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Comments 22

debbiel66 January 8 2012, 15:50:04 UTC
Cool!!!!! I am so happy for you! Have I read this one??? I've got to post a story, but then I'll look for it. :-)))


purple_carpets January 8 2012, 15:56:29 UTC
Well, it's a bingo, so really, it's not about the quality of one fic, as it is about being able to produce 30-odd fills in a limited amount of time, but still. *squuee*

Also? You posting fic makes me a happy fangirl. NOW I'm getting back to studying. (yeah, right...)


somer January 8 2012, 16:04:48 UTC
CONGRATULATION!!! That's awesome and deserved :) Loved your fills! And that pic with the elephant is made of win, so cute.

Good luck with your test tomorrow!


purple_carpets January 8 2012, 17:21:16 UTC
Thank you!!

I can't stop staring at the pic. It's super cute.

Heh...I'm currently ignoring my notes in favor of looking through pictures for possible icons. I got a pretty decent grasp of the subject, so with one more midnight studying session at McDonalds I should be okay ^^


a_phoenixdragon January 8 2012, 16:20:43 UTC
Awww congrats, sweetie!! *DANCES*

Alas...all my pretties are mostly slash and/or Dr. Who related, lol!!


purple_carpets January 8 2012, 17:22:40 UTC

Why, oh why can't I get into Dr Who? I feel like I would be a happier fangirl, but we just don't click. Anyway, I'm sure I'll come up with some pretties of my own ^^


a_phoenixdragon January 8 2012, 17:25:05 UTC
Ahh, tis all good, lovie! The Doctor is not for everyone *Kisses you* I know you will, love!

Congrats! And good luck on the test!



purple_carpets January 8 2012, 17:27:21 UTC
HUGS! I need a hugging icon!

See, you already helped :)


irismay42 January 8 2012, 18:06:02 UTC
Congratulations! (And the elephant pic is lovely!)


purple_carpets January 8 2012, 18:26:31 UTC
Thank you! *snuggles elephant*


biketest January 8 2012, 19:50:19 UTC
Congrats!! You definitely deserve it, you post a ridiculous amount of quality fic! ♥


purple_carpets January 8 2012, 20:00:23 UTC
Well, there's certainly no lack of quantity ;)



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