Outside Looking In

Dec 10, 2011 16:14

Title: Outside Looking In
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1400
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: Dean is staying with Lisa. Sam is still dead and Dean is barely holding it together.

I wrote this forEVER ago for nwspaprtaxis. Never quite figured out what I don't like about it, but the hc_bingo deadline is approaching and this seems ( Read more... )

oneshot, lisa, this doesn't seem to be gen, angst, dean, hurt/comfort, supernatural, hc_bingo, hurting dean is like crack to me, sort of almost fluff

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Comments 30

somer December 11 2011, 13:09:59 UTC
I don't know why I find all the depressed!Dean fics on the net today. Goes to find some funny more hurty!Dean fics, hehe!

Love this, I love Lisa, I love the way she cares for him. Poor Dean...


purple_carpets December 11 2011, 13:51:24 UTC
because depressed!Dean is really, really pretty. *nods*



roque_clasique December 15 2011, 00:24:52 UTC
OH, Dean/Lisa, my faaaaaaavorite. This was so good and sad.


purple_carpets December 15 2011, 09:06:46 UTC
Aw, thanks you so much. I'm not much of a shipper, but Dean/Lisa makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)


amonitrate December 15 2011, 00:59:10 UTC
I always love finding more Dean/Lisa missing year fic!


purple_carpets December 15 2011, 09:07:23 UTC
There is so much potential in that mission year. Angst and fluff and pwp and everything in between :)


unplugged32 December 15 2011, 05:35:50 UTC
Heartbreaking but great:)


purple_carpets December 15 2011, 09:07:36 UTC
Thanks so much :)


laurie_bug December 15 2011, 16:47:29 UTC
gah! i made the mistake of reading this on my break, and now i'm in the workroom cubicle, vainly attempting to muffle my whimpers and sobs.

i want to have this fic's babies. damn! why couldn't ^&%$# Show have made Dean & Lisa work? Bill Harvelle had a wife and a kid and a home. why not let DEAN?!!!!

sigh. now i have to go to the Children's room and be all smiley for the small people. wah!


purple_carpets December 15 2011, 17:40:49 UTC
*wraps you up in sound muffling blankets*

I knowww! Bill had a family, fuckin' SAMUEL had a family and yeah, sure they all died, but...they were happy before that.


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