Fall Down On Me

Jun 24, 2012 02:07

Title: Fall Down On Me
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1800
Disclaimer: Not my boys. I didn't even really break them all that much this time.
Summary: Dean has sunstroke, but Sammy's being the whiny little bitch. Obviously.

Written for the Summer Fun Meme on, spn_bigpretzel which yes, this is a genuinely happy sort of hurt!Dean. Sorry for all the swearing. I'm drunk ( Read more... )

oneshot, did i just hurt sammy?, commentfic, preseries, john, hurt/comfort, dean, supernatural, sort of almost fluff, hurting dean is like crack to me, sam, teen!chesters

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Comments 51

mamapranayama June 24 2012, 00:32:01 UTC
Hahahaha -- poor Dean -- he would burn so much worse than Sam, wouldn't he?
And passing out because all of the blood in his brain is rushing to other unmentionable parts --
"Is there anything worse than dying of porn?" I snorted so loud at this line ...I love this! :)


purple_carpets June 24 2012, 23:11:39 UTC
He would! All that pale skin and the freckles and...really, he should be glad there isn't any urgend monster crisis down in Florida or something.

I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for the awesome prompt! :)


saberivojo June 24 2012, 00:59:58 UTC
I love this! Love the boys fighting and Dad standing with a little towel intimidating from sheer presence alone (plus the thought of JDub in a towel. Mmmmm.) Then to almost die of PORN! Ha! Great job hon!


purple_carpets June 24 2012, 23:13:02 UTC
Yay, thanks for the awesome comment. I don't know why I love it so much when they fight xD


saberivojo June 24 2012, 23:36:54 UTC
I love the boys fighting. Always. It's one of my favorite things to read about and I love writing it too.


(The comment has been removed)

purple_carpets June 24 2012, 23:13:57 UTC
I'm an only child, but something about writing sibling fights gives me this giddy kind of joy :P


mandraco June 24 2012, 03:35:57 UTC
Yay, slice of life. And John in a towel. Reading this made me feel sunburnt, which is quite the achievement since I haven't been in years and it's winter.


purple_carpets June 24 2012, 23:15:30 UTC
Aw, I feel so bad for the other side of the globe right now. SUMMER! I don't even care about the occasional sunburn xD


mandraco June 25 2012, 03:33:20 UTC
Sunburns aren't so bad. It's the melanoma that gets you. =)

I'm mostly bummed that we basically didn't get a summer. It just rained a lot without getting really hot first.


lolaann1 June 24 2012, 05:14:21 UTC
Fun stuff ... well, for us not Dean ;)

Kid looks miserable, but then again, he usually does when he’s not busy looking pissed.

Lol. That really made me laugh.


purple_carpets June 24 2012, 23:16:44 UTC
lol, it's no fun when Dean isn't at least a tiny bit miserable :P


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