angst bingo awards

Oct 09, 2011 13:34

angst_bingo finally posted the awards for Round 2. Look at Dean in his RPSoA. Isn't he pretty? This is exactly what I needed right now to procrastinate some more (omgomgomg I don't even have 24 hours left to finish the term paper from hell! *shoots self*)

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picspam, supernatural, pattycakes 'verse, fandom what have you done to me?, angst_bingo

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Comments 27

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purple_carpets October 9 2011, 11:55:09 UTC
Hey, how about I finish your presentation and you finish my paper? Huuh? Huh? *pokes*

Also? I looove writing Pattycakes 'verse. You're way too good at prompting stuff. I've already finished the prequel where Sam finds the gun under Dean's pillow and I've started three other fics...


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purple_carpets October 9 2011, 15:12:20 UTC
I'm very jealous. I'm almost done. Basically I just need to do the appendix, but I haaate doing appen...appendici? appendixes? Anyway, I can't stand 'em. And I'm tempted to just let it be and go out to the bar and finish up tomorrow before noon. Which is a terrible idea, I know...


a_phoenixdragon October 9 2011, 13:47:22 UTC
OMGUH!! These are GORGEOUS!!


purple_carpets October 9 2011, 15:16:42 UTC
Right? I feel so loved :)


jesseofthenorth October 9 2011, 14:02:19 UTC
Congratulations on your Angst bingo! The icons are lovely.
I know i have enjoyed the rewards of all that writing immensely :D
I am thrilled to hear there will be more Pattycakes I would love to see where you take this.


purple_carpets October 9 2011, 15:43:50 UTC
Thanks so much! The card definitely inspired some fic that I wouldn't have written all on my own.

Oh, I'm fairly sure y'all will hate where I'm planning to eventually take the 'verse, but for now it's all an awesome mix of fluffy, cute angst.


jaimeykay October 9 2011, 14:04:29 UTC
I love these! omg, the benders one *_* Why so pretty when you're bloody, Dean?

Good luck with the paper! :)


purple_carpets October 9 2011, 15:47:02 UTC
Right? The Bender's one is beyond pretty. It's actually from a production photo, but it's soooo pretty and as long as you can't see the non-lit fire iron...I think I gave the bingo mods the most specific wishes ever. Everybody else pretty much asked for Fandom X, I gave them specific pictures to use. But hey, I've you're offering to make me icons, you better come prepared :P

The paper parents are visiting and my mom just opened a bottle of whine. That's how the paper is going ^^


tifaching October 9 2011, 14:37:13 UTC
Wow, congratulations! And OMG, so jealous. Those are so pretty!


purple_carpets October 9 2011, 15:47:26 UTC
Thank you :) They're so very, very pretty.


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