
Dec 19, 2011 20:33

Title: Désolé
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1300
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: Post 7x10 - Dean mixes his whiskey with the pills for his messed up leg and almost pulls a Jimi Hendrix.

Written for the Winter/Holiday themed Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme on hoodie_time. Fill for 'Asphyxiation' on my hc_bingo card, which ( Read more... )

oneshot, commentfic, angst, dean, hurt/comfort, hc_bingo, supernatural, hurting dean is like crack to me, sam

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Comments 65

irismay42 December 19 2011, 20:13:16 UTC
Ooh ouch. Sad thing is, you can actually see Dean doing something like that eventually.


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:22:40 UTC
He's probably done it already, what with the way he drinks and they keep getting beat to hell. Poor Sammy, too :(


lunasky3 December 19 2011, 20:23:33 UTC
Ouch, this one really hurt. Poor Dean :(. SAM GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. NO HUG FOR YOU

*all the hugs for Dean*

*also for you*

Now I'm going to go back on comment on everything because I think I might have missed a couple. *squish*


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:24:40 UTC
Don't be to hard on Sammy. He's dealing with his hallucifernations and at some point, I guess keeping your brother from killing himself just becomes another burden.

I feel bad for both of them.

YAY! Hugs for me!


geckoholic December 19 2011, 21:25:01 UTC
Oh man, Dean. And Sam. Aaaand... That's kinda all I got right now, BOYS.


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:24:53 UTC
I totally get what yo mean ;)


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purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:32:09 UTC
No, I know it's because of the holidays and the hiatus and what not, but there's that part of me that reads something roque posted and immediately goes but how does she get soooo many comments this time of the year, obviously I'm a terribly writer and I know it's stupid to even compare myself to her, but what am I gonna do about it?

Aaanyway. I love Sam so much in this. He isn't doing a particularly good job of taking care o Dean, but it's not like in S4, when he was being an ass for no reason, this time he's so close to breaking himself, that what he does here is probably more than he feels up to.

Heh, I hadn't even thought of ipecac. Mostly because I never even heared of the stuff before I entered fandom and I keep reading it as icepack. Sammy's fingers are all long and huge, they probably work better anyway.


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purple_carpets December 20 2011, 15:25:04 UTC
Pft, you think I don't know that? That doesn't help me when I get in one of those ridiculous moods though xD

Oh, I'm sure they could get their hands on the stuff if they wanted to. Ijust don't kniw how much of a med kit they can carry around these days with the stupid changing cars that aren't the Impala :(


zara_zee December 19 2011, 23:22:35 UTC
Ouch. You got S7 Dean just right, his reckless self-disregard, his continual self-medication. And poor Sam is barely holding on here. He's got the devil riding shotgun and it's taking all his energy just to keep his brother alive, never mind being nice about it. This interlude is all too believable at this point in the season!
Yeah, crosspost in the new year...T'is the week before Christmas and all through the...fandom...everyone is too busy to read much! :)


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:33:45 UTC
Yes, ouch. So much ouch ;)

I love everything about S7 and man, so much angst, I don't even know where to start. Sam and Dean and the depression and the halluciferinations and...and...it's all so yummy!


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