Outside Looking In

Dec 10, 2011 16:14

Title: Outside Looking In
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1400
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: Dean is staying with Lisa. Sam is still dead and Dean is barely holding it together.

I wrote this forEVER ago for nwspaprtaxis. Never quite figured out what I don't like about it, but the hc_bingo deadline is approaching and this seems ( Read more... )

oneshot, lisa, this doesn't seem to be gen, angst, dean, hurt/comfort, supernatural, hc_bingo, hurting dean is like crack to me, sort of almost fluff

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Comments 30

juppschmitz December 10 2011, 15:30:42 UTC
God, it was really kind of hard to get into pre-season 6 frame of mind right now. What with Leviathans and Bobby and all.

But this:

He doesn't tell her that running reminds him of Dad and cooking is something he did for Sammy and that he hasn't been on a bike since the summer he was four years old.

Awww.... my poor heart...!

Thanks for another lovely fic!!


purple_carpets December 11 2011, 13:45:49 UTC
Heh, I just realized I wrote this over the summer, just before S7 came out (Jesus, is it Christmas already? Where did my sun go?)

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Depressed!Dean pulls at my heartstrings like nothing else.


borgmama1of5 December 10 2011, 15:57:49 UTC
Dear god, this is bleak...believably written, you had me in tears with Dean's pain...but still...


purple_carpets December 11 2011, 13:46:04 UTC
*hugs you tight*


i_speak_tongue December 10 2011, 16:02:40 UTC
Yep. That's about right. Dean must have been SO messed up for those first few months with Lisa, and she must have been ridiculously patient. This encapsulates that with a nice, dark twist. I really enjoyed it!


purple_carpets December 11 2011, 13:47:54 UTC

I think Dean had a single line in S6 about how he drank too much and was basically suicidal and how Lisa was so good to him (something to that effect) and man, I wish we could have seen some of that. And I wish he hadn't taken the option of going back to them out of his life completely and...and...God, Dean


irismay42 December 10 2011, 18:04:35 UTC
Love that you've captured the 'Lisa could have been really good for Dean' vibe of season 6. So sad that they couldn't make it work. But no-one was ever going to be able to take Sam's place in his heart.


purple_carpets December 11 2011, 13:49:09 UTC
Oh, she could've been. By the time we meet up again after S5, he is well on his way to being okay and almost happy and...and...if only Cas hadn't fucked up the whole bit with Sam's soul, it could have even worked out. *sniffs*


geckoholic December 10 2011, 23:37:54 UTC
Oh god, and now my heart hurts. This is the kind of missing-year-fic I'll never, ever grow tired of. DEEEEAN. :(


purple_carpets December 11 2011, 13:50:11 UTC
YAY! I love missing year stuff. It's so...safe, even when there's angst piled on top of angst.


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