someone else's comment like this, but could you pretty please link to the X-Men fic? I've never heard of one like that.


purple_carpets August 20 2012, 06:54:12 UTC
Ha! Found it! Wolverines Wendigos and Winchesters. It hasn't been updated in over a year, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


irismay42 August 2 2012, 21:29:04 UTC
Ooh, ouch. And. Ouch.

Winchester group hug required right friggin' now!


purple_carpets August 3 2012, 15:02:08 UTC
Winchester group hugs are always required :)


borgmama1of5 August 2 2012, 21:50:03 UTC
Felt. Every. Minute.

Now I need a shot of whiskey!


purple_carpets August 3 2012, 15:06:49 UTC
Aw, thank you so much. *pours you a shot*


weesta August 2 2012, 22:06:45 UTC
This was so freakin' FABULOUS! I didn't get at first that Sam's need for John to do the stitches was because he really wanted Dean to be the one talking him down - when I figured that out it was PERFECT! I loved all the voices here and felt utterly wrecked for all of them.



purple_carpets August 3 2012, 15:09:31 UTC
Aw, yay, I'm so glad you liked it. This was pretty much my first time writing hurt!Sam, so I'm really happy that it worked for you :)


verucasalt123 August 2 2012, 23:11:31 UTC
What a perfect fill for this prompt. YAY for nice!John :)


purple_carpets August 3 2012, 15:12:07 UTC
He needs to be nice some times. That way it hurts even worse when he drops the ball *evil laugh*


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