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a_phoenixdragon January 8 2012, 16:20:43 UTC
Awww congrats, sweetie!! *DANCES*

Alas...all my pretties are mostly slash and/or Dr. Who related, lol!!


purple_carpets January 8 2012, 17:22:40 UTC

Why, oh why can't I get into Dr Who? I feel like I would be a happier fangirl, but we just don't click. Anyway, I'm sure I'll come up with some pretties of my own ^^


a_phoenixdragon January 8 2012, 17:25:05 UTC
Ahh, tis all good, lovie! The Doctor is not for everyone *Kisses you* I know you will, love!

Congrats! And good luck on the test!



purple_carpets January 8 2012, 17:27:21 UTC
HUGS! I need a hugging icon!

See, you already helped :)


a_phoenixdragon January 8 2012, 17:28:23 UTC
AWESOME! I is useful after all!!



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